2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Film and Digital Media: International Programming Track/Environmental Science and Sustainability (BA/MS)

Loyola’s School of Communication, in partnership with the School of Environmental Sustainability, offers a program that enables students to earn an undergraduate and graduate degree in environmental communication in five years.

The Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's program allows SOC students to earn their undergraduate degree in their declared major, plus a master’s degree in Environmental Science and Sustainability.

Similarly, SES students can earn their undergraduate degree in their declared major, while also earning a master’s degree from the SOC in either the Digital Media and Storytelling or Global Strategic Communication graduate programs.

The two schools developed the Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's program to train environmental scientists to be better communicators, and communication professionals to better understand environmental science.

These 4+1 programs are uniquely applied and strongly interdisciplinary. They integrate basic science concepts, communication theory and practice, and socio-cultural dimensions to cultivate the interdisciplinary problem-solving and communication skills necessary for developing sustainable solutions. The goals of these programs are to:

  • Educate students across the sciences, social sciences and humanities, providing knowledge and interdisciplinary perspectives needed to effectively address complex environmental problems through grounding in solid scientific understanding of ecosystem operation.
  • Develop skills in environmental and sustainability sciences including GIS, sustainability tracking, and environmental communications as well as important professional skills, such as interdisciplinary thinking, systems thinking, research design, data collection, data analysis, research ethics, technical writing, and communication.
  • Improve communication skills by teaching students how to tell stories through enhanced speaking and presentation methods, better writing, video production, recording podcasts, developing blogs and social media.
  • Prepare students for advancement in careers in the public and private sectors, including in government agencies, consulting firms, media organizations, businesses, and not-for-profit organizations.

For more information, email:  LoyolaSOC@luc.edu