2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

School of Environmental Sustainability

Our Mission

The mission of Loyola University Chicago’s School of Environmental Sustainability (SES) is to engage students in understanding and responding to local and global environmental issues by:

  • Delivering Core environmental science courses to raise awareness and action in all LUC undergraduates,
  • Preparing SES baccalaureate and graduate students for socially responsible professions in environmental science, policy, education, business, and health, and 
  • Advancing our knowledge of environmental problems and developing solutions through original research and community outreach.

The SES strives to advance sustainability in operations across all university campuses and to:

  • Develop an environmentally conscious culture throughout the university.
  • Advance the University’s mission of seeking God in all things
  • Work to expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice, and faith
  • Provide a rich and transformative educational experience grounded in teaching and research excellence
  • Promote experiential learning, and student entrepreneurial action in the service of nature, humanity, and the planet

Our Sustainability Mission

Sustainability at Loyola is driven by our Jesuit tradition of social justice, our service to humanity, and our role as an institution of higher education. It is embodied in an  educational experience for our students and activities that seek to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to  meet their own needs.  We are committed to an inclusive process considering social, economic, and environmental impacts and exemplified in a transformative  education for our students.

Our Commitment to Racial and Social Justice

We acknowledge that the multi-century legacy of racism against people of color -- particularly against those who are Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and Asian -- pervades environmentalism, where White voices and agendas continue to dominate. Environmentalist doctrines have been – and continue to be – used to justify eugenics, genocide, and the displacement of indigenous people from their ancestral homelands. 

We affirm that social justice and ecological justice are both integral to achieving sustainability. We commit ourselves to deep reflection on the many ways that we as individuals are socialized into white supremacy and that our organizational culture, policies, and practices reflect it.  This intentional process of study will enable us to identify the changes required of IES as we move towards becoming an anti-racist, multicultural organization that advances racial, social, and environmental justice through our teaching, research, and service.