2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.


Thinking Theologically

All the degree programs offered by the Department of Theology, from undergraduate core classes to advanced Ph.D. seminars are designed to provide students with resources for the analysis of religion; for investigation of the sources, historical development and contemporary practices of particular religious traditions - principally the Roman Catholic tradition, although attention is given to other Christian traditions as well as Judaism, Islam and eastern religions; and for the critical appropriation of these traditions for one's personal faith and for sympathetic appreciation of the beliefs of others.

The best of contemporary Roman Catholic thought embraces dialogue and engagement with multiple religious traditions. And, so, the Theology Department at Loyola University Chicago welcomes dialogue with the diverse Christian and non-Christian traditions.

Theological thinking seeks not only an understanding of the nature of religion. It also seeks an understanding of the relationship of the Christian tradition to a contemporary world where social, political, and economic structures are often unjust; where secular faiths arise and challenge the self-evidentness of the Christian faith; and where scientific and technological advances pose new problems for human self-understanding.

Statement of Current Department Undergraduate Learning Goals

As teacher-scholars in the fields of Theology and Religious Studies within Loyola University Chicago’s Department of Theology, we identify the following as fundamental learning goals for the undergraduate students whom we have the privilege to teach and learn. These goals express our hopes for, and our promise to, our students throughout their learning experience with us; while no single one of our courses likely achieves all of these goals (or even necessarily all of any one goal), we aim to provide a learning environment across the sum of our courses in which students may achieve all four.

  • Expand awareness and critical openness to the complex interaction of religion and human experience, the diverse ways that this experience has been expressed by individuals and communities around the world, and the theological reflection on that experience in the Christian tradition.
  • Deepen understanding and interpretation in the areas of religious studies and Christian theology using the fields’ best methods and the best interdisciplinary resources within the university.
  • Sharpen evaluative skills regarding the cognitive, ethical, and aesthetic impact of religions on human life and the natural world.
  • Encourage action utilizing theological and religious studies backgrounds for the betterment of human society and the natural world.

Contact Us

Interested in one of these Majors or Minors? Contact Dr. Lauren O'Connell (loconnell1@luc.edu), the Theology Department's Undergraduate Program Director, or Randall Newman (rnewman2@luc.edu), Program Coordinator.