2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.


For a course to be designated as “Service-Learning”, satisfying the University Engaged Learning requirement, it must meet all the following criteria.  Criteria for service-learning courses are based on research and best practices, the CAS Standards for Service-Learning (2009), and the Principles of Good Practice for Service-Learning Pedagogy (Howard, 1993).

  1. The academic course establishes the service expectation of 20+ hours of service to work in the community or in the environment, or on a community-based project connected to the content of the course.
  2. Learning objectives related to the service experiences are clearly articulated.
  3. There is a clear articulation of the community partnership or project and how it addresses community-defined priorities.
  4. The syllabus assignments and final projects synthesize classroom- and community-based learning.
  5. Activities and assignments encourage students to reflect on larger community issues, sustainability issues, social structures, and/or topics of social justice (e.g. perpetuating dependence vs. building capacity within the community).

The Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship publishes a listing of ALL approved service-learning classes each semester.  This list can be found on the Service-Learning Program website.

All courses that have been approved to satisfy the Engaged Learning University Requirement are designated with an "E" appended to their section number, e.g. ANTH 301 01E. Comprehensive listings of all approved Engaged Learning classes offered each semester can be found in LOCUS.

College of Arts and Sciences

ANTH 104The Human Ecological Footprint 13
ANTH 216Cultures of Migration3
ARTS 200Introduction to Teaching Artistry3
BIOL 395Special Topics in Biology 1,23
CATH 296All Things Ignatian: Living and Learning in the Jesuit Trad3
CJC 395Special Topics 13
CLST 281War and War Experience, Ancient and Modern3
COMP 390Broadening Participation in STEM (Computing, Math & Science)1-3
ENGL 220Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing3
ENGL 293Advanced Writing 13
ENGL 393Teaching English to Adults: Internship1-3
GERM 320German-American History: Focus on Chicago3
HMSV 201Human Services Practice3
HMSV 390Supervised Fieldwork II6
ITAL 103Italian III 13
ITAL 250Composition & Conversation I 13
MATH 123Topics1-3
MATH 147Mathematics For Teachers I3
MATH 170Service Learning in Mathematics3
PHIL 262Social & Political Philosophy - Civic Engagement3
PHIL 264Health Care Ethics - Civic Engagement3
PHIL 284Health Care Ethics 13
PHIL 287Environmental Ethics 13
PHIL 288Culture and Civilization 13
PHIL 325Ethics & Case Based Reasoning3
PLSC 335Urban Semester Seminar3
POST 395Polish Studies Capstone3
PSYC 237Cross-Cultural Psychology3
PSYC 390Internship in Psychology3
ROST 382Human Rights: View from Rome3
RUSS 290Russia and Russians in the World3
SOCL 101Society in a Global Age 13
SOCL 127Social Analysis and Social Action3
SOCL 216The Sociology of Violence 13
SOCL 258Confronting Homelessness: Local to Global3
SOCL 280Topics in Contemporary Sociology 13
SOCL 335Urban Semester Seminar3
THEO 100Christian Theology 13
THEO 266Church & Global Cultures 13
THEO 280Religion & Interdisciplinary Studies 13
THEO 348Supervised Ministry3
THTR 348Creative Dramatics3
URB 397Urban Studies Research3
WSGS 201Contemporary Issues in WSGS 13
WSGS 399WSGS Capstone3

Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.  These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.


Special areas of study outside the usual curriculum, that vary each time the course is offered.

Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, & Scholarship/Office of the Provost

EXPL 290Seminar in Community-Based Service and Leadership3
EXPL 291Introduction to Research3
EXPL 292International Service Learning3
UNIV 190Understanding Service and Social Justice3

School for Environmental Sustainability

ENVS 101The Scientific Basis of Environmental Issues 13
ENVS 267Bird Conservation and Ecology 13
ENVS 273Energy and The Environment 13
ENVS 283Environmental Sustainability 13
ENVS 284Environmental Justice3
ENVS 340Natural History of Belize 13
ENVS 345Conservation and Sustainability of Neotropical Ecosystems 13
ENVS 350ASolutions to Environmental Problems: Water3
ENVS 350CSolutions to Environmental Problems: Climate Action3
ENVS 350FSolutions to Environmental Problems: Food Systems3
ENVS 363Sustainable Business Management 13
ENVS 369Field Ornithology 13
ENVS 383Human Dimensions of Conservation 13
ENVS 384Conservation Economics 13
ENVS 390Integrative Seminar 13

Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.  These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.

Interdisciplinary Honors Program

HONR 290Literacy Center3
HONR 301Honors Capstone: Moral Responsibility3
HONR 370Fieldwork in Honors - Internship1-3

Parkinson School of Health Science and Public Health

EXCM 101Introduction to Exercise Physiology3
HSM 110Healthcare in America3
HSM 210Introduction to Global Healthcare Delivery3
HSM 220Continuum of Healthcare Services3

School of Business

INFS 399Special Topics in Information Systems 13
ISSCM 241Business Statistics 13
ENTR 311Social Entrepreneurship3
MARK 311Marketing Research 13
MARK 373Integrated Marketing Communications3
MARK 399Special Topics in Marketing 13
MGMT 335Micro-Enterprise Consulting3

Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.  These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.

School of Communication

COMM 204Community as Story3
COMM 215Ethics & Communication 13
COMM 281Communication, Language & Gender3
COMM 311Health Communication 13
COMM 320Public Service Communication3
COMM 337AD/PR Multimedia Commercial Production3
COMM 372Special Topics: Multimedia Journalism 13

Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.  These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.

School of Continuing and Professional Studies

CPST 390Organizational Theory and Practice 13
CPST 397Capstone3
HEM 100Emergency Medical Technician - Basic4

Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.  These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.

School of Education

CIEP 104Mathematics for Teachers I3
CIEP M61Secondary Methods: English3
CIEP M62Secondary Methods: Mathematics3
CIEP 390Field Study in Education 13
ELPS 125Introduction to Leadership Studies3
TLSC 110The Profession and Our Program (TLLSC) 21
TLSC 120Bringing Language, Learning & Development Theory into Practice 22
TLSC 130Sequence One: 130 Community Immersion 21

Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.  These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.


Must be taken together.

School of Nursing

CMAN 375Community Health Nursing3
CMAN 375LCommunity Health Nursing3
CMAN 380Community Health3

 School of Social Work

SOWK 200Introduction to Social Work3
SOWK 361Special Topics 13

Only specific sections satisfy the Engaged Learning requirement.  These will include the letter E in the section number. Please see LOCUS for details.