Digital Humanities (DIGH)
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DIGH 400 Introduction to Digital Humanities Research (3 Credit Hours)
Enrollment in DIGH 400 is the prerequisite for DIGH 401, 402, 500, 595. An introduction to the digital humanities, work in a variety of humanities disciplines--literature, art, philosophy, theology, and history--that involves computer assistance in conducting or presenting research. This includes, for example, digitizing, markup, editing, publishing, archiving, analyzing, visualization, modeling, interpretive gaming, and instructional and interface design. This course will emphasize research questions and methods from a range of humanities disciplines--not computer technology per se but ways that computing can further humanities research agendas.
Knowledge of how computing affects research in humanities, critical thinking about technology and humanities, awareness of broad social and ethical questions surrounding old and new, print and digital, media in contemporary culture
Knowledge of how computing affects research in humanities, critical thinking about technology and humanities, awareness of broad social and ethical questions surrounding old and new, print and digital, media in contemporary cultureDIGH 401 Introduction to Computing (3 Credit Hours)
Pre-requisites: DIGH 400 co-enrollment
Primarily for DH students, the course combines historical study with a hands-on approach to computers their growing role in academic research, publishing, libraries, and the arts. Topics will include the structure of computers, the relation of hardware and software, text and image markup and publishing, database theory and design, modeling and visualization, text analytics, procedural logic, and the basic concepts of programming, artificial intelligence, and the social, ethical, and intellectual contexts for computing.
Procedural literacy, historical knowledge of hardware and software platforms, ability to be a scholar-programmer or to collaborate fruitfully with scholar-programmers
Procedural literacy, historical knowledge of hardware and software platforms, ability to be a scholar-programmer or to collaborate fruitfully with scholar-programmersDIGH 402 Digital Humanities Design (3 Credit Hours)
Introduces students to design and human computer interaction.
Students gain practical experience with design, testing, and building ethical digital projects
Students gain practical experience with design, testing, and building ethical digital projectsDIGH 403 Introduction to Web Application Development (3 Credit Hours)
This course studies the concepts, methods, and tools used in the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and deployment of typical multi-tier web applications.
Course equivalencies: X- DIGH403/CPST342/COMP342
Experience with commonly used web application development frameworks
Experience with commonly used web application development frameworksDIGH 405 Special Topics in Digital Humanities (3 Credit Hours)
Special topics in Digital Humanities or new approaches of current interest to the instructor.
Dependent upon course topic; must be approved by GPD
Dependent upon course topic; must be approved by GPDDIGH 499 Independent Study in Digital Humanities (1-3 Credit Hours)
Students work under the direction of a faculty member on a particular area of interest within Digital Humanities.
Students advances their research projects with direct and regular input from a faculty member
Students advances their research projects with direct and regular input from a faculty memberDIGH 500 Digital Humanities Practicum (3 Credit Hours)
This course invites students to learn about and engage in collaborative project-building. Students will contribute to building an active faculty-led digital humanities research project. Work will be informed by weekly readings and seminar-style discussions. Possible work may include coding, data modeling, digitization, proposal-writing, grant-writing, project management, design, and research.
A collaborative contribution to a digital humanities research project run by a faculty or staff member and sponsored by the CTSDH
A collaborative contribution to a digital humanities research project run by a faculty or staff member and sponsored by the CTSDHDIGH 501 Digital Humanities Project (3 Credit Hours)
In this capstone, students will apply skills they've learned throughout the program, and develop new technological and research skills as the project demands. Students will develop their own digital humanities research project that demonstrates their competency in a facet of digital humanities and expertise within their chosen subject area.
A working, practical final digital humanities project published online
A working, practical final digital humanities project published onlineDIGH 605 Master's Study (0 Credit Hours)
Students register for this course to maintain active enrollment in the Graduate School during the fall or spring semesters if they are not registered for any graduate class at the master's level while finishing up any MA requirements, such as their field examinations and research project.
Advancement to degree completion