2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Professional Development (CEPD)

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CEPD 75  Yoga Teaching Methodology  (0 Credit Hours)  
This course is designed to give students the tools they need to be an effective yoga teacher. We examine how to relate to the student, how to sequence poses in various styles, and how to demonstrate adjust and assist student in their practice. How to set up and maintain a yoga business is also explored.
CEPD 76  Subtle Anatomy and Yoga  (0 Credit Hours)  
This course is a continuation of the Anatomy and Yoga course, but goes beyond the gross physical as it examines the body's innate intelligence through its subtle anatomy. Chakras, Nadis and meridians are explored as well and techniques for locating them.
CEPD 77  The Bhagavad Gita  (0 Credit Hours)  
The Bhagavad Gita is considered by some to be the supreme scripture on Yoga. Through examination of this classic text, students gain insights the foundations of yoga through reading, studying and committing certain verses to memory.
CEPD 87  Yoga and Anatomy  (0 Credit Hours)  
An introduction to anatomy as applied to the study of yoga.