2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

CM/MH/AD Nursing (CMAN)

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CMAN 272  Mental Health Patterns  (3 Credit Hours)  
Co-requisites: CMAN 272L  
This course is designed to prepare students in assisting persons (individuals, families, communities) to achieve and maintain optimal mental health.
The student will be able to use critical thinking to apply knowledge from nursing and other disciplines in the care of persons with mental health disorders


The student will be able to use critical thinking to apply knowledge from nursing and other disciplines in the care of persons with mental health disorders
CMAN 272L  Mental Health Patterns: Lab  (3 Credit Hours)  
Co-requisites: Must also enroll in CMAN 272  
This course is designed to prepare students in assisting persons (individuals, families, communities) to achieve and maintain optimal mental health.
The student will be able to use critical thinking to apply knowledge from nursing and other disciplines in the care of persons with mental health disorders


The student will be able to use critical thinking to apply knowledge from nursing and other disciplines in the care of persons with mental health disorders
CMAN 375  Community Health Nursing  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: NURS-BSN R & GNRS students  
This course integrates nursing and public health concepts to provide a theoretical base for the care of families, aggregates, communities, and populations.
Course equivalencies: CMAN380/CMAN380A/CMAN375  
CMAN 375L  Community Health Nursing  (3 Credit Hours)  
This clinical course provides the student with an opportunity to apply nursing and public health concepts to families, aggregates, communities, and populations. Opportunities to apply epidemiology and risk assessment strategies in a community assessment are provided. The role of the community health nurse as educator is addressed.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: CMAN375L/CMAN380C/CMAN380L  
Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1) Apply nursing and public health concepts to community assessment utilizing databases and community engagement; 2) Evaluate the provision of health education and/or health information in the community


Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1) Apply nursing and public health concepts to community assessment utilizing databases and community engagement; 2) Evaluate the provision of health education and/or health information in the community
CMAN 380  Community Health  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Must have taken and passed MSN 277, MSN 277L, GNUR 294, and GNUR 290 with a C- or better; Must also enroll in CMAN 380L  
Nursing and public health concepts provide theoretical basis for care of families, aggregates, and communities outside institutional settings. Role of community health nurses in caring for specific aggregates is described. Clinical experiences are provided for application of concepts and implementation of nursing interventions in a variety of community settings.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: CMAN380/CMAN380A/CMAN375  
CMAN 380L  Community Health: Lab  (3 Credit Hours)  
Must also enroll in CMAN 380.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: CMAN375L/CMAN380C/CMAN380L  
CMAN 403  Health Care Delivery and Organization  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides a foundation for understanding the contribution of formal US healthcare services to the nation's health. Content includes how the healthcare system is structured, how care is organized, delivered, financed and regulated. Major challenges that impact healthcare cost, quality and access are examined with underpinnings of social justice and impact on communities served. Emphasis is placed on quality, patient safety and information technology as center pieces of the modern health care environment.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1) Distinguish the roles, functions and responsibilities of healthcare system components (ie, delivery, financing and regulation); 2) Analyze the interaction of social; political and economic forces shaping healthcare delivery and their impact on cost, quality and access; 3) Compare the organization of multiple healthcare delivery structures to the effectiveness of meeting population health needs; 4) Analyze factors influencing trends in healthcare quality and patient safety


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1) Distinguish the roles, functions and responsibilities of healthcare system components (ie, delivery, financing and regulation); 2) Analyze the interaction of social; political and economic forces shaping healthcare delivery and their impact on cost, quality and access; 3) Compare the organization of multiple healthcare delivery structures to the effectiveness of meeting population health needs; 4) Analyze factors influencing trends in healthcare quality and patient safety
CMAN 407  Population Health Informatics  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course focuses on informatics in health care, with an emphasis on information systems and the use of information technology (IT) applications to support population health. Basic epidemiologic concepts of health are addressed. The key concepts of feasibility, usability and adaptability are addressed. This course includes evaluation of IT applications for healthcare administration, clinical practice, research, and education.
1) Apply principles of health care informatics for population health; 2) Apply basic concepts of epidemiology for population health; 3) Analyze the role of population health informatics in understanding data, information, & knowledge; 4) Apply population health informatics in surveillance, interoperability and big data contexts; 5) Evaluate quality in electronic health records, mobile applications, and personal health records; 6) Identify the economic value and potential for sustainability in population health technologies


1) Apply principles of health care informatics for population health; 2) Apply basic concepts of epidemiology for population health; 3) Analyze the role of population health informatics in understanding data, information, & knowledge; 4) Apply population health informatics in surveillance, interoperability and big data contexts; 5) Evaluate quality in electronic health records, mobile applications, and personal health records; 6) Identify the economic value and potential for sustainability in population health technologies
CMAN 410  Epidemiology  (1 Credit Hour)  
The course covers the basic principles of epidemiology including descriptive epidemiology, causation, basic epidemiologic designs and interpretation.
CMAN 417  Nursing and Health Care Administration Practicum  (1-6 Credit Hours)  
The practicum course guides the student in a synthesis of content from nursing and related sciences and the application of this knowledge to the role of the nurse in leadership and management experiences. Emphasis will be placed on the student's clinical engagement in management initiatives requiring critical assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation activities using theoretical models and management tools. Students in the practicum experience are expected to progress throughout the clinical practicum from requiring assistance to becoming primarily independent.
1) Apply knowledge of selected concepts, models, and theories from nursing and management sciences to achieve high quality nursing care and effective healthcare team coordination in a variety of settings; 2) Apply knowledge of healthcare policy, finance and regulatory environments to identify clinical questions, implement safety initiatives, and monitor patient outcomes; 3) Incorporate effective communication techniques to deliver evidence-based, patient-centered care; 4) Analyze and evaluate healthcare organization structure, mission, and philosophy as they relate to the standards of care, staffing and performance, development and marketing of programs and projects; 5) Evaluate the use of information technology to improve patient care outcomes and create a safe care environment; 6) Apply legal, ethical principles to the nursing role of leadership and management


1) Apply knowledge of selected concepts, models, and theories from nursing and management sciences to achieve high quality nursing care and effective healthcare team coordination in a variety of settings; 2) Apply knowledge of healthcare policy, finance and regulatory environments to identify clinical questions, implement safety initiatives, and monitor patient outcomes; 3) Incorporate effective communication techniques to deliver evidence-based, patient-centered care; 4) Analyze and evaluate healthcare organization structure, mission, and philosophy as they relate to the standards of care, staffing and performance, development and marketing of programs and projects; 5) Evaluate the use of information technology to improve patient care outcomes and create a safe care environment; 6) Apply legal, ethical principles to the nursing role of leadership and management
CMAN 425  Advanced Quality and Safety in Health Care  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course focuses on managing the continuum between safety and quality and the strategic importance of these concepts to healthcare organizations and clients. Trends in patient safety and healthcare quality, practices in different healthcare environments, and practices related to improving safety and quality will be examined. The course is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills in systems thinking and in preventing, learning from and resolving error and addressing adverse events. Interprofessional teamwork, the use of information technology and data are emphasized in promoting safer healthcare and improved outcomes.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Explain the forces driving the focus on safety and quality in health care; 2) Evaluate strategies for improving safety and quality in health care; 3) Explain the influence of systems (environmental, organizational, provider, technological and task) on healthcare outcomes; 4) Analyze the role of various systems and factors in creating safe environments of care; 5) Explain the impact of just culture thinking on safety and quality improvement in health care; 6) Develop a plan for improvement of a safety and/or quality issue


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Explain the forces driving the focus on safety and quality in health care; 2) Evaluate strategies for improving safety and quality in health care; 3) Explain the influence of systems (environmental, organizational, provider, technological and task) on healthcare outcomes; 4) Analyze the role of various systems and factors in creating safe environments of care; 5) Explain the impact of just culture thinking on safety and quality improvement in health care; 6) Develop a plan for improvement of a safety and/or quality issue
CMAN 430  Leadership and Administration in Health Care  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course focuses on the integration of core knowledge in leadership, administration, human resources and communication in health care organizations. Special emphasis is placed on leadership styles, the roles of the leader, human resources management and communication. The course is designed to provide the student with knowledge to practice the leadership skills necessary to positively impact healthcare systems. Selected Topics May Include: Leadership theory and style and professional practice a) leader competencies b) Influencing behaviors c) Relationship management d) Culture e) Nimble flexibility f) Professional accountability g) Motivation for high performance h) Strategic leadership and tactical leadership (Administration vs management) Human resource management a) Communication b) Difficult conversations c) Conflict resolution d) Coaching e) Performance evaluation f) Onboarding Power politics a) Development and management of partnerships/relationships/networks b) Strategic negotiation c) Power.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Relate essential nurse leadership competencies for effective management in healthcare organizations; 2) Evaluate the impact of leadership styles on organizational culture and effectiveness; 3) Generate strategies to optimize human resource performance in healthcare settings; 4) Identify strategies to address interpersonal and intraorganizational conflict


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Relate essential nurse leadership competencies for effective management in healthcare organizations; 2) Evaluate the impact of leadership styles on organizational culture and effectiveness; 3) Generate strategies to optimize human resource performance in healthcare settings; 4) Identify strategies to address interpersonal and intraorganizational conflict
CMAN 436  Advanced Practice Concepts in Community Health  (2 Credit Hours)  
This course provides a framework for advanced practice in a variety of specialty areas through analysis of essential concepts and methodologies.
CMAN 445  Health Care Outcomes  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course focuses on the theory and methods to measure and evaluate healthcare outcomes. Concepts of population health will guide the comparison and analysis of health outcomes and measures. Current political, legal, regulatory, and ethical issues will be explored as these relate to health outcomes. Interprofessional teamwork, the use of information technology and data are emphasized in promoting safer healthcare and improved outcomes.
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1) Analyze the political, legal, regulatory, and ethical influences in the development and current status of outcomes management; 2) Apply methods and processes for improving outcomes; 3) Utilize data-driven decision making for health outcomes; 4) Develop leadership and interprofessional competence in analyzing healthcare outcomes; 5) Generate data-driven change strategies to improve health outcomes


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1) Analyze the political, legal, regulatory, and ethical influences in the development and current status of outcomes management; 2) Apply methods and processes for improving outcomes; 3) Utilize data-driven decision making for health outcomes; 4) Develop leadership and interprofessional competence in analyzing healthcare outcomes; 5) Generate data-driven change strategies to improve health outcomes
CMAN 448  Program Planning and Marketing in Health Care  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course presents an integrated approach to strategic planning, program planning, and marketing in nursing and health care organizations. Key models, elements and processes associated with strategic planning are presented with an emphasis on the leadership role in leveraging information, environmental scanning, and competitive analysis. Theories, models, tools, and processes for program planning, implementation, and evaluation and the marketing of nursing and healthcare services are addressed. The integration of strategic planning, program planning, and marketing with the mission, goals, and objectives of organizations and services is emphasized. 6. Relate the strategic planning, program planning, and marketing processes to nursing leadership competencies.
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Analyze models and theories of strategic planning, program planning, and marketing; 2) Explain the relation between organization mission, goals, and objectives and the strategic planning, program planning, and marketing processes; 3) Apply tools of strategic planning to an organization; 4) Create a comprehensive plan focused on the needs, design, implementation and evaluation of a program that derives from an organizational strategic plan; 5) Evaluate marketing strategies


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 1) Analyze models and theories of strategic planning, program planning, and marketing; 2) Explain the relation between organization mission, goals, and objectives and the strategic planning, program planning, and marketing processes; 3) Apply tools of strategic planning to an organization; 4) Create a comprehensive plan focused on the needs, design, implementation and evaluation of a program that derives from an organizational strategic plan; 5) Evaluate marketing strategies
CMAN 460  Health Care Policy  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is designed to introduce key policy issues and processes in public policy development. The impact of health care policy on management and health system improvement is discussed. The student is provided with advanced policy knowledge, frameworks, and skills required to assume a leadership role in health care. Emphasis is placed on using evidence to develop an understanding of the effect of health care policy on practice.
1) Identify key policy issues in contemporary health systems; 2) Analyze the effect of health policy on practice; 3) Analyze strategies for health system improvement through public policy; 4) Advocate for policy adoption to a health care decision maker; 5) Identify the effects of government regulation on education and practice


1) Identify key policy issues in contemporary health systems; 2) Analyze the effect of health policy on practice; 3) Analyze strategies for health system improvement through public policy; 4) Advocate for policy adoption to a health care decision maker; 5) Identify the effects of government regulation on education and practice
CMAN 533  Fiscal Management in Health Care Organizations  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course prepares the graduate student to develop a framework for understanding key issues in financial management in health care from two perspectives. First, the course explores the relationship between the national economic environment and the financial context for current models of health care delivery. Second the course introduces a variety of fiscal concepts and techniques as applied to nursing and healthcare administration. Emphasis is placed on the way cost data influences operational decision making in healthcare administrative practice.
Course equivalencies: X-IPS 658/CMAN 533/BEHL 506  
Upon successful completion of the course, the student will: 1) Analyze the impact of political, social and economic factors on the cost of patient care delivery; 2) Examine cost behavior concepts as they relate to nursing and other health care models in healthcare organizations; 3) Apply cost accounting techniques in health care; 4) Analyze ethical and legal issues surrounding fiscal management


Upon successful completion of the course, the student will: 1) Analyze the impact of political, social and economic factors on the cost of patient care delivery; 2) Examine cost behavior concepts as they relate to nursing and other health care models in healthcare organizations; 3) Apply cost accounting techniques in health care; 4) Analyze ethical and legal issues surrounding fiscal management
CMAN 569  Comparative Effective Research in Healthcare  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: GNUR 450 or equivalent required; CMAN 439 and 440 recommended  
Comparative effective research (CER) is a central tenet of health care reform. This course offers an overview of policy implications and rationale for CER and explores different approaches of developing, analyzing and communicating CER. Research comparing the clinical and economic merits of different treatments, devices and procedures will be explored.
Apply political, social and ethical perspectives to uses of CER, Demonstrate effective retrieval of CER reviews from public sources, Demonstrate knowledge of major CER methods and tools, Evaluate quality of evidence from CER reports, Assess treatment options in defined patient population


Apply political, social and ethical perspectives to uses of CER, Demonstrate effective retrieval of CER reviews from public sources, Demonstrate knowledge of major CER methods and tools, Evaluate quality of evidence from CER reports, Assess treatment options in defined patient population