2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Data Science

Data Science

Over the last several decades there has been an explosion of data in nearly every field imaginable including business, marketing, sports, and scientific fields such as medicine, genetics, and neuroscience. As a result of this deluge of data, the demand for individuals with the skills to manage, analyze, and communicate results based on large amounts of data are as high as they have ever been.

Become a data scientist and shape the future of the world!

Data Science is a multi-disciplinary field combining techniques from mathematics, computer science, and statistics to organize, analyze, visualize, and extract useful information from data. The field developed in response to the deluge of data present in our daily lives in the 21st century, and the high demand for workers and researchers who understand all parts of the data analysis cycle from managing, storing, and cleaning data, to statistical analysis, machine learning, and big data techniques, and the ability to communicate their results effectively to others.

At Loyola University Chicago, there are many options for you for your Data Science education. At the undergraduate level students can choose to major or minor in Data Science, and at the graduate level students can pursue a Master's Degree (M.S.) in Data Science with an option between thesis track and non-thesis track. In addition, undergraduate students have the option to pursue a Bachelor's and Master's degree in five total years through the 4+1 program.

Engage in innovative graduate research

Students on the thesis track or who are funded will engage in research while in our MS in Data Science program. Graduates will engage in research with faculty and other graduate students from Data Science and across other disciplines such as applied statistics and computer science. Learn more on our Graduate Research page.