2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Communication (COMM)

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COMM 100  SOC Career Prep Seminar  (1 Credit Hour)  
This is a professional development course to help students expand their knowledge of communication fields and to begin career preparation for those fields.
Develop and polish professional communication tools (resume, cover letters, LinkedIn, etc); prepare for professional interactions (interviews, etc); and make connections within the SOC and beyond


Develop and polish professional communication tools (resume, cover letters, LinkedIn, etc); prepare for professional interactions (interviews, etc); and make connections within the SOC and beyond
COMM 101  Public Speaking & Critical Thinking  (3 Credit Hours)  
This introductory course is designed to supply students with the skills of public address, a fundamental understanding of critical thinking practices, foundational tenets of communication theory, a grasp of the relationship between context and communication, and a sense of the social responsibility that comes with the capacity for communication. Students can take one course from COMM 101 and 103, but not both.
Interdisciplinary Option: Forensic Science  
Course equivalencies: ACCOM 101/103 COMM 101/103  
Students gain skills in public speaking and an understanding of critical thinking


Students gain skills in public speaking and an understanding of critical thinking
COMM 103  Business & Professional Speaking  (3 Credit Hours)  
This class examines the theory and practice of audience analysis, message design, and oral presentation for professional speakers, with an emphasis on communication in organizational settings.
Course equivalencies: ACCOM 101/103 COMM 101/103  
Students will demonstrate presentation skills in simulated organizational settings


Students will demonstrate presentation skills in simulated organizational settings
COMM 130  Intro to Audio Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
This class offers a study of basic audio production methods across new media platforms. Topics include acoustics, recording methods, digital editing, and sound as an industry and art form.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM130/ICVM238/IFMS238  
Students will produce creative projects using the skills they have learned


Students will produce creative projects using the skills they have learned
COMM 135  Intro to Video Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is a hands-on introduction to video field production. By designing and executing a series of short, creative production projects of varied forms, students explore how video techniques are used to structure meaning in media messages.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM135/ICVM235IFMS235  
Student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of basic video production skills, such as preproduction planning, lighting, filming and editing, by producing several video texts


Student will be able to demonstrate an understanding of basic video production skills, such as preproduction planning, lighting, filming and editing, by producing several video texts
COMM 140  Intercollegiate Debate  (1 Credit Hour)  
This course offers students active participation in Loyola Debating Society. A maximum of six hours in intercollegiate debate credit allowed.
Students will gain experience in debate


Students will gain experience in debate
COMM 145  Video for Journalists  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: MJRN majors and minors may enroll, as well as EVCM minors  
Entry-level course that will serve as an introduction to basic video/audio journalism. The goal of the course is for the student to develop the ability to capture great video images and audio, and to be able to edit those two elements together to tell a non-fiction video story. For MJRN majors and minors only An understanding of how to operate a video camera; how to capture/edit video; how to tell a journalistic story with video, and the differences between journalistic videos and fictional videos.
Course equivalencies: X-COMM135/ICVM235IFMS235  
An understanding of how to operate a video camera; how to capture/edit video; how to tell a journalistic story with video, and the differences between journalistic videos and fictional videos


An understanding of how to operate a video camera; how to capture/edit video; how to tell a journalistic story with video, and the differences between journalistic videos and fictional videos
COMM 175  Introduction to Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course gives a general historical and theoretical overview of communication. By looking at communication through a critical, historical and theoretical lens, students will acquire an intellectual framework for further study and practice in communication.
Course equivalencies: COMM 175 /COMM 160 /ACCOM 201  
Students will increase communication literacy


Students will increase communication literacy
COMM 200  Digital Communication and Society  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores the ways technology affects personal, cultural and mass communication through examining the historical, societal and ethical implications of newer and interactive forms of media.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: COMM200 / IFMS200 / ACCOM 205  
Students use audio, video and digital tools to research and produce essays, projects and presentations that analyze the impact of technology on communication


Students use audio, video and digital tools to research and produce essays, projects and presentations that analyze the impact of technology on communication
COMM 201  Media Theory and Criticism  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is an introduction to the study of traditional mass media and new media from a critical and interpretive perspective. Students taking the course should be able to understand and apply textual analysis methods to specific media texts, such as films, TV shows or videogames.
Course equivalencies: X-IFMS201/COMM201  
This course reviews semiotics and other methods of textual analysis of media


This course reviews semiotics and other methods of textual analysis of media
COMM 202  Story for Film and Television  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 274  
An introduction to visual writing, story structure and character development for film and TV. Through in-class exercises, analysis of scripts, and assignments focused on storytelling fundamentals, students will learn what makes a compelling concept, where great ideas come from, and effective ways to build a narrative for the screen.
Story will: write pitches, synopses, loglines and titles for the screen; create original characters; learn 3-act storytelling structure; develop original story treatments, outlines and pitches for film, TV or webseries


Story will: write pitches, synopses, loglines and titles for the screen; create original characters; learn 3-act storytelling structure; develop original story treatments, outlines and pitches for film, TV or webseries
COMM 203  Topics in Cinema History  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course examines the aesthetic, social, technical, and theoretical evolution of cinema offered as specific topics that include, but are not limited to: war and revolution, social history and cinema, the role of women, Indian cinema, musicals, technology and style, and the realistic impulse.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM203/ICVM260IFMS260  
Students are offered a variety of topics, broadening their view of the film industry


Students are offered a variety of topics, broadening their view of the film industry
COMM 204  Community as Story  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course uses children's literature as a means of understanding urban community and individual identities within that community. Students will though, community service, interaction with local experts and ethnographic research, explore communities surrounding Loyola's lake shore campus and create their own children's picture books in collaboration with experienced student artists.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
COMM 205  Reporting Basics I: Writing and Interviewing  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: UCWR 110  
This course examines current issues in U.S. journalism with strong emphasis on developing skills in news reporting, interviewing, and writing.
News Judgment; Writing Concisely and Clearly; Writing on Deadline; AP Style; Interviewing Techniques; Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation; Ethics & Legal Issues; Basic Research Methods


News Judgment; Writing Concisely and Clearly; Writing on Deadline; AP Style; Interviewing Techniques; Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation; Ethics & Legal Issues; Basic Research Methods
COMM 206  Hip Hop Culture and Social Change  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or 201  
Grounded in Black studies, communication studies, critical cultural studies, political advocacy, popular culture, and the growing field of hip hop studies, we will investigate hip hop's evolving relationship with social change in the U.S. and beyond. Particular attention will be paid to Chicago's hip hop scene and its community building.
1) Gaining a basic understanding of the subject; 2) Developing knowledge and understanding of diverse perspectives, global awareness, or other cultures; 3) Gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/cultural activity (music, etc)


1) Gaining a basic understanding of the subject; 2) Developing knowledge and understanding of diverse perspectives, global awareness, or other cultures; 3) Gaining a broader understanding and appreciation of intellectual/cultural activity (music, etc)
COMM 207  Photojournalism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Photojournalism introduces students to the art of photographic storytelling.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM207/IFMS207  
Students learn to distinguish journalistic photography from self-expressive photography through editing, critique and digital manipulation, and also understand the ethics of photojournalism through graphic concepts and page design


Students learn to distinguish journalistic photography from self-expressive photography through editing, critique and digital manipulation, and also understand the ethics of photojournalism through graphic concepts and page design
COMM 208  Reporting Basics II: Technology for Journalists  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course teaches 21st century journalism skills and how to use the equipment and software to report and edit across platforms, including radio, television and the Internet. Instruction will include how to use audio and video recording equipment, basic Web design, use of audio and video editing software, blogging and social media programs.
News Judgment; Writing Concisely and Clearly; Writing on Deadline: AP Style; Interviewing Techniques; Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation; Ethics & Legal Issues; Basic Research Methods


News Judgment; Writing Concisely and Clearly; Writing on Deadline: AP Style; Interviewing Techniques; Grammar, Spelling & Punctuation; Ethics & Legal Issues; Basic Research Methods
COMM 210  Principles of Public Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; PCOM and EVCM minors may enroll without pre-requisite  
This course introduces the theory and practice of public relations in communicating and establishing relationships with diverse publics. Topics include professional roles and ethical responsibilities, strategies and tools, media resources, and public relations writing.
Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the roles and practices of the public relations professional, develop PR plans, and create a portfolio or writing samples


Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the roles and practices of the public relations professional, develop PR plans, and create a portfolio or writing samples
COMM 211  Principles of Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; PCOM and EVCM minors may enroll without prerequisite  
This course provides an overview of the theory and hands-on practice of advertising including planning, strategy, creative development, and media planning. Elements of direct response, promotion, internet, and public relations are also presented.
Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of advertising and practice creative and decision-making skills in developing an advertising campaign


Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the principles of advertising and practice creative and decision-making skills in developing an advertising campaign
COMM 212  International Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will build an understanding of the cultural, language, social, national and business factors that drive international markets. A key outcome is to broaden student perspectives on how organizations communicate with Italian and other European audiences.
Interdisciplinary Option: Global Studies  
COMM 213  Digital Foundations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or 201; EVCM minors are waived from pre-requisite  
Students will be introduced to digital media tools, including online content creation, SEO, website management, email marketing, social media engagement, digital advertising, analytics and emerging technologies that are used to create and build integrated digital campaigns for advertising and public relations.
Ability to demonstrate elementary knowledge of digital communication tools; Practical understanding and capabilities for creating content across a wide range of media platforms; Knowledge of digital media platform technical requirements


Ability to demonstrate elementary knowledge of digital communication tools; Practical understanding and capabilities for creating content across a wide range of media platforms; Knowledge of digital media platform technical requirements
COMM 214  Introduction to Creative Concepts  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211  
This course introduces students to the creative process and idea generating techniques. Students explore what constitutes strong advertising concepts through exposure to award-winning ads and work in teams to create ads for assigned products.
The emphasis is on conceptual development with students expected to express their ideas in rough rather than tightly finished layouts; The course focuses on print advertising but also provides opportunities to work across various other media


The emphasis is on conceptual development with students expected to express their ideas in rough rather than tightly finished layouts; The course focuses on print advertising but also provides opportunities to work across various other media
COMM 215  Ethics & Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175  
COMM 215 does not meet Core Ethics. This course explores various approaches to ethical decision-making and applies that process to diverse aspects of every day, contemporary life.
Students learn to discern a wide variety of ethical issues concerning communication behavior, apply systematic ethical analysis to various communication situations, and clearly explain their analyses


Students learn to discern a wide variety of ethical issues concerning communication behavior, apply systematic ethical analysis to various communication situations, and clearly explain their analyses
COMM 220  Introduction to Rhetoric  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course introduces theories of rhetoric, emphasizing the relevance of classical disputes for understanding current controversies over the nature and function of discourse. A central theme is the tension between rhetoric's promise for constructing a rich and meaningful civic life and the dangers of its descent into demagoguery and irrationality.
Course equivalencies: ACENG 220 / COMM 220  
Students will work through theoretical issues, by examining speeches, films, and other rhetorical artifacts


Students will work through theoretical issues, by examining speeches, films, and other rhetorical artifacts
COMM 227  Social Justice & Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; EVCM minors are waived from the pre-requisite  
This course examines the implications of communication processes and practices for democracy and social justice.
Interdisciplinary Option: Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM227/PAX 227  
Students will be able to articulate and defend their conception of the role of communication in achieving a just society and demonstrate an understanding of how existing communication institutions, laws, and norms impede or assist movement towards that goal


Students will be able to articulate and defend their conception of the role of communication in achieving a just society and demonstrate an understanding of how existing communication institutions, laws, and norms impede or assist movement towards that goal
COMM 230  Argumentation & Advocacy  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; PCOM minors may enroll without pre-requisite  
This course is an introduction to analyzing and critiquing arguments, and inventing extended arguments to advocate positions.
Students will be able to analyze and critique both individual arguments and extended cases; demonstrate understanding of the relationship of argumentation to audience and context; and invent arguments and develop cases for advocacy


Students will be able to analyze and critique both individual arguments and extended cases; demonstrate understanding of the relationship of argumentation to audience and context; and invent arguments and develop cases for advocacy
COMM 231  Conflict Management and Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; PCOM minors may enroll without pre-requisite  
This course explores the role of communication in conflict resolution. Special attention is paid to mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.
Interdisciplinary Option: Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM231/PAX 231  
Students will acquire methods of analyzing the nature of conflict and applying appropriate communicative strategies for managing conflict


Students will acquire methods of analyzing the nature of conflict and applying appropriate communicative strategies for managing conflict
COMM 232  Cinematography I  (3 Credit Hours)  
In this course, students will demonstrate their ability to apply aesthetic and theoretical principles and cinema production skills. Topics include pre-visualizations, preproduction planning, digital cameras system, cinematography and lighting. Students work on individual and group projects involving project development, filming and editing.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM232/ICVM232/IFMS232  
COMM 234  Interviewing for Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or COMM 201; PCOM minors may enroll without pre-requisite  
This course explores the crucial skill of interviewing necessary for many aspects of professional and daily life. Students will learn different ways of interviewing depending on communication context.
These approaches will enhance students' interviewing ethics as they gain practical experience


These approaches will enhance students' interviewing ethics as they gain practical experience
COMM 236  Persuasive Presentations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 220 or COMM 230 or COMM 268; EVCM minors are waived from pre-req  
This class focuses on the creation and delivery of persuasive messages to develop a variety of persuasive strategies and implement them in both individual and group presentations.
Students engage in situation analysis and message critique


Students engage in situation analysis and message critique
COMM 237  Small Group Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; PCOM minors may enroll without pre-requisite  
This class is an introduction to theory, research, and practice of communication that contribute to effective task-group discussion and decision making.
The development of personal leadership skills and observational/analytic skills through guided, structured group activities


The development of personal leadership skills and observational/analytic skills through guided, structured group activities
COMM 239  Moving China  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course offers a unique opportunity to film and document China as it changes virtually before our eyes.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Film & Digital Media Studies, Global Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Students will have an intimate knowledge of China and Chinese culture and the talent and skill to produce a 15-minute documentary video in digital format


Students will have an intimate knowledge of China and Chinese culture and the talent and skill to produce a 15-minute documentary video in digital format
COMM 256  Broadcast Newswriting  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course introduces basics of broadcast news and broadcast writing style. Students learn script writing and formatting, an introduction to radio and TV reporting, standard terms and basic newscast production, and an introduction to the studio. This course also provides a foundation for more advanced courses in the broadcast curriculum.
Students gain experience writing for radio and TV news, as well as basic knowledge of the broadcast news industry and contemporary issues pertinent to the field


Students gain experience writing for radio and TV news, as well as basic knowledge of the broadcast news industry and contemporary issues pertinent to the field
COMM 258  Game Studies  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines games and their complex role within contemporary culture. Games are approached as "texts" that can be "read" using a variety of theoretical lenses. Students will explore what games say about the nature of identity, community presence, learning, and communication and reflect on their own experience in a blog.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM258/IFMS258  
COMM 259  News Editing  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines problems and methods of copy editing, design and typography, and newspaper management and competition.
Students will gain experience with production skills in the print medium


Students will gain experience with production skills in the print medium
COMM 260  Environmental Journalism  (3 Credit Hours)  
The mission of environmental journalism is to raise public awareness about environmental news and issues. It is about being ethical, accurate, fair, and clear, whether reporting, investigating, or advocating for change.
Course equivalencies: X-ENVS 260/ COMM 260  
Students will be able to find, report, and present challenging stories around this topic, in print and in broadcast writing


Students will be able to find, report, and present challenging stories around this topic, in print and in broadcast writing
COMM 261  Social Media  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 200  
Starting from the foundation of traditional offline business and social communities and communication, this course will show how the real relationships of online business and social communities use content to build personal and business success at the speed and reach of the Internet.
Articulate how the Internet and social media has changed the way we produce and consume content and how social media has affected the way we work, shop, and interact online and off


Articulate how the Internet and social media has changed the way we produce and consume content and how social media has affected the way we work, shop, and interact online and off
COMM 262  Feature & Opinion Writing  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines methods of researching and writing editorials, commentaries, and features for print media.
Students will broaden their research and writing skills


Students will broaden their research and writing skills
COMM 263  Editorial Design I: Newspaper & Online  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or COMM 201  
Editorial Design I is an introduction to information processing and readership, and basic principles of layout and editing.
Students experiment with a variety of printed formats and practice copy fitting, typography, and photo-editing


Students experiment with a variety of printed formats and practice copy fitting, typography, and photo-editing
COMM 265  Sports Broadcasting  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will teach students how to report and produce broadcast stories about athletes and athletic events. Students will have access to players and coaches on the professional and collegiate levels, attending games, practices and training. Students will learn to produce stories for radio and television, as well as sound broadcast presentation skills.
Students will learn to conduct journalistic research, interviewing techniques, public speaking skills and how to produce stories for radio and television


Students will learn to conduct journalistic research, interviewing techniques, public speaking skills and how to produce stories for radio and television
COMM 266  Advertising Copywriting  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will focus on the art of copywriting for advertising, be it for TV, print, outdoor, social media and the ever changing landscape of digital media. Students will learn to craft their words to make creative advertising based on strategies and insights.
Through a series of creativity building exercises, short lectures, and readings, learners develop both an understanding of creativity and increase their own ability


Through a series of creativity building exercises, short lectures, and readings, learners develop both an understanding of creativity and increase their own ability
COMM 268  Persuasion  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will get practical experience in the analysis, criticism, and application of persuasive discourse across a wide variety of contexts. This course is designed to explore theories related to persuasion, social influence, and compliance-gaining.
COMM 269  Observing China  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is about street-level China, as it is seen and as it happens. This course is a practicum, in which students, through a mix of lectures, briefings and discussions, will delve into nature of observation and engagement with and in China.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies  
Students will have a deeper understanding of how journalists and documentarians observe and write (or film) China, and over the course of the semester will make some efforts of their own to do original journalism and essay writing


Students will have a deeper understanding of how journalists and documentarians observe and write (or film) China, and over the course of the semester will make some efforts of their own to do original journalism and essay writing
COMM 271  Media Culture and Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines contemporary U.S. American culture from a critical-theoretical standpoint while examining popular icons and social practices with particular attention to their influence on individual and collective identities.
Students will learn critical cultural theories and do projects where they reflect upon the influences of contemporary cultural texts and practices with an eye for their economic, social and political influence on individual and collective identities


Students will learn critical cultural theories and do projects where they reflect upon the influences of contemporary cultural texts and practices with an eye for their economic, social and political influence on individual and collective identities
COMM 272  Intercultural Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course introduces students to intercultural communication theory and research. Students explore how differences in ethnic, religious, economic, and geographical experiences produce social biases and engender conflict. Students are expected to explore their own cultural histories to understand how they create meaning and adopt attitudes.
Interdisciplinary Option: African Studies and the African Diaspora, Global Studies, Latin American Studies, Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM272/INTS213/PAX 218  
COMM 273  Interpersonal Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; PCOM minors may enroll without pre-requisite  
Students study speech to understand its role in human relationships. This course focuses on self-exploration of communication patterns by asking life's big questions about self and other. Students will gain competence in interpersonal communication through the development of perceptual accuracy, and clarification of values with regard to relational goals.
COMM 274  Introduction to Cinema  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is an introduction to the study of cinema as a complex medium of communication. This course will provide students with the basic terminology, observational skills and theoretical background for the study of film aesthetics, language, cultural analysis, history and the production of cinematic texts.
Knowledge Area: Artistic Knowledge and Experience  
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: COMM274/ICVM222IFMS222  
Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic approaches to film studies such as formal analysis; critical practices, and narrative studies


Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the basic approaches to film studies such as formal analysis; critical practices, and narrative studies
COMM 275  Web Design and Usability  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 200; PCOM and EVCM minors may enroll without pre-requisite; For FNVC majors/minors, pre-requisite is FNAR 383  
This course will explore the design and usability of websites from several perspectives: how they look (aesthetics), how they work (navigability and usability), and how they are made (tools and software). Lectures, demonstrations, and in-class lab time will introduce students to the creative tools and software that power contemporary web design and usability. Emphasis will be on using a variety of tools and resources to meet one's own goals, rather than achieving the level of expert in any one piece of software.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
COMM 277  Organizational Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; PCOM minors may enroll without pre-requisite  
This course is an introduction to theory and practice of organizational communication, with an emphasis on organization contexts, culture, and systems, and the role of communication in building relationships with internal and external stakeholders.
Students will be able to analyze organizational communication, and understand the impact of technology, globalization, community and diversity on organizational systems


Students will be able to analyze organizational communication, and understand the impact of technology, globalization, community and diversity on organizational systems
COMM 278  International Public Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores the growing impact of globalization on public relations. As multinationals grow and social, economic, and environmental issues become worldwide in focus, PR professionals work in increasingly interconnected world. Students will explore the growth of international public relations by comparing countries, analyzing and discussing cases, and learning best practices.
Interdisciplinary Option: Global Studies  
COMM 279  Critical Issues in Journalism  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines different approaches to understanding the role of journalism in contemporary society, emphasizing the historical development of issues that surround journalism today.
Students explore varied critical perspectives on news and news-gathering to gain a broader understanding of the role of journalism in society


Students explore varied critical perspectives on news and news-gathering to gain a broader understanding of the role of journalism in society
COMM 280  Media Technology & Society  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or 201  
Through lectures, discussions, and assignments, learn the evolutionary history of media technologies from the telegraph through film, television, and digital media, and review contemporary theories about how technology shapes society.
COMM 281  Communication, Language & Gender  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores the role of communication practices in the production, reinforcement and transformation of gendered identities. Students will learn how gender expectations within cultural contexts are created. They will also learn some of the ways that deeply-rooted assumptions limit social change and guide communication.
Interdisciplinary Option: Women & Gender Studies  
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: X-CMUN254/WOST208/WSGS208  
COMM 282  Media Law  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or COMM 201; EVCM minors are waived from pre-requisites  
This course examines cases and issues in constitutional, statutory, and regulatory law affecting print and electronic media including First Amendment rights, libel, privacy, copyright and trademarks, Freedom of Information, and telecommunication regulations.
Course equivalencies: COMM282/CMUN252  
Students will be able to understand major legal precedents affecting current media communication and recognize their impact on professional practices in print, electronic media and the Internet


Students will be able to understand major legal precedents affecting current media communication and recognize their impact on professional practices in print, electronic media and the Internet
COMM 290  Branding and Positioning  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210 or COMM 211  
Examines the theory and practice of branding, target segmentation, and how the digital space and the rapid rise of consumer-generated content have impacted brand management. The course explores each stage of the communication planning process and introduces students to the way audience research, and the competitive sets are used to develop brand positions and benefits.
COMM 296  Themes in Advertising/Public Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or 201  
Intermediate-level Advertising/Public Relations lecture course that examines specific areas of study. Topics vary each semester. This course may be repeated (with different topics) for a total of 9 hours, but only 6 may count toward the major. Students will gain access to a wide variety of topics in AD/PR.
COMM 297  Themes in Communication Studies  (3 Credit Hours)  
Intermediate-level Communication Studies lecture course that examines specific areas of study. Topics vary each semester. This course may be repeated (with different topics) for a total of 9 hours, but only 6 may count toward the major. Students will gain access to a wide variety of topics in COMM.
COMM 298  Themes in Multimedia Journalism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175  
Intermediate-level multimedia journalism lecture course that examines specific areas of study. Topics vary each semester. This course may be repeated (with different topics) for a total of 9 hours, but only 6 may count toward the major. Students will gain access to a wide variety of topics in MJRN.
COMM 299  Themes in Film and Digital Media  (3 Credit Hours)  
Beginner to Intermediate-level Film and Digital Media course that examines specific areas of study. Topics vary each semester. This course may be repeated (with different topics) for a total of 9 hours, but only 6 may count toward the major.
Students will gain access to a wide variety of topics in Film and Digital Media


Students will gain access to a wide variety of topics in Film and Digital Media
COMM 300  Persuasive Campaigns  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175  
This course analyses the structure, development, and role of communication in political and advertising campaigns, with a focus on theories of media effects, message construction, and audience analysis.
Students will use their analytic and research skills to broaden their understanding of the use and effects of communication as a means of public persuasion


Students will use their analytic and research skills to broaden their understanding of the use and effects of communication as a means of public persuasion
COMM 301  Discovering China Through Film  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will give an overview of major films produced in mainland China since 1949. Students will examine the genres of Chinese film better known in contemporary China and consider them a major source of reflection upon, and critique of, contemporary Chinese society and culture.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Film & Digital Media Studies, Global Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: CMUN301/ASIA/INTS/AIFMS302  
All films chosen for the course will help inform students' understanding of modern China in terms of its material conditions and ideology


All films chosen for the course will help inform students' understanding of modern China in terms of its material conditions and ideology
COMM 303  Media, Politics, & Propaganda  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or 201, and COMM 200  
This course will enable students to understand the relationship between media and politics as well as be able to identify strategies used in propaganda, disinformation and misinformation campaigns, and the impact of technology on its history and evolution.
Interdisciplinary Option: Global Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-CMUN330/INTS331/PAX 331  
Students will be able to articulate the media's impact on the circulation of propaganda as well as be able to identify disinformation/misinformation and understand its significance in the political process


Students will be able to articulate the media's impact on the circulation of propaganda as well as be able to identify disinformation/misinformation and understand its significance in the political process
COMM 304  Rhetorics of Utopia & Revolution  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: UCWR 110  
This reading-intensive course will examine rhetorics of utopia, revolution, and strategies of change. Students will read a variety of texts from activists, scholars, and revolutionary thinkers to understand the ways (historically and presently) that utopias and revolutions are imagined and created through communication, media texts, and discourse.
Interdisciplinary Option: Global & International Studies, Peace Studies, Global & International Studies, Peace Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM304/PLSC/PAX336/INTS310  
By the end of this course, students will have a better understanding of utopia and revolution, how ideology operates and solidifies via discourse, and ways to enact social change


By the end of this course, students will have a better understanding of utopia and revolution, how ideology operates and solidifies via discourse, and ways to enact social change
COMM 305  Animation  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135; For FNVC majors/minors, FNAR 233 is the required pre-requisite in lieu of COMM 135  
This course will focus on animation with specific emphasis on the creation, refinement, and publishing of a visual story. Students will learn 2D and 3D techniques, cameras, CGI and other software and equipment to create animated works.
Course equivalencies: COMM 305/COMM 455  
theories of visual and image-based storytelling; script writing; character development; storyboarding; creating visual stories from images; animation enhancement/manipulation; graphic design; and contemporary animation design options for visual storytelling/promotion


theories of visual and image-based storytelling; script writing; character development; storyboarding; creating visual stories from images; animation enhancement/manipulation; graphic design; and contemporary animation design options for visual storytelling/promotion
COMM 306  Environmental Advocacy  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Sophomore standing; For SES undergrads and EVCM minors, pre-req is waived  
This course explores the rhetorical means by which citizens influence the policies and practices affecting our natural and human environments. The focus is on current controversies.
Interdisciplinary Option: Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies, Urban Studies  
Course equivalencies: XCOMM306/ESP 329/PAX 329  
The course seeks to provide an understanding of the history and range of communication styles in the U.S. environmental movement and to help students develop practical skills relevant to entering into environmental debates


The course seeks to provide an understanding of the history and range of communication styles in the U.S. environmental movement and to help students develop practical skills relevant to entering into environmental debates
COMM 307  Communication & Social Movements  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; EVCM minors are waived from pre-requisites  
This course explores the communication strategies used to promote and/or resist significant socio-political change. Students will demonstrate an understanding of how communication is used in particular societal struggles to effect socio-cultural change at an individual, community, institutional or global level.
Interdisciplinary Option: Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies  
COMM 308  Screen Directing  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135 and 274  
This advanced course in screen directing is designed to further students' narrative filmmaking skills. Geared toward creating fiction films, the course focuses primarily on blocking for the camera, directing actors for the screen, and structuring dramatic scenes. Students should have a working knowledge of basic videography, nonlinear editing, shot composition and film grammar.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM308/IFMS309  
COMM 309  Designing Media for Social Change  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 220, 227, 230, 231,237, 268, 272,277, or 281; GSCM-MS or DMST-MC or ECVM-MINR students may enroll with no prerequisites  
This course examines media and social change at the intersection of theory and practice. The class will be dedicated to analyzing the way social change is catalyzed and communicated through various media platforms. Students will gain a historical and multi-media perspective on a variety of design and communication strategies tied to a range of social and cultural issues.
Grounded in theories of media power, communication networks, political advocacy, engaged scholarship, and the digital, materials in this course will explore the past, present, and future of designing media and communication practices


Grounded in theories of media power, communication networks, political advocacy, engaged scholarship, and the digital, materials in this course will explore the past, present, and future of designing media and communication practices
COMM 310  Production Design  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 274 or COMM 135 or THTR 252; Or instructor permission; MC in DMST students may enroll without pre-requisites  
Students develop an understanding for the evolution and history of production design, as it relates to film production, from its inception to the present. Students will pre-visualize and implement art direction--sets, costumes, makeup, color palettes--for student films in production. They learn pre-visualization techniques, script breakdowns and build-out processes for art direction on film sets.
Students acquire the visual language and historical precedents for production design in film and television


Students acquire the visual language and historical precedents for production design in film and television
COMM 311  Health Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 205 or COMM 210  
This course focuses on the growing field of health communication. Building on students' knowledge of public relations, advertising, communication and marketing, this class aims to help students develop an area of specialization that offers career opportunities in many settings. Through guest speakers and field trips, the class is designed to provide an overview of what health communicators do and where they work.
Course equivalencies: COMM 311/COMM 461  
Provide a foundation of knowledge about the US healthcare system and acquaint students with how communications can play a vital role in accomplishing public health objectives


Provide a foundation of knowledge about the US healthcare system and acquaint students with how communications can play a vital role in accomplishing public health objectives
COMM 312  Special Events Planning  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210  
Students will gain hands-on experience in event planning. They will learn to anticipate and execute the needs of an organization or community planning special events.
COMM 313  Corporate and Organizational Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 and COMM 210; PCOM minors may enroll without pre-requisites  
Students will learn the theory and practice of responsive and strategic organizational communication in developing corporate identity and image.
Students understanding of the theory and practice of responsive and strategic organizational communication, public relations and advertising will be enhanced


Students understanding of the theory and practice of responsive and strategic organizational communication, public relations and advertising will be enhanced
COMM 314  Public Relations Cases  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210  
The course focuses on issues, strategies, and solutions in creating and maintaining relationships with key publics including media relations, internal communications, community relations, public affairs, investor relations, and crisis communications.
Students will gain experience analyzing, formulating and applying case-specific solutions and developing an integrated campaign


Students will gain experience analyzing, formulating and applying case-specific solutions and developing an integrated campaign
COMM 315  Advanced Reporting Topics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 205, 362 , and Junior Standing and above  
This course offers in-depth attention to the challenges of writing complex stories characterized by careful research, use of sources, interviewing, and reporting and writing. Students examine writing for a "lay" audience in such areas as science and technology, finance, government, and religion. Can be repeated once with a different topic. Second completion can count as major elective in MJRN.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Students will broaden their writing and research experience


Students will broaden their writing and research experience
COMM 317  Media Planning  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211  
This course examines the advertising and marketing processes required to research, develop and implement an effective media plan for budgeting appropriate advertising time and space.
Course equivalencies: COMM 317/COMM 417  
Student teams will develop competencies in decision-making processes and tools, including research methods, objectives, strategies and tactics to construct an advertising media plan


Student teams will develop competencies in decision-making processes and tools, including research methods, objectives, strategies and tactics to construct an advertising media plan
COMM 318  Public Relations Writing  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210  
This course focuses on strategic public relations, writing for publics including print, broadcast and digital media with understanding of objectives, news values and formats.
Students develop competency writing and editing news releases, pitch letters, fact sheets, public service announcements, newsletters, and Web content to develop a portfolio of individual writing samples


Students develop competency writing and editing news releases, pitch letters, fact sheets, public service announcements, newsletters, and Web content to develop a portfolio of individual writing samples
COMM 320  Public Service Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210 and 211  
This course examines public relations strategies and applications in cause-related campaigns, public service initiatives, and community relations activities for corporate and nonprofit organizations.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Students will be able to analyze current issues and advocacy campaigns, define ethical communication and social responsibility, and develop a public service campaign for an organization


Students will be able to analyze current issues and advocacy campaigns, define ethical communication and social responsibility, and develop a public service campaign for an organization
COMM 321  Advertising Campaigns  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211  
This is an advanced advertising course in a simulated agency environment to provide practical experience in the campaign planning process.
Student teams develop competencies in creating and producing a professional advertising campaign that includes market research, development of creative and media recommendations, and an integrated marketing communication strategy


Student teams develop competencies in creating and producing a professional advertising campaign that includes market research, development of creative and media recommendations, and an integrated marketing communication strategy
COMM 322  Guerilla Media  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 200  
This course covers provocative, unexpected, and alternative methods for distributing media and gaining new audiences. It includes the history, theories and ethics behind the appropriation of "guerrilla" strategies as found in artistic, civic, commercial and political media work. SES majors and EVCM minors are waived from pre-requisites.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies  
Students gain experiences with understanding, creating and distributing media work with guerrilla strategies around environmental, journalistic and commercial themes of their choice


Students gain experiences with understanding, creating and distributing media work with guerrilla strategies around environmental, journalistic and commercial themes of their choice
COMM 323  Remixing Culture  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 200  
This course explores the remix culture as cultural exchange. While studying about remix culture and collaborative process, students will manifest projects that involve mashing up media using various web-based and mobile media creation, web-based editing, live online broadcasting and sharing and techniques of online presentation.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM323/ICVM323/IFMS323  
Students will learn about the intermixing of cultures through individual projects in which they will combine different types of media


Students will learn about the intermixing of cultures through individual projects in which they will combine different types of media
COMM 324  Film Genre  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 274  
Traces the evolution of independent filmmaking in the U.S, from the pioneering cinema of Maya Deren and John Cassavetes to seminal works of Spike Lee, Kelly Reichardt, and Barry Jenkins.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM324/ICVM324/IFMS324  
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge what constitutes a genre and the varied approaches used to analyze films within the context of genre studies


Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge what constitutes a genre and the varied approaches used to analyze films within the context of genre studies
COMM 326  Screenwriting  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 202  
This course introduces students to the process of writing for the screen. Through exercises and analysis of structure and storytelling fundamentals, students will develop a working sense of the art of crafting a screenplay, learning how to build a script, step by step, from an original and compelling idea.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM326/THTR209/IFMS209  
Extensive writing requirements cover all aspects of screenwriting, from creating a treatment and character bios to writing action and dialogue, culminating in the development of a detailed step outline and polished first act of a feature-length script (20+ pages); Students are required to bring an original movie idea to the first class


Extensive writing requirements cover all aspects of screenwriting, from creating a treatment and character bios to writing action and dialogue, culminating in the development of a detailed step outline and polished first act of a feature-length script (20+ pages); Students are required to bring an original movie idea to the first class
COMM 327  Mastering Video Reporting and Storytelling  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135 or COMM 145  
This course prepares students to report and produce video stories for broadcast and other similar media distribution. It emphasizes information gathering, source development and visual storytelling, and builds on the video and editing skills students learn in the beginning video production class. COMM 256 is encouraged before taking this class but not required.
Students will learn how to capture great video and audio, research, write, produce, edit complex, effective video stories and present in a variety of ways


Students will learn how to capture great video and audio, research, write, produce, edit complex, effective video stories and present in a variety of ways
COMM 328  Editorial Design II: Magazine & Interactive  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 and COMM 205  
This course gives advanced instruction in multi-page editorial layout and design by incorporating writing and photography into a complete, full-color magazine. Students will work as editors and designers in applying principles of design and production to existing articles; and understand ethical issues in serving the readers of the magazine.
COMM 329  Advertising and Public Relations Design  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210 or COMM 211  
This course is for AD/PR majors who want to understand the creative and design discipline of the fields. Students will learn the fundamentals of print-based messages used in advertising and public relations. Students will employ various design programs applied in today's industry to develop visual communications projects, which will culminate in a final portfolio.
Course equivalencies: COMM 329/COMM 429  
Students will learn and become competent in the following: Current design programs including InDesign and Photoshop; Basic design principles, such as color, space, and typography; Common formats for designing integrated marketing communication print materials


Students will learn and become competent in the following: Current design programs including InDesign and Photoshop; Basic design principles, such as color, space, and typography; Common formats for designing integrated marketing communication print materials
COMM 330  Intermediate Advertising Design  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 214  
Builds on the creative skills and understanding acquired in the introductory advertising creative courses to enhance students' conceptual abilities. Utilizing Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, students learn to design for various advertising formats including digital, print and for client presentations.
Course equivalencies: COMM 330/COMM 463  
The best work is finished on computers and reviewed by advertising professionals at the end of the semester


The best work is finished on computers and reviewed by advertising professionals at the end of the semester
COMM 331  Social Media Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211 and COMM 213  
This course covers the latest theories and practices of social media advertising. Students will be exposed to 1) evolving concepts and theories related to social media advertising, 2) case studies that discuss the strategies of social media campaigns, and 3) hands-on practices of digital technologies to implement social media campaigns.
Course equivalencies: COMM 331/COMM 444  
Knowledge of theories relating to social media advertising, ability to create strategic plans on social media, skills for digital technologies in social media advertising campaigns, and understanding social media advertising ethics


Knowledge of theories relating to social media advertising, ability to create strategic plans on social media, skills for digital technologies in social media advertising campaigns, and understanding social media advertising ethics
COMM 332  Investigative & Public Affairs Reporting  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 205, COMM 362, and Junior Standing and above  
This course will teach you how to do Investigative and Public Affairs Reporting with a data journalism approach. Through discussion of examples and our own work, we will explore how to find, request, and use data that can reveal important information about society.
Students will learn how to conduct their own data-driven Investigative and Public Affairs Reporting; They will also be able to critically assess this type of journalism


Students will learn how to conduct their own data-driven Investigative and Public Affairs Reporting; They will also be able to critically assess this type of journalism
COMM 333  Cinematography II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 232, or instructor permission  
Students learn and demonstrate techniques and roles for advanced cinematography: virtual production, assistant directing, sound stages, and location lighting.
Camera/lighting setups for commercial spaces, virtual locations, lens/cameras for advanced aesthetic choices, assistant directing role/practices, drones, cranes, Steadicams, and other mobile camera framing techniques


Camera/lighting setups for commercial spaces, virtual locations, lens/cameras for advanced aesthetic choices, assistant directing role/practices, drones, cranes, Steadicams, and other mobile camera framing techniques
COMM 334  Mobile Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211 and COMM 213  
Mobile is one of the most valued investments for advertisers. This course covers the latest practices and trends of mobile advertising which includes 1) branded mobile application design and development; 2) advanced mobile experiences with AR/VR experiments; and 3) various practices, tactics, and ethical concerns for native mobile advertising experiences.
Course equivalencies: COMM 334/COMM 464  
Knowledge of relevant human-computer interaction theories and branded mobile design/development; Ability to use digital tools to create mobile advertising campaigns; Understanding of importance and implications of ethics in mobile advertising


Knowledge of relevant human-computer interaction theories and branded mobile design/development; Ability to use digital tools to create mobile advertising campaigns; Understanding of importance and implications of ethics in mobile advertising
COMM 335  AI in Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211 Outcomes: Students will learn the fundamental of logics of AI technologies, and its implicaitons in various aspects of advertising  
This course explore what is AI, how it¿s been applied in various stages and aspects of advertising, and be creative in using artificial intelligent technologies to create better advertisement and consumer experiences.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: X - COMM 335 / COMM 445  
COMM 336  Search & Display Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211 and COMM 213  
This course covers search engine optimization and advertising practices through lectures and hands-on practices. Students will learn technical terms and tactics involved in optimizing the search result and user experience with brand websites. Google AdWords, search network campaigns, display network campaigns and Google merchandiser set-up training will be included. (Consider scheduling to coincide with Google Challenge.)
Understand the major concepts in search engine optimization; Working knowledge of the structure and terms used in Google AdWords; Be able to develop effective search engine and display advertising campaigns


Understand the major concepts in search engine optimization; Working knowledge of the structure and terms used in Google AdWords; Be able to develop effective search engine and display advertising campaigns
COMM 337  AD/PR Multimedia Commercial Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135, COMM 145, or COMM 211  
This is an advanced video and advertising course designed to give students an introduction to various types of multimedia commercials as well as practical considerations of producing branded content and television spots, including for real clients.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: COMM 337/COMM 437  
Build experience in effective multi-tasking and teamwork, gain skills with technology and strategy, creative, and application process of broadcast production, and practice engaging with the community in media development efforts


Build experience in effective multi-tasking and teamwork, gain skills with technology and strategy, creative, and application process of broadcast production, and practice engaging with the community in media development efforts
COMM 338  Narrative Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Junior standing and either COMM 232, COMM 308, OR COMM 359; Graduate students majoring in Digital Media Storytelling are also eligible to enroll  
Students work in teams to create short-subject narrative films taking their projects from preproduction to exhibition. Students will experience working as a part of a film production crew, be exposed to a variety of jobs, and produce and exhibit original films.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
COMM 339  Video Documentary  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135 or COMM 145  
This course offers hands on production of video documentaries through the study of electronic field production technology, the analysis of documentary texts, and the application of documentary research methods.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM339/439/ICVM339/IFMS339  
Students will gains hands-on video production experience in a non-narrative genre


Students will gains hands-on video production experience in a non-narrative genre
COMM 342  Human Rights Reporting  (3 Credit Hours)  
In this course, Students will study the history of the concept of human rights and the legal mechanisms for enforcing human rights law, and they will read work by reporters covering human rights worldwide.
Students will learn how to report on international conflicts by finding local angles of interest to Chicago readers and how to approach articles on domestic human rights issues


Students will learn how to report on international conflicts by finding local angles of interest to Chicago readers and how to approach articles on domestic human rights issues
COMM 344  Portfolio I  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 266; and (COMM 329 or COMM 330)  
Builds on skills acquired in intermediate creative courses to help students enhance their conceptual abilities and generate both print and integrated multimedia campaigns. Students work in teams to develop an extensive body of work that's exhibited in an awards show judged by advertising professionals.
COMM 345  Student Agency  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 and Instructor Consent  
Course involves actual client work in Inigo, the student-run communications agency. Students gain skills/put theory into action as they provide public relations, digital communication, strategy and other services to companies and non-profits. Students apply prior semester; contact instructor at cmcphil@luc.edu for details. Undergraduates only. All majors encouraged. 3.0 GPA required. COMM 210 or 211 strongly recommended. Open to undergraduate students only. A 3.0 GPA is required.
A fundamental understanding of what agencies are and how they function; A heightened sense of professionalism; Advanced-level teamwork; Increased written and verbal communication skills


A fundamental understanding of what agencies are and how they function; A heightened sense of professionalism; Advanced-level teamwork; Increased written and verbal communication skills
COMM 350  Producing for Film & Digital Media  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135 OR COMM 274; COMM 405 (for DMST students); OR Instructor Consent  
Aesthetic choices meet the ethics and business of filmmaking in COMM 350. Producing covers how to develop story ideas from conception to writing, financing, production and distribution. Relevant issues in script breakdowns, safety, communication and contracts are covered. Students create pitch decks, basic budgets and a longer prospectus for potential investors.
Understanding DEI issues while choosing stories to produce, hiring performers or crew; templates for budgets; best practices for safety on the set; creating engaging pitch decks and treatments


Understanding DEI issues while choosing stories to produce, hiring performers or crew; templates for budgets; best practices for safety on the set; creating engaging pitch decks and treatments
COMM 357  Programming Film & Media: Festivals, TV & Digital  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 200  
This course examines programming and curating (selecting) media for film festivals, museums, streaming services and other platforms. Through work on a festival or similar project, students examine how audiences are identified, learn about distribution, and explore the challenges facing media outlets in selecting, reviewing and archiving media.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM357/IFMS369  
Evaluate, curate and present media work; improve critical thinking and writing about media; learn legal, creative and financial implications of programming and curating media


Evaluate, curate and present media work; improve critical thinking and writing about media; learn legal, creative and financial implications of programming and curating media
COMM 358  Newscasting and Producing  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 205; and (COMM 256 or COMM 327)  
This is designed as a capstone course for the broadcast journalism emphasis. It covers all aspects of TV (or web) newscasts, including producing, anchoring, reporting, photography and editing, as well as studio production. The class produces and delivers newscasts, designed to prepare students for work in the TV news industry.
Course equivalencies: COMM 358/COMM 458  
COMM 359  Advanced Post Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135 and COMM 274  
This course combines advanced editing theory and practice, aimed at providing students with the skills required for editing motion pictures of all genres and for all platforms.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-COMM359/459/IFMS359  
Students will learn how to edit for motion pictures of all forms


Students will learn how to edit for motion pictures of all forms
COMM 360  Digital Media Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 200  
This course is designed to familiarize students with a new set of ethical dilemmas that have sprung up in the last decade with the rise of new media. Using classical ethical theories, students will formulate appropriate and responsible solutions to ethical dilemmas emerging in a new/digital media context.
Students will learn about current ethical issues and solve these issues using classical ethical theories


Students will learn about current ethical issues and solve these issues using classical ethical theories
COMM 361  New Media Criticism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 200 and UCWR 110  
Wikipedia, Google, YouTube, Twitter and mobile applications are complex designed objects. Students will learn a critical language for thinking of new media as art, narrative, culture, and code. This course is Writing Intensive.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
COMM 362  Multimedia Journalism Research Methods  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 and COMM 205; EVCM minors are waived from the pre-requisite  
This course advances student knowledge of resources, methods, and credibility standards for gathering and reporting news stories.
Students will learn how to conduct research that is both accurate and balanced


Students will learn how to conduct research that is both accurate and balanced
COMM 363  Research Methods in Advertising/Public Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210 or 211  
Course will introduce majors to sound and effective social science research methods used in Ad/PR, including surveys, focus groups, content analysis, and audience analyses. It will also give students a chance to apply for the national PR student Bateman Competition that would continue in a designated course the following spring.
Students will learn the research process and how to apply it to establish, build, and evaluate Ad/PR strategies, goals, and campaigns


Students will learn the research process and how to apply it to establish, build, and evaluate Ad/PR strategies, goals, and campaigns
COMM 365  Naturalistic Methods Communication Research  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175 or COMM 201  
This course examines how communication research is conducted in naturalistic settings using qualitative methods associated with observation and in-depth interviewing.
Interdisciplinary Option: Urban Studies  
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Students will become familiar with the reading and evaluation of communication research, and apply the concepts studied in class to the design and development of a research project


Students will become familiar with the reading and evaluation of communication research, and apply the concepts studied in class to the design and development of a research project
COMM 366  Observing/Measuring Cmun Behavior  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines how communication processes and behaviors are studied, using the social-scientific techniques of observation and measurements. It also looks at the limitations of these methods; appropriate methodologies and ways of analyzing quantitative (numerical) data.
Interdisciplinary Option: Urban Studies  
Students will become familiar with the analysis of quantitative data, and apply their knowledge to the design of a research project


Students will become familiar with the analysis of quantitative data, and apply their knowledge to the design of a research project
COMM 367  Rhetorical Criticism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: UCWR 110 and (COMM 175 or COMM 201)  
This course examines theory, research, and application of critical methods for analyzing historical and contemporary persuasive discourse.
Interdisciplinary Option: Urban Studies  
Students will be able to analyze rhetorical situations and critically assess efforts to respond to them


Students will be able to analyze rhetorical situations and critically assess efforts to respond to them
COMM 368  Ethnographic Research Methods in Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: (COMM 175 or COMM 201) and Junior standing  
This course teaches principles of participant-observation research as a critical practice to produce a 'thick description' of meanings, values, hierarchies of interests, power structures and ideals of a particular cultural group or community.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Students learn to conduct ethnographic research and its procedures - taking field notes, conducting interviews, examination of data and artifacts, and producing research results to a public audience


Students learn to conduct ethnographic research and its procedures - taking field notes, conducting interviews, examination of data and artifacts, and producing research results to a public audience
COMM 370  Special Topics in Advertising & Public Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
These are advanced courses in specialized AD/PR areas. Titles and content vary and prerequisites are established according to course content. May be repeated with different topics for a total of 9 credit hours, but only 6 may count toward the major.
Course equivalencies: COMM 370/COMM 470  
COMM 371  Special Topics Communication Studies  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175; DMST-MC and GSCM-MS students may enroll without prerequisites  
These courses offer in-depth reading, research, and discussion in specialized areas dealing with current social issues and communication practices. Course titles and content vary. May be repeated for up to 9 hours, but only 6 may count toward the major.
COMM 372  Special Topics: Multimedia Journalism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 175, or DMST student  
These courses offer in-depth reading, research, and discussion in specialized areas dealing with current issues in multimedia journalism. Course titles and content vary. May be repeated for up to 9 hours, but only 6 may count toward the major.
COMM 373  Digital Storytelling Abroad  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 135 or 145  
Participants will learn and execute multimedia storytelling in an international setting. This course will help students enhance their video, writing, interviewing, photography and editing skills within another country and cultural context.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: COMM 373/COMM 473  
The course will require students to enterprise and execute a range of multimedia skills that help participants tell stories; The course will have an emphasis on community engagement and social justice; The course will give students an opportunity to apply technical knowledge and skills to a uniquely-designed study abroad experience


The course will require students to enterprise and execute a range of multimedia skills that help participants tell stories; The course will have an emphasis on community engagement and social justice; The course will give students an opportunity to apply technical knowledge and skills to a uniquely-designed study abroad experience
COMM 374  Special Topics: Film & Digital Media  (3 Credit Hours)  
These courses offer in-depth experiences in the production, design, writing and development of film and digital media. Course titles and content vary. May be repeated for up to 9 hours, but only 6 may count toward the major.
COMM 375  Media Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 210 or 211  
Students learn to develop influence through earned media. Skills taught include identifying news values, writing/creating multimedia press releases and media alerts, AP style, media training, creating media lists using Cision, working with syndication services, search engine optimization for news releases, creating a social presence and working with social influencers.
Students learn to develop influence through earned media and how to build relationships with the media and other influencers in order to amplify stories for clients


Students learn to develop influence through earned media and how to build relationships with the media and other influencers in order to amplify stories for clients
COMM 378  Advertising/Public Relations Practicum  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 100; GSCM-MS students may also enroll; Restricted to Juniors and Seniors in the Advertising and Public Relations major; Department consent is required to enroll  
Students will gain advanced practical experience advertising/public relations projects.
COMM 379  Digital Sustainability  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Sophomore standing; SES undergrads can also enroll  
Digital Sustainability explores the environmental impact of digital media. Mining precious metals to manufacture devices, burning fossil fuels to run data centers, global black market trading of e-waste are points where the digital world meets the physical world. Students will explore digital sustainability problems, and work toward creative solutions.
Course equivalencies: COMM 379 / COMM 479  
Learn about environmental issues stemming from digital media infrastructure; Critically evaluate different disciplinary perspectives to gain a broader understanding; Develop ethical reasoning regarding environmental impact resulting from digital media ecology


Learn about environmental issues stemming from digital media infrastructure; Critically evaluate different disciplinary perspectives to gain a broader understanding; Develop ethical reasoning regarding environmental impact resulting from digital media ecology
COMM 380  Debate Practicum  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Instructor Consent  
Students gain advanced practical experience in the Loyola Debate Society.
COMM 381  Communication Practicum  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Department Consent  
Students gain advanced practical experience in service experiential learning projects. Student must develop a project with a full-time faculty member in COMM Studies. Paperwork is required: https://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/soc/pdfs/resourceforms/ONLINEDirectedStudyPracticumForm.pdf.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
COMM 382  Multimedia Journalism Practicum  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
Students gain hands-on practical experience in developing multimedia journalism projects. Student must develop a project with a full-time faculty member in Multimedia Journalism. Paperwork is required: https://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/soc/pdfs/resourceforms/ONLINEDirectedStudyPracticumForm.pdf. Pre-requisites: Department Consent.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
COMM 383  Radio Practicum  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will work with WLUW radio station under the supervision of a faculty member participating in one or several of the following activities: generating story ideas, booking guests, interviewing guests, doing promotions using social networking and on-air productions, recording, editing and producing audio segments, learning several facets of what it takes to produce a radio show.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
COMM 384  Film & Digital Media Practicum  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Requires Instructor Consent for all majors; DMST may also enroll with instructor consent  
Students will gain advanced practical experience creating digital cinema projects. They may choose to focus on a certain role and section--director/producer, writer, cinematographer, editor, production designer, sound designer, publicist.
Interdisciplinary Option: Film & Digital Media Studies, International Film & Media Studies  
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: ICVM384/IFMS384/COMM384  
Students will gain advanced practical experience producing and collaborating on digital cinema projects


Students will gain advanced practical experience producing and collaborating on digital cinema projects
COMM 386  Advertising/Public Relations Capstone  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Senior Standing (90 credits earned); Restricted to ADPR majors  
Students focus on integrating and applying knowledge and skills related to advertising and public relations. They will research a career interest area, interview working professionals, and create strategic communication portfolio materials. Students gain specialized industry knowledge, improve professional communication competence, and build contacts.
COMM 387  New and Digital Media Capstone  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students focus on integrating and applying knowledge and skills related to new and digital media applications. They will gain specialized research and industry knowledge and skills, improve professional communication competencies, and build digital industry contacts.
COMM 388  Film and Digital Media Capstone  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Instructor Consent and Senior Standing; Restricted to FDMD majors: Students must complete the COMM 388 form, describing your project, any participants/support materials/technology needed, and submit to Instructor; Form: https://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/soc/pdfs/resourceforms/COMM388Form.pdf  
Project proposal must be approved by the program director and course supervisor by the end of the first week of the semester. A Public presentation of the project is required. Examples of appropriate capstone projects include, assisting in the development of a film festival or presentation of a significant research project.
Synthesize previous course work into a public presentation in the students' area of interest


Synthesize previous course work into a public presentation in the students' area of interest
COMM 389  Advertising Creative Capstone: Portfolio II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 266 and COMM 344; Must be an ADCR major, senior standing  
Gives students an opportunity to develop new campaigns and refine existing work. Students receive feedback from advertising professionals throughout the semester to help them edit and develop their portfolios. Each member of the class creates a portfolio website and develops a job search plan. Final portfolios are critiqued by faculty and professionals. Have a plan for pitching work to potential employees.
Develop a portfolio of innovative ideas and creative ads across multiple platforms; Learn skills to critique and edit portfolio material


Develop a portfolio of innovative ideas and creative ads across multiple platforms; Learn skills to critique and edit portfolio material
COMM 391  Advertising/Public Relations Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Junior Standing (60 credits earned); Completed 18 credit hours in COMM courses; Restricted to ADPR majors; Instructor Consent; More info at: https://www.luc.edu/soc/resources/internships/  
This supervised field experience enables students to have hands-on professional learning at a wide range of agency, corporate, and non-profit organizations as the basis for learning and refining professional communication skills.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: CMUN396/COM391/392/393/491/492  
COMM 392  Multimedia Journalism Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Junior Standing (60 credits earned); Restricted to MJRN majors; Instructor Consent required; More info at: https://www.luc.edu/soc/resources/internships/  
This supervised field experience enables students to have hands-on professional learning at a wide range of agency, corporate, and non-profit organizations as the basis for learning and refining professional communication skills.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: CMUN396/COM391/392/393/491/492  
Students gain proficiency in professional conduct and industry skills while systematically reflecting on their experiences


Students gain proficiency in professional conduct and industry skills while systematically reflecting on their experiences
COMM 393  Communication Studies Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Junior Standing (60 credits earned); Restricted to CMAS and CMUN majors; Instructor Consent required; More info at: https://www.luc.edu/soc/resources/internships/  
This supervised field experience enables students to have hands-on professional learning at a wide range of agency, corporate, and non-profit organizations as the basis for learning and refining professional communication skills. Students gain proficiency in professional conduct and industry skills while systematically reflecting on their experiences.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: CMUN396/COM391/392/393/491/492  
COMM 394  Film & Digital Media Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Junior Standing (60 credits earned); Restricted to FDMD majors; Instructor Consent required; More info at: https://www.luc.edu/soc/resources/internships/  
Complete an internship providing an opportunity to use their visual and technical and/ or skills in a professional setting.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: COMM 394/COMM 494  
Students work with others to develop and complete projects on a predetermined schedule; they get the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field; they find out how well they are doing as judged by the world outside the classroom


Students work with others to develop and complete projects on a predetermined schedule; they get the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field; they find out how well they are doing as judged by the world outside the classroom
COMM 398  Directed Study  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Department Consent; Student must develop a project with a full-time faculty member in their SOC major; Paperwork is required: https://www.luc.edu/media/lucedu/soc/pdfs/resourceforms/ONLINEDirectedStudyPracticumForm.pdf  
Course may be taken for variable credit (1-3 hours). Student will work independently in their area of interest with a supervising faculty member whose expertise is in that area. Projects may include, but are not limited to: a reading course, where the student contracts to read and create an annotated bibliography of research materials; a writing course, where a student has developed a strong paper for a course and wants to refine it for possible conference presentation and/or publication, etc.
COMM 400  Designing for Digital Environments  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will learn about the design and usability of websites from several perspectives: how they look, how they work, and how they are made. Students must be enrolled in the graduate program for MC in Digital Storytelling.
Students will how stories are told through new media, understand how to analyze and critique them and create digital artifacts that demonstrate their role as effective and ethical producers and users of new media


Students will how stories are told through new media, understand how to analyze and critique them and create digital artifacts that demonstrate their role as effective and ethical producers and users of new media
COMM 401  Foundations of Global Strategic Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course delves into two areas impacting communicators' success in the global arena: new media and culture. Through a blend of class discussions, interactive activities and guest speakers, students will study frameworks for strategic communication in a global environment and then apply these lessons in group and individual projects. Enrollment limited to students in GSCM-MS Program. Students are expected to understand fundamental concepts in strategic communication, be able to identify and explain the role of strategic communication in the global business context, understand the importance of dialogue and engagement, and have the ability to construct effective messages.
COMM 402  Organizational Leadership and Change Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will examine best practices in organizational leadership and change management. Students will also be introduced to major economic, financial and business principles and the terms, concepts and values that guide organizations. Finally, will gain insights that will enable them to work more effectively as communicators and organizational leaders. Enrollment limited to students in GSCM-MS Program. Students are expected to gain knowledge and leadership skills needed to help organizations chart a successful course through change. They are also expected to understand the major drivers of organizational change; the role leadership plays in anticipating, planning and navigating organizational change.
COMM 403  Strategic Communication Research Methods  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is designed to provide students with a critical framework for evaluating communication research and first-hand experience in the research process. Specifically, we will examine how research questions, originating from client-specific interests, are translated into a research project. Enrollment limited to students in the GSCM-MS Program. Students are expected to know how to read and evaluate a research study, select appropriate research questions, develop measurements, draw a sample, collect and analyze data and interpret the results.
COMM 405  Story Development and Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will give students a basic understanding of narrative theory and its evolution. It will also emphasize the idea that telling a good story begins with having something to say and a purpose for telling it to someone. Students must be enrolled in SOC Professional Degree Program MC in Digital Storytelling.
Students will read, write and practice narrative techniques on electronic modes of communication while learning about narrative structure, content and form of delivery


Students will read, write and practice narrative techniques on electronic modes of communication while learning about narrative structure, content and form of delivery
COMM 406  Environmental Advocacy  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 100 and sophomore standing; Digital Media & Storytelling (DMST* Masters students and any students majoring in SES may also enroll  
This course explores the rhetorical means by which citizens influence the policies and practices affecting our natural and human environments. The focus is on current controversies.
Course equivalencies: XCOMM306/ESP 329/PAX 329  
The course seeks to provide an understanding of the history and range of communication styles in the U.S. environmental movement and to help students develop practical skills relevant to entering into environmental debates


The course seeks to provide an understanding of the history and range of communication styles in the U.S. environmental movement and to help students develop practical skills relevant to entering into environmental debates
COMM 410  Media Law for Inclusive Digital Storytelling  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course addresses how courts and lawmakers have addressed legal issues presented by digital media. Students must be enrolled in Professional Degree Program MC in Digital Storytelling.
Students will learn some of the ways that blogger's rights, intellectual property, libel, privacy and threats pose challenges to internet legal regulations and social ethics


Students will learn some of the ways that blogger's rights, intellectual property, libel, privacy and threats pose challenges to internet legal regulations and social ethics
COMM 411  Strategic Communication Ethics and Law  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores various approaches to ethical decision-making and applies them to diverse aspects of strategic communication in professional settings. Students will learn to discern a wide variety of ethical issues concerning communication behavior, apply systematic ethical analysis to various business situations, and clearly explain their analyses. Enrollment is limited to students in the GSCM-MS Program. Students will have learned fundamental ethical principles and decision-making processes, examined some of the most pressing ethical issues facing strategic communicators and applied course material to specific strategic communication decisions.
COMM 412  Communication Content Mining and Analytics  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is for students interested in learning practical data analysis/data mining techniques in strategic communication. A useful takeaway from the course will be the ability to perform powerful data analysis using popular statistic packages (e.g., R, SPSS, Excel) and web analytics (e.g., Google Analytics). Enrollment limited to students in the GSCM-MS Program. Students are expected to increase their critical thinking ability to assess the quality of consumer information and the limitations of online data. They will become familiar with frequently used data analysis tools.
COMM 413  Writing for Strategic Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This advanced writing intensive course engages students in the strategic process of professional-level writing by focusing on communication objectives, cultural differences among audiences, techniques, style and mechanics. Students will learn the importance of planning, research, pre-writing, editing and rewriting in the writing process. Restricted to Global Strategic Communication Students
The course also provides practical, real world writing experience in diverse formats for a wide range of audiences, including memos, proposals, creative briefs, executive speeches, op-eds, fact sheets, news releases, blogs and other social media


The course also provides practical, real world writing experience in diverse formats for a wide range of audiences, including memos, proposals, creative briefs, executive speeches, op-eds, fact sheets, news releases, blogs and other social media
COMM 415  Data-Powered Digital Storytelling  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course focuses on how and where to discover compelling story ideas utilizing investigative methods to cultivate original points of view for digital presentations.
Students learn to use records and data mining techniques to analyze information and cultivate stories to be told in digital formats


Students learn to use records and data mining techniques to analyze information and cultivate stories to be told in digital formats
COMM 416  Special Topics in Digital Media & Storytelling  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Restricted to MC-DMST students only  
Students will build on the basics of telling a non-fiction, longform story: topic selection, story structure and character development.
Students will develop independent work habits and become more confident as a content creator and storyteller


Students will develop independent work habits and become more confident as a content creator and storyteller
COMM 417  Media Planning  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines the advertising and marketing processes required to research, develop and implement an effective media plan for budgeting appropriate advertising time and space. Only BASD-ADPR and MS-GSCM students may enroll.
Course equivalencies: COMM 317/COMM 417  
Student teams will develop competencies in decision-making processes and tools, including research methods, objectives, strategies and tactics to construct an advertising media plan


Student teams will develop competencies in decision-making processes and tools, including research methods, objectives, strategies and tactics to construct an advertising media plan
COMM 420  Digital Production: Storytelling with Impact  (3 Credit Hours)  
This lab-based course will introduce students to production techniques for digital storytelling. Students will acquire knowledge of videography, sound recording, video and audio editing, web design and interactivity.
Students will find compelling stories, set scenes and use narrative techniques to craft influential stories designed for professional purposes in advertising, journalism or documentary production


Students will find compelling stories, set scenes and use narrative techniques to craft influential stories designed for professional purposes in advertising, journalism or documentary production
COMM 421  Topics in Global Strategic Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will offer in-depth reading, case studies, and discussion in specialized areas dealing with current issues in global strategic communication. Enrollment limited to students in the GSCM-MS Program. Students will develop in-depth knowledge of a current issue or opportunity in global strategic communication, become acquainted with how and where local strategic communicators work, and examine the differences and similarities in how strategic communication is defined and practiced in different countries.
COMM 422  Global and Multicultural Audiences and Stakeholders  (3 Credit Hours)  
In this course students will investigate various audiences in today's global marketplace that organizations need to consider to remain relevant. The course will explore the concept of globalization and how, as a dynamic and uneven process, it requires practitioners to understand global and local audiences and those influenced by multiple cultures. Restricted to ADPR-BASD, GSCM-MS, and DMST-MC students.
The goals of the course are to learn to be sensitive to a variety of cultures; recognize particular values, needs, and behaviors; and craft messages that connect and engage


The goals of the course are to learn to be sensitive to a variety of cultures; recognize particular values, needs, and behaviors; and craft messages that connect and engage
COMM 425  Digital Marketing and Analytics  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will explore online audience behavior and measurement. Students will use analytics to understand user activities and to drive improvements in distribution performance. In the course of their development, students will come to understand intellectual property protection, self-publication, bandwidth issues, usability, file formats, social sharing, security, syndication and mobile delivery.
The overall objective of this course is for students to understand digital audience behavior and the legal, marketing and economic environment for finding ideal audiences and distributing digital content


The overall objective of this course is for students to understand digital audience behavior and the legal, marketing and economic environment for finding ideal audiences and distributing digital content
COMM 429  Advertising and Public Relations Design  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is for students who want to understand the creative and design discipline of the fields. Students will learn the fundamentals of print-based messages used in advertising and public relations. Students will employ various design programs applied in today's industry to develop visual communications projects, which will culminate in a final portfolio. Restricted to GSCM-MS students.
Course equivalencies: COMM 329/COMM 429  
Students will learn and become competent in the following: Current design programs including InDesign and Photoshop; Basic design principles, such as color, space, and typography; Common formats for designing integrated marketing communication print materials


Students will learn and become competent in the following: Current design programs including InDesign and Photoshop; Basic design principles, such as color, space, and typography; Common formats for designing integrated marketing communication print materials
COMM 430  2D Design for Print and the Web  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will focus on visual theory, graphic design, photo editing, and web design. Restricted to Masters students enrolled in the Digital Media & Storytelling Masters program.
COMM 431  Campaign Development  (3 Credit Hours)  
To achieve maximum effectiveness, communication programs must be strategic. This course explores the four pillars of campaign development - research, planning, implementation and evaluation. Course material is amplified through study of strategic communication cases as well as development of a model client campaign. Enrollment restricted to students in the GSCM-MS Program. At the end of the course, students are expected to understand appropriate research methodologies for campaign use; be familiar with planning and implementation variables including budget, tactics and timelines; and be able to measure campaign results and link them to business goals.
COMM 432  Nonprofit Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines the principles and best practices of strategic communication for nonprofit organizations. Increasingly, leaders of forward-looking nonprofits are realizing what their counterparts in the corporate world have long known: that strategic communication is critical to furthering their mission and goals. Restricted to ADPR-BASD, GSCM-MS, and DMST-MC students.
Students will learn and apply strategies that nonprofit organizations can use to effectively tell their story, implement a robust social media presence, identify potential partnerships and alliances with corporations and government agencies, strengthen fundraising efforts and prepare for possible crises


Students will learn and apply strategies that nonprofit organizations can use to effectively tell their story, implement a robust social media presence, identify potential partnerships and alliances with corporations and government agencies, strengthen fundraising efforts and prepare for possible crises
COMM 433  Corporate Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: For GSCM-MS students, COMM 401; DMST-MC students may also enroll without pre-requisite  
This course develops a multiple stakeholder approach to managing the communication function in corporations. Management topics include developing a communication plan, budgeting, creating a communications calendar, working with agencies and other external resources, project management and evaluation.
At the end of the course, students are expected to understand how the communication function is organized in corporations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)


At the end of the course, students are expected to understand how the communication function is organized in corporations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
COMM 434  Business-to-Business Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
The robust business-to-business (B2B) sector provides enormous opportunity in the global marketplace. This course will explore B2B's unique set of challenges that strategic communicators need to consider in developing and delivering effective messages. Restricted to Global Strategic Communication Students.
Students are expected to gain a working knowledge of the theories, concepts, and issues of in B2B communication


Students are expected to gain a working knowledge of the theories, concepts, and issues of in B2B communication
COMM 435  Public Affairs and Issues Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course explores how to predict and identify emerging issues, which can proliferate rapidly through digital and social media; accurately assess the potential threat posed by issues; and plan and implement effective response to prevent issues from growing into crises. Restricted to Global Strategic Communication Students.
At the end of the course, students will understand the role of the public affairs function in organizations, know how to monitor for and identify emerging issues and to build a firewall to make organizations less vulnerable to attack


At the end of the course, students will understand the role of the public affairs function in organizations, know how to monitor for and identify emerging issues and to build a firewall to make organizations less vulnerable to attack
COMM 436  Crisis and Risk Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores both the practical and theoretical aspects of crisis communication through case studies, guest presentations and hands-on class exercises. It also examines real world organizational crises and how and why communication helped or harmed the situation. Restricted to Global Strategic Communication Students.
At the end of the course, students are expected to understand the key elements of crisis communication and have the basic skills, tools, and confidence needed to help manage an organizational crisis


At the end of the course, students are expected to understand the key elements of crisis communication and have the basic skills, tools, and confidence needed to help manage an organizational crisis
COMM 437  Advertising/PR Multimedia Commercial Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
This is an advanced video and advertising course designed to give students an introduction to various types of multimedia commercials as well as practical considerations of producing branded content and television spots, including for real clients. Only students in the BASD-ADPR, MC-DMST, and MS-GSCM programs can enroll. Build experience in effective multi-tasking and teamwork, gain skills with technology and strategy, creative, and application process of broadcast production, and practice engaging with the community in media development efforts.
Course equivalencies: COMM 337/COMM 437  
COMM 439  Video Documentary  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course offers hands on production of video documentaries through the study of electronic field production technology, the analysis of documentary texts, and the application of documentary research methods. Restricted to students in the DMST-MS program.
Course equivalencies: X-COMM339/439/ICVM339/IFMS339  
Students will gains hands-on video production experience in a non-narrative genre


Students will gains hands-on video production experience in a non-narrative genre
COMM 441  Global Strategic Communication Capstone  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will synthesize & apply knowledge and skills from previous courses to demonstrate competence in a specialized area of strategic communication of greatest interest to them. Students will submit a comprehensive work, research project, media artifact, business plan, or any other comparable work approved by the instructor. In addition, students will develop fully annotated & professional quality final presentation. Enrollment is restricted to students in the GSCM-MS Program. Students are expected to become more knowledgeable in an area of specialization by exploring a specific type of strategic communication, engaging in research, building relationships with professionals and developing creative applications to demonstrate professional-level knowledge, understanding of practices, skills & competencies.
COMM 444  Social Media Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course covers the latest theories and practices of social media advertising. Students will be exposed to 1) evolving concepts and theories related to social media advertising, 2) case studies that discuss the strategies of social media campaigns, and 3) hands-on practices of digital technologies to implement social media campaigns. Only students in the BASD-ADPR and MS-GSCM programs can enroll.
Course equivalencies: COMM 331/COMM 444  
Knowledge of theories relating to social media advertising, ability to create strategic plans on social media, skills for digital technologies in social media advertising campaigns, and understanding social media advertising ethics


Knowledge of theories relating to social media advertising, ability to create strategic plans on social media, skills for digital technologies in social media advertising campaigns, and understanding social media advertising ethics
COMM 445  AI in Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 211 or enrollment in the Global Strategic Communication (MS) program  
This course explore what is AI, how it¿s been applied in various stages and aspects of advertising, and be creative in using artificial intelligent technologies to create better advertisement and consumer experiences.
Course equivalencies: X - COMM 335 / COMM 445  
Students will learn the fundamental of logics of AI technologies, and its implications in various aspects of advertising


Students will learn the fundamental of logics of AI technologies, and its implications in various aspects of advertising
COMM 450  Capstone II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: COMM 400, 405, 410, 415, 420, 425, and 430  
This course involves integration of new media tools and storytelling, culminating in a professional project that is conveyed to public audiences and widely distributed.
COMM 455  Animation  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will focus on animation with specific emphasis on the creation, refinement, and publishing of a visual story. Students will learn 2D and 3D techniques, cameras, CGI and other software and equipment to create animated works. Only DMST-MC students may enroll. All pre-requisites are waived.
Course equivalencies: COMM 305/COMM 455  
Theories of visual and image-based storytelling; script writing; character development; storyboarding; creating visual stories from images; animation enhancement/manipulation; graphic design; and contemporary animation design options for visual storytelling/promotion


Theories of visual and image-based storytelling; script writing; character development; storyboarding; creating visual stories from images; animation enhancement/manipulation; graphic design; and contemporary animation design options for visual storytelling/promotion
COMM 458  Newscasting and Producing  (3 Credit Hours)  
This is designed as a capstone course for the broadcast journalism emphasis. It covers all aspects of TV (or web) newscasts, including producing, anchoring, reporting, photography and editing, as well as studio production. The class produces and delivers newscasts, designed to prepare students for work in the TV news industry. Restricted to students in the DMST-MC program.
Course equivalencies: COMM 358/COMM 458  
COMM 459  Advanced Post Production  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course combines advanced editing theory and practice, aimed at providing students with the skills required for editing motion pictures of all genres and for all platforms. Restricted to students in the DMST-MC program.
Course equivalencies: X-COMM359/459/IFMS359  
Students will learn how to edit for motion pictures of all forms


Students will learn how to edit for motion pictures of all forms
COMM 461  Health Communication  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course focuses on the growing field of health communication. Building on students' knowledge of public relations, advertising, communication and marketing, this class aims to help students develop an area of specialization that offers career opportunities in many settings. Through guest speakers and field trips, the class is designed to provide an overview of what health communicators do and where they work. Only MS-GSCM and ADPR BASD students may enroll.
Course equivalencies: COMM 311/COMM 461  
Provide a foundation of knowledge about the US healthcare system and acquaint students with how communications can play a vital role in accomplishing public health objectives


Provide a foundation of knowledge about the US healthcare system and acquaint students with how communications can play a vital role in accomplishing public health objectives
COMM 463  Intermediate Advertising Design  (3 Credit Hours)  
Builds on the creative skills and understanding acquired in the introductory advertising creative courses to enhance students' conceptual abilities. Utilizing Adobe InDesign and Photoshop, students learn to design for various advertising formats including digital, print and for client presentations. Only students in the BASD-ADPR , MC-DMST, and MS-GSCM programs can enroll.
Course equivalencies: COMM 330/COMM 463  
The best work is finished on computers and reviewed by advertising professionals at the end of the semester


The best work is finished on computers and reviewed by advertising professionals at the end of the semester
COMM 464  Mobile Advertising  (3 Credit Hours)  
Mobile is one of the most valued investments for advertisers. This course covers the latest practices and trends of mobile advertising which includes 1) branded mobile application design and development; 2) advanced mobile experiences with AR/VR experiments; and 3) various practices, tactics, and ethical concerns for native mobile advertising experiences. Only students in the BASD-ADPR, MC-DMST, and MS-GSCM programs can enroll.
Course equivalencies: COMM 334/COMM 464  
Knowledge of relevant human-computer interaction theories and branded mobile design/development; Ability to use digital tools to create mobile advertising campaigns; Understanding of importance and implications of ethics in mobile advertising


Knowledge of relevant human-computer interaction theories and branded mobile design/development; Ability to use digital tools to create mobile advertising campaigns; Understanding of importance and implications of ethics in mobile advertising
COMM 470  Special Topics in Advertising & Public Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
These are advanced courses in specialized AD/PR areas. Titles and content vary and prerequisites are established according to course content. May be repeated with different topics for a total of 9 credit hours, but only 6 may count toward the major. Restricted to students in the ADPR-BASD and GSCM-MS programs.
Course equivalencies: COMM 370/COMM 470  
COMM 473  Digital Storytelling Abroad  (3 Credit Hours)  
Participants will learn and execute multimedia storytelling in an international setting. This course will help students enhance their video, writing, interviewing, photography and editing skills within another country and cultural context. Restricted to students in the DMST-MC program.
Course equivalencies: COMM 373/COMM 473  
COMM 479  Digital Sustainability  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: DMST and SES grad students can enroll  
Digital Sustainability explores the environmental impact of digital media. Mining precious metals to manufacture devices, burning fossil fuels to run data centers, global black market trading of e-waste are points where the digital world meets the physical world. Students will explore digital sustainability problems, and work toward creative solutions.
Course equivalencies: COMM 379 / COMM 479  
Learn about environmental issues stemming from digital media infrastructure; Critically evaluate different disciplinary perspectives to gain a broader understanding; Develop ethical reasoning regarding environmental impact resulting from digital media ecology


Learn about environmental issues stemming from digital media infrastructure; Critically evaluate different disciplinary perspectives to gain a broader understanding; Develop ethical reasoning regarding environmental impact resulting from digital media ecology
COMM 491  Advertising/Public Relations Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
This supervised field experience enables students to have hands-on professional learning at a wide range of agency, corporate, and non-profit organizations as the basis for learning and refining professional communication skills. Restricted to students in the ADPR-BASD and GSCM-MS programs. Students must attend an internship orientation and submit application packet to instructor. If approved, student is enrolled in course.
Course equivalencies: CMUN396/COM391/392/393/491/492  
COMM 492  Multimedia Journalism Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
This supervised field experience enables students to have hands-on professional learning at a wide range of agency, corporate, and non-profit organizations as the basis for learning and refining professional communication skills. Restricted to students in the DMST-MC program.
Course equivalencies: CMUN396/COM391/392/393/491/492  
Students gain proficiency in professional conduct and industry skills while systematically reflecting on their experiences


Students gain proficiency in professional conduct and industry skills while systematically reflecting on their experiences
COMM 494  Film & Digital Media Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
Complete an internship providing an opportunity to use their visual and technical and/ or skills in a professional setting. Restricted to students in the DMST-MC program.
Course equivalencies: COMM 394/COMM 494  
Students work with others to develop and complete projects on a predetermined schedule; they get the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field; they find out how well they are doing as judged by the world outside the classroom


Students work with others to develop and complete projects on a predetermined schedule; they get the opportunity to learn from professionals in the field; they find out how well they are doing as judged by the world outside the classroom
COMM 498  Directed Study for Graduate Students  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
Students may sign up for a one to three credit hour course to work independently in the student's area of interest with a supervising faculty member whose expertise is in that area. Projects may include, but are not limited to: a reading course, where the student contracts to read and create an annotated bibliography of research materials, a writing course, where a student has developed a strong paper for a course and wants to refine it for possible conference presentation and/or publication. Restricted to students in the DMST-MC, ADPR-BASD, and GSCM-MS programs.
COMM 700  Certificate: Digital Media Ethics  (0 Credit Hours)  
Loyola's Center for Digital Ethics and Policy certificate course explores codes of ethics and ethical decision making, legal limits of online speech, strategies to spot and deal with fake content, intellectual property and user generated content, understanding privacy concerns, ethical issues with big data, the ethics of deception online, among other topics.
Participants will be able to understand ethical issues that are most likely to come up in their particular professional contexts and be able to take this knowledge back to their organization to help guide policy and procedure


Participants will be able to understand ethical issues that are most likely to come up in their particular professional contexts and be able to take this knowledge back to their organization to help guide policy and procedure
COMM 701  Organizational Leadership and Change Management  (0 Credit Hours)  
Loyola's School of Communication offers a new certificate course custom-tailored for managers who want to accelerate the pace of successful change in their organizations. This course combines online learning with a focused 3-day program at Loyola, plus personalized coaching afterward. Participants will be able to shape their learning around their organization's needs.
This course will help managers who want to accelerate the pace of successful change in their organizations, leading change on the front lines and managers whose supervisors have identified them as emerging leaders


This course will help managers who want to accelerate the pace of successful change in their organizations, leading change on the front lines and managers whose supervisors have identified them as emerging leaders