2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Classical Studies

The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Classical Studies offers students who have completed a Bachelor's degree the opportunity to achieve the fluency in reading ancient Greek and Latin required to pursue graduate study in Classics or related fields such as ancient history, archaeology, art history, philosophy, theology, or medieval studies. Coursework at the post-baccalaureate level also introduces some of the scholarship of Classical texts in which graduate study engages. Post-baccalaureate students become able to clarify their professional goals while they sharpen their technical skills and become better qualified to advance on the path they choose.

Linguistic preparation is a critical factor in students' success in the early years of their graduate programs. Committed and otherwise well-qualified students who have been able to begin serious language study only toward the end of their undergraduate careers face a competitive disadvantage. The Post-Baccalaureate Certificate is a credential with which to surmount it. No previous language experience is required, and students may choose from three tracks: Ancient Greek & Latin, Ancient Greek, or Latin.