2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Healthcare Management (HCMT)

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HCMT 501  Healthcare Finance and Accounting  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Restricted to students enrolled in the MBA Health Care Management program  
No course description is available
HCMT 502  Healthcare Economics  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides an understanding of the unique economic complexities of the health care industry, with a focus on consumer demand for health and the supply of health care services.
HCMT 505  Healthcare Business Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines the decision-making process in health care settings using an ethical framework that reconciles competing values and a mindset that prioritizes dwindling resources among a significant number of health care stakeholders.
HCMT 506  Healthcare Policy and Law  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will introduce the student to the US Legal System and its application to the Healthcare Administrative environment. Topics covered will include the major legislative and regulatory standards of Health Care Law.
HCMT 507  Healthcare Risk Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will learn to identify legal, ethical, administrative and compliance risk management and patient safety issues and to reach resolutions for the problems presented. Students will learn how to respond to various risk management issues from the perspective of clinicians, lawyers, administrators, managers and patients and appreciate how events are perceived and managed; and often how these perceptions are in conflict.
HCMT 508  Global Issues in Healthcare Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides students with an understanding of comparative global health care systems. Topics of study will include different models of funding health care services (via public and private health insurance systems), various models of organization of health care providers, and measures of population health in the visit countries.
HCMT 509  Special Topics in Health Care Management  (1.5 Credit Hours)  
Scheduled classes are offered on an ad hoc basis. Specific titles, prerequisites and content will vary. Enrollment is restricted to students enrolled in MBA-Health Care Management program.
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of specialized topics in health care


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of specialized topics in health care
HCMT 510  Data Driven Decision Making in Healthcare Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
The intent of this course is to expand data literacy by learning about data tools and how pitfalls can occur in the process of creating them. This includes learning how data is defined, captured, analyzed, and cleaned. In addition, students will learn how data science tools are used within a healthcare setting and what ethical concerns may exist.
HCMT 512  Healthcare Marketing Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will cover how marketing should be integrated across today's healthcare organizations, and give healthcare leaders a foundational understanding of the marketing concepts necessary for effectively defining their market, communicating with multiple customer groups, and ultimately driving customer loyalty and growth.
HCMT 513  HR Strategic Management  (1.5 Credit Hours)  
This course will help students understand and analyze the strategic HR challenges and decisions that organizations face today. The course will include lecture, readings, completion of case analysis in learning teams, a group presentation on one case, an individual paper, and a panel discussion with healthcare HR professionals.
HCMT 514  Healthcare Leadership  (1.5 Credit Hours)  
This course will help students expand their thinking on what it takes to be an effective leader in today's healthcare environment.  It will also provide students an opportunity to gain insight on themselves as leaders, including their leadership purpose, values, style, talents, and development priorities. 
HCMT 515  Project Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Restricted to students enrolled in the MBA-HCM program  
No course description is available
HCMT 516  Change Management  (1.5 Credit Hours)  
This course explores the complexity and dynamics of change in organizations, with a particular focus on the health care domain. Topics covered include organization development, managing resistance, and change leadership. Students will develop an awareness of the ethical issues of change and corporate social responsibility. Restricted to Healthcare Management cohort only (HCMC-MBA).
Students will develop an awareness of the ethical issues of change and corporate social responsibility


Students will develop an awareness of the ethical issues of change and corporate social responsibility
HCMT 530  Capstone: Strategic Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
This is the capstone course of the Health Care MBA program, and is intended to be a bridge to working responsibly and effectively in the real world, particularly in the health care industry. This course will explore the fundamental frameworks for identifying, developing and implementing effective strategy for health care organizations.