2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Honors in Sociology or Sociology/Anthropology

Department Honors and Awards

  1. Alpha Kappa Delta
    Loyola's Sociology Department started a chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, (AKD) the International Sociology Honor Society, in 1928. Membership is open to students who are at least juniors, have an overall GPA of 3.4 and a 3.6 GPA in Sociology, and have completed five or more Sociology courses.

    Sociology students inducted into AKD must be advanced students with demonstrated excellence in both the major and the university at large. New initiates join a long line of distinguished sociology students at Loyola and around the world. Each initiate receives a lifetime membership certificate and a year's subscription to AKD's journal, Sociological Inquiry. Graduating AKD members receive AKD cords, which they wear proudly during graduation ceremonies.‌

    In early April the department will send a letter to eligible students, inviting them to join AKD. Students may accept or decline the invitation. Students who wish to join will be inducted into the society at the annual Sociology awards reception in late April. Graduating seniors receive a cord to wear with their academic apparel at the university graduation ceremony.
    2018 Seniors Receiving Cords & New Initiates
  2. Honors in Sociology or Sociology/Anthropology
    Students majoring in Sociology or Sociology/Anthropology can earn honors in the major. This option is available to students both in the College of Arts and Sciences Honors program and those who are not in that program, and may strengthen the academic background of students planning to go on to graduate or professional school.

    Honors in the major are available to students who achieve a 3.4 grade point average overall and in their major and: either
    1. write a satisfactory Honor's Thesis under the supervision of a faculty member in SOCL 365 Social Theory & Social Research or
    2. take two graduate courses in the Sociology program (as electives toward their undergraduate major) and receive a grade of B or better.
      Permission to enroll in graduate courses must be obtained from the course instructor and the Graduate Program Director.
      Interested students should complete this form and speak to the Undergraduate Program Director
  3. Ross P. Scherer Award for Outstanding Sociology Junior
    At the end of each academic year, the department recognizes an outstanding junior who has demonstrated the highest level of achievement in Sociology. The award is named for Ross P. Scherer, a former chair and longtime professor in Loyola's Department of Sociology.
  4. Wittner Award for Social Justice in Action
    At the end of each academic year, the department recognizes an outstanding senior who is engaged and committed to social justice who has demonstrated the highest level of achievement in Sociology. The award is named for Judith Wittner, a longtime professor in Loyola's Department of Sociology.