2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

English (BA/BSED)

The Department of English works closely with the School of Education to ensure that English majors who wish to teach high-school English are well prepared to do so and proceed smoothly towards both their degree in English and certification as teachers.

Regardless of the year in which they arrived at Loyola, students seeking certification must take all requirements for the Major. In addition, they must use three of their electives to take ENGL 303 Grammar: Principles & PedagogyENGL 293 Advanced Writing, and ENGL 294 Writing in/with New Media

In addition to their English major, students interested in teaching high school English must apply to the School of Education BSED in Secondary Education. Students are considered Dual-Degree Students and will earn both a BA and a BSED. Students planning to teach should see Reid Leber in the School of Education their freshman year to ensure that they fulfill all of the requirements for the degree, major and Illinois licensure.

Dr. Elissa Weeks Stogner, Senior Lecturer in Writing and Core Literature, serves as liaison with the School of Education and oversees the advising of English-Secondary Education majors as they fulfill the requirements of both their major in English and their major in Secondary Education.