2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Statistics/Applied Statistics (BS/MS)

The BS/MS (Accelerated Bachelor's-Master's) program in Applied Statistics is a five-year program that gives academically successful Loyola undergraduates the opportunity to pursue the MS degree in Applied Statistics while completing their BS degree. The applicant can be pursuing any of the BS degrees offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. There are several advantages to enrolling in the BS/MS program.

  • The MS program requirement to take the GRE is waived for students applying to the BS/MS program. The application fee to the program is also waived.
  • Students can begin taking their Masters courses during their senior year of undergraduate study.
  • The MS program in Applied Statistics requires 30 credits of graduate courses. This generally takes one and a half years to complete. Students in the BS/MS program are permitted to “double count” up to three of their Loyola 400-level STAT courses for both their BS and MS degrees; since this depends upon whether the BS is in Data Science, Mathematics or Statistics, speak with the Director for further details. Hence BS/MS students are required to take as few as 21 credits (instead of 30 credits) of additional 400-level courses in the fifth year, and can finish the program in five years.


If you have additional questions about the program, please contact Timothy O'Brien, Graduate Program Director for Applied Statistics.