2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Church Management Certificate

This Certificate emerges from reflection on the gap in skill sets among the leaders of many churches today, Catholic and Protestant. Members of church staff, comprised increasingly of laypersons with degrees in pastoral ministry, education, counseling, and theology, find themselves engaging in activities related to budgeting, project management, human resources, organizational development and change, and more. There is a need for parish leaders and pastoral ministers to have the education, training, and skills associated with these areas.

The MBA curriculum at the Quinlan School of Business includes a set of core and non-core courses. The core graduate courses at Quinlan are designed for those with no business experience. Students who already have a business degree, however, or who have taken business courses in the past (within the last 5-10 years) and possess significant business experience should be advised to skip the core courses and go directly to more specific and specialized courses in consultation with their academic advisor at IPS and the Associate Dean for Programs at the QSB.

IPS offers an education in Church Management through a concentration within the MA in Pastoral Studies and through a Graduate Certificate. Click here for information on the MA Degree and Concentration option: Pastoral Studies with a Concentration in Church Management (MA).

This Certificate can be applied toward to the requirements of an MA degree at IPS, in whole or in part depending on the requirements of the MA in question.