2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

French (FREN)

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FREN 101  Elementary French I  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: No previous knowledge of French is expected; Please go to http://www.luc.edu/modernlang/exam.shtml for placement test instructions, especially if you took any French courses in high school or college  
Taught in French. Instructs basic communicative French, the people and cultures where it is spoken, using formal and informal registers, and speaking in present and future time. Students will listen and respond, read and write, ask and answer simple questions in basic functional French. Content: personal topics, everyday living.
Student will successfully interpret and express needs pertaining to home, work, college, leisure, and dining; Achievement level desired: Novice Low, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL*) standards


Student will successfully interpret and express needs pertaining to home, work, college, leisure, and dining; Achievement level desired: Novice Low, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL*) standards
FREN 102  Elementary French II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 101 or one semester college French with C- or better, or placement test score; Please go to Modern Languages home page for placement test instructions; You must take the placement test if you took any French courses in high school  
Taught in French. Continuation of basic French inter-communication skills both producing French (speaking and writing), and interpreting French (listening and reading.) The aim is to comprehend and contribute to discussions about families, housing, sports, travel, and traditions in French.
Students will comprehend and speak in present, future, and past narrative; get and give simple direction; share personal information; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Novice Low to Mid


Students will comprehend and speak in present, future, and past narrative; get and give simple direction; share personal information; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Novice Low to Mid
FREN 103  Intermediate French I  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 102, or equivalent French at another college, with C- or better, or placement test score; Exam required for placement on the basis of high-school work: please go to Modern Languages home page for placement test instructions  
Taught in French. Course continues to work on focus on pronunciation, grammar. and developing conversational and writing fluency. Students will read excerpts of French and francophone media or literature. Topics include the environment and the many francophone cultures and tasks include narrating in more complex past, future and hypothetical contexts.
Students become more fluent and precise in expressing opinions, asking and answering more probing and data-driven questions, on topic; Achievement level desired ACTFL* Novice Mid to High


Students become more fluent and precise in expressing opinions, asking and answering more probing and data-driven questions, on topic; Achievement level desired ACTFL* Novice Mid to High
FREN 104  Intermediate French II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 103, or equivalent French at another college, with C- or better, or placement test score; Placement test on the basis of high-school work required: please go to Modern languages home page for placement test instructions  
Taught in French. Students will comprehend and produce French in more complex contexts (literary and cultural) while reviewing intermediate grammar structures to improve fluency and accuracy. Students present and debate cultural, historical or current events topics; practice expressing emotion, opinion, judgment, necessity, hypotheticals, and regret.
Students will skillfully interpret and write about literature excerpts or French and francophone media; They will summarize, narrate, and offer opinions; Achievement level desired ACTFL* Novice High to Intermediate Low


Students will skillfully interpret and write about literature excerpts or French and francophone media; They will summarize, narrate, and offer opinions; Achievement level desired ACTFL* Novice High to Intermediate Low
FREN 250  French Composition and Conversation I  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 104, or college transfer equivalent, with C- or better, or placement test score; Placement test based on high-school work is required: please go to Modern Languages home page for placement test instructions  
Taught entirely in French. Students develop advanced interpretive and presentation skills, detecting sequencing, time frames and chronology in texts, whether heard or viewed. Format is discussion, presentation, role plays, several compositions written in a process.
Students will share points of view verbally and in writing on contemporary topics discovered in current media of French and francophone cultures; Achieved level desired ACTFL* Intermediate Low to Mid


Students will share points of view verbally and in writing on contemporary topics discovered in current media of French and francophone cultures; Achieved level desired ACTFL* Intermediate Low to Mid
FREN 251  French Composition and Conversation II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 104, or college transfer equivalent, with C- or better or placement test score; Placement test based on high-school work is required: please go to Modern Languages home page for placement test instructions  
Taught entirely in French. Via classic, French New Wave, francophone to contemporary French-speaking film students discover and compare cultural differences, discuss global or local concerns, spanning the disciplines. Writing in a process leads to more sophisticated writing skills.
Students become ever-precise and effective in communicating facts, opinions, and concerns about French-speaking communities in relationship to their own; Achieved level desired ACTFL* Intermediate Low to Mid


Students become ever-precise and effective in communicating facts, opinions, and concerns about French-speaking communities in relationship to their own; Achieved level desired ACTFL* Intermediate Low to Mid
FREN 270  Main Currents of French Literature & Culture I  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Pass FREN 250 and/or FREN 251 with C- or better or AP credit for both 250 and 251, or with instructor's consent  
Survey of representative works of French literature from the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the 17th and 18th centuries, examining the formation of French cultural identity up through the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies  
Students will identify literary and cultural trends and ruptures across these centuries, and explain them in some detail; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate Mid to High


Students will identify literary and cultural trends and ruptures across these centuries, and explain them in some detail; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate Mid to High
FREN 271  Main Currents of French Literature & Culture II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Pass FREN 250 and/or FREN 251 with C or better, acquire AP credit, or instructor's consent  
Survey of representative works of French literature in all genres, from Romanticism through narrative realism and the modernist innovations of Surrealism and existentialism in the 20th century.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Global Studies  
Students will learn to identify these literary and cultural movements, and explain in some detail their importance regarding French cultural identity; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate Mid to High


Students will learn to identify these literary and cultural movements, and explain in some detail their importance regarding French cultural identity; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate Mid to High
FREN 300  Tutorial for Credit  (1-6 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 and 271, with C or better, and instructor's consent; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with 3##  
Eligible students majoring in French may elect tutorial for credit; topic chosen in consultation with faculty member.
Student may choose their own topic to explore


Student may choose their own topic to explore
FREN 301  Stylistics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 and 271, with C or better, and instructor's consent; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with 3##  
This is advanced work in writing expository prose is based on intensive study of advanced grammar and syntax with attention to peculiar features of the French idiom. Students examine phonology and phonetics with attention to French speech patterns and rhythms whilst enhancing vocabulary development through the varieties of lexical references and other dictionaries.
Students will be able to demonstrate a sophisticated, comprehensive command of the complexities of written and spoken French; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low


Students will be able to demonstrate a sophisticated, comprehensive command of the complexities of written and spoken French; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low
FREN 302  French for Professions  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 and 271, with C or better, and instructor's consent; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with 3##  
Surviving in global careers--commerce, law, diplomacy, communications, health--requires knowledge of business terminology and organism structures. Students study current events, and present on francophone companies, institutions, and NGO's. Résumés are perfected in French, interview questions are drilled. The French government DAF (Diplôme du français des affaires) exam is optional.
Students will be able to navigate confidently in French business and diplomatic sectors; They will be prepared to interview in French; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate High to Advanced Low


Students will be able to navigate confidently in French business and diplomatic sectors; They will be prepared to interview in French; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate High to Advanced Low
FREN 308  Literary Criticism and Theory  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Completion of French major course requirements and instructor's consent  
Capstone for all French Majors, taken with other Modern Languages & Literatures language majors. Students will study major schools and themes in literary theory, both historical and contemporary. Rhetorical, philosophical, historical, and cultural approaches to literature will be studied in intimate conjunction with specific literary texts drawn from several linguistic and cultural traditions.
Course equivalencies: X-FREN/GERM/ITAL/SPAN308  
Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of major theoretical issues in the study of literature; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Advanced Low to Mid


Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge and understanding of major theoretical issues in the study of literature; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Advanced Low to Mid
FREN 309  Francophone Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 271 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
Students explore salient characteristics and themes of literature of various genres written in French from Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, and Québec. Topics include «la négritude», other reactions to colonialism, `borrowed language', ideas and realities of liberation, post-colonialism, the francophone woman, literature as political agent, and satire.
Interdisciplinary Option: African Studies and the African Diaspora, Global Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-FREN309/BWS 309/INTS309  
Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of historical and political implications of these movements in contemporary global society; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of historical and political implications of these movements in contemporary global society; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 311  French Modernity  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 271 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
Students study major French authors of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (Proust, Malraux, Sartre, Camus, and others), with attention to the historical context of their works against the background of two world wars and world-wide revolutionary movements, along with their interaction with other artistic media.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Global Studies  
Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 314  Survey of Medieval Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 with a grade of C or better and permission of the instructor  
This course will explore the literature and culture of the French Middle Ages. Students will develop familiarity with literary genres and themes including the chansons de geste, romances, and fabliaux, courtly love, the international character of medieval French literature, voices and representation of women, and the role of the Church.
Interdisciplinary Option: Medieval Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-FREN314/MSTU372  
Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 316  Renaissance France  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
Students study major authors of the French Renaissance in their historical and cultural contexts. Authors to be read will include Marot, Labé, Scève, Rabelais, Du Bellay, Ronsard, and Montaigne, in conjunction with study of Renaissance culture, the Reformation, the Wars of Religion, and the other arts.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies  
Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 317  Le Grand Siècle  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
Students study major authors of the "long" 17th century in historical and cultural contexts: Corneille, Cyrano, Descartes, Pascal, Mme de Lafayette, Molière, Racine, Mme de Sévigné, the moralistes, among others. Focus is on complex historical contexts of the period: baby kings, the Fronde, religious conflict, the court and wars of Louis XIV.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies  
Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 318  Enlightenment France  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
Students study major French authors of the European Enlightenment. Authors to be read will include Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, and Diderot, among others, in the context of the development of (and resistance to) the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies  
Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will be able to demonstrate critical knowledge of major literary works studied, and appreciate the major issues and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 319  Romantic Century  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 271 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
Students study the emergence of French Romanticism in the wake of Revolutionary tumult (Lamartine, Vigny, and Hugo), and of the deeper and darker reaction to bourgeois culture (Baudelaire, Flaubert, Rimbaud, and others), marking relations with painting, sculpture, and music.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies  
Appreciation of works from modern sensibilities are formulated, plus an understanding of major issues and questions in these works and their culture; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid-Advanced Low


Appreciation of works from modern sensibilities are formulated, plus an understanding of major issues and questions in these works and their culture; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid-Advanced Low
FREN 320  Survey of Literature of the Theatre  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: French 270 and 271, with C or better, and instructor's consent; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with 3##  
Students study theater in French from its medieval beginnings to the present. Authors/works to be read may include medieval farce, Turnèbe, Corneille, Molière, Racine, Diderot, Hugo, Rostand, Ionesco, Girardoux, Beckett, and Césaire. Works will be studied in historical, cultural, critical, and performing contexts.
Students will demonstrate critical knowledge of major works of French theater, and appreciate the major issues involved and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will demonstrate critical knowledge of major works of French theater, and appreciate the major issues involved and their cultural significance; ACTFL* achievement level: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 330  Survey-Poetry Thry & Practice  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 and 271, with C or better, and instructor's consent; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with 3##  
Theory and Practice. Study of French narrative, dramatic, and lyric poetry, with emphasis on the lyric.
Students will be able to demonstrate detailed critical knowledge and comprehension of major literary works of the genre under study, as well as a sophisticated critical appreciation of the major issues and questions in these works and their culture


Students will be able to demonstrate detailed critical knowledge and comprehension of major literary works of the genre under study, as well as a sophisticated critical appreciation of the major issues and questions in these works and their culture
FREN 340  Survey of Prose: Fictional & Non-Fictional  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 270 and/or FREN 271 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
Students conduct detailed analysis of the outstanding stylistic features of France's great prose writers from the XVIth century to the present day. Works may include writings by Rabelais, Montaigne, Pascal, Voltaire, Flaubert, Balzac, Michelet, Proust, Camus, Malraux and Lévi-Strauss, among others.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies  
Appreciation of the rich variety of expressive skills and moral penetration among France's great prose writers; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Appreciation of the rich variety of expressive skills and moral penetration among France's great prose writers; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 369  Introduction to French for Reading Knowledge  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will prepare students for reading and conducting research in French. Fundamentals of grammar, syntax, and vocabulary essential to reading competence will be covered, using materials drawn from a wide range of fields. Completion of this course with a passing grade fulfills the Graduate School language competency requirement. This course is restricted to graduate students.
Course equivalencies: FREN369 / FREN109  
FREN 390  French & Francophone Cultures & Civilizations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: FREN 271 with C or better, and instructor's consent  
This multidisciplinary study of French and Francophone cultures as they have developed over the centuries will focus on the historical, institutional, religious, and artistic manifestations that have contributed to the formation of these identities. Special attention will be given to their revolutionary role in politics, painting, intellectual life, and cinema.
Interdisciplinary Option: African Studies and the African Diaspora, Global Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-FREN390/INTS390  
Students will be able to identify and discuss the revolutionary roles these cultures have had in politics, painting, intellectual life, and cinema; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low


Students will be able to identify and discuss the revolutionary roles these cultures have had in politics, painting, intellectual life, and cinema; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Intermediate Mid to Advanced Low
FREN 395  Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Completion of at least one 300-level French course and instructor's consent  
Eligible students who have secured an internship related to the field of study may complete an internship for credit, with the approval of a faculty member. Students complete reflective assignments and a final project in French, in consultation with the faculty member.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Students gain professional experience while working with the French language and Francophone cultures and applying skills they have learned in the classroom


Students gain professional experience while working with the French language and Francophone cultures and applying skills they have learned in the classroom
FREN 399  French Honors Tutorial  (3 Credit Hours)  
Eligible students majoring in French and with departmental honors may elect tutorial for credit; topic chosen in consultation with faculty member. Instructor's consent, restricted to students in French BA.
Course equivalencies: FREN399H / FREN399  
Students will explore a topic of their choice guided by a faculty member, and will conduct a research project that will result in a final paper


Students will explore a topic of their choice guided by a faculty member, and will conduct a research project that will result in a final paper