2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Digital Humanities (MA)

The Master of Arts in Digital Humanities program at Loyola University’s Center for Textual Studies and Digital Humanities (CTSDH) combines theoretical and practical courses. Its aims are ultimately practical and professional, training new digital specialists for the growing knowledge and information economy and today’s research in humanities disciplines.

Because the nature of much Digital Humanities work is constructive and project-based, students in the MA program will be given hands-on training in the workshop or seminar-based classes, such as training in text editing and markup, programming, interface design, project management, and digital archive construction. The MA program also explores theoretical, critical, social, and ethical contexts for thinking about Digital Humanities research and applications, including issues of data ethics, design justice, archive theories, public humanities, and digital preservation. The Master of Arts in Digital Humanities program was designed with partner departments including Computer Science, English, and History for students with interdisciplinary interests. We encourage students with interests at the intersection of culture and technology to consider this degree, which allows one to elect courses from the various partner departments.