2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Pastoral Leadership Minor

True to its Jesuit Catholic heritage, Loyola adheres to its promise of preparing people to lead extraordinary lives. The Pastoral Leadership minor provides students with academic opportunities through a structured curriculum that supports the university’s mission of seeking God in all things and working to expand knowledge in the service of humanity through learning, justice and faith. Students benefit from supervised leadership and service experiences that equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary for contemporary pastoral leadership.

The Pastoral Leadership minor affords a structured curriculum for students from all religious traditions to gain academic capacities commensurate with their leadership experience in Loyola’s University Ministry and in other co-curricular and community contexts. Though the program has its foundations in the Christian (Catholic) tradition, it is open to all who are interested in experiencing what pastoral ministry could mean for their future.

In particular, the minor helps students:

  • Understand the foundation of Christian theology in areas such as scripture, sacrament, ecclesiology and tradition in forming pastoral leadership.
  • Gain skills in the areas of leadership practices, social and cultural analysis, and organizational development as applied to pastoral leadership.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of one’s faith and its call to leadership.
  • Articulate a personal pastoral theology and model of pastoral leadership as it applies to a particular religious mission or identity.