2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Christian Spirituality Certificate

The Graduate Certificate in Christian Spirituality provides students with a foundational and broad understanding of Christian spiritual theologies, traditions, and practices. Students develop an integrated spiritual perspective through self-reflection and engagement with modern culture and the classic and contemporary resources of the Christian tradition. They advance in their spiritual maturity and with a perspective grounded in key biblical, theological, and psychological competencies. The curriculum is flexible to accommodate each student’s experience and vocational goals. It includes a wide range of elective course options trading on the expertise of IPS faculty and existing course offerings, allows students to discern in community and with intention their vocational goals, and provides a graduate-level credential that can be rolled directly into a master’s degree program for those who decide to continue their education and formation for ministry.

The Graduate Certificate in Christian Spirituality provides a flexible course of study for

  • Persons seeking to deepen their understanding and practice of Christian spirituality
  • Those exploring a new career path in ministries that involve spiritual accompaniment
  • Ministers who want to expand their vocational horizon, expanding their knowledge and skill base to include Christian spiritual theologies, traditions, and practices
  • Volunteers or part-time professionals who seek to advance in their ministry

This Certificate can be applied toward to the requirements of an MA degree at IPS, in whole or in part depending on the requirements of the MA in question.