2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Instructional Design (INDN)

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INDN 420  Instructional Design Theories and Models  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre- or co-requisites: CIEP 470 Principles of Instructional Design  
This course covers how theories of human learning can be applied to the instructional process to make it more effective, efficient, and appealing. The course has a two-fold focus: the theoretical principles that have contributed to the field of ID, and how those principles can be applied within practical settings.
Differentiate/compare/contrast among learning theories, ID theories and ID models; Identify/describe the basic tenets of behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist theories; Identify/describe motivational theories; Select/apply principles in practical learning situations


Differentiate/compare/contrast among learning theories, ID theories and ID models; Identify/describe the basic tenets of behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist theories; Identify/describe motivational theories; Select/apply principles in practical learning situations
INDN 421  Design & Development of Instructional Materials  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre- or co-requisites: CIEP 470 Principles of Instructional Design  
This course builds upon instructional design theories and best practices introduced in the Principles of Instructional Design course. It provides an overview of a variety of instructional tools and technologies and allows students to implement design principles in the development of instructional materials.
Recall/describe/apply learning theories and methodologies to design/develop instructional materials; Recognize/describe/apply visual literacy strategies and accessibility standards to create instructional materials; Design/develop/implement instructional materials using multiple media


Recall/describe/apply learning theories and methodologies to design/develop instructional materials; Recognize/describe/apply visual literacy strategies and accessibility standards to create instructional materials; Design/develop/implement instructional materials using multiple media
INDN 430  Performance Improvement in Organizations  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre- or co-requisites: CIEP 470 Principles of Instructional Design  
In this course, learners will identify a problem/cause/solution to a performance problem within an organization using the Human Performance Improvement model. Learners will select a learning intervention and create an evaluation plan to assess its effectiveness. Learners will compare/contrast the instructional design process within a variety of organizations.
Compare/contrast ID teams in organizations; Analyze data to identify performance gaps/causes; Select a performance intervention based on needs analysis; Compose an evaluation plan; Identify Change Management strategies for implementation


Compare/contrast ID teams in organizations; Analyze data to identify performance gaps/causes; Select a performance intervention based on needs analysis; Compose an evaluation plan; Identify Change Management strategies for implementation
INDN 431  Fundamentals of Learning Analytics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre- or co-requisites: CIEP 470 Principles of Instructional Design  
In this course, students will build a foundation for deploying learning analytics to be used in instructional design. The course employs a combination of theory and hands-on experience using business-intelligence tools. Emphasis will be centered on specific models and methodologies in data collection, normalization, visualization, and analysis.
Explain learning analytics theory; identify recent trends; Use reporting tools to compile/isolate/summarize data; Differentiate between learning models; Align data models to assessments; Conduct predictive data analysis; Discuss ethics considerations


Explain learning analytics theory; identify recent trends; Use reporting tools to compile/isolate/summarize data; Differentiate between learning models; Align data models to assessments; Conduct predictive data analysis; Discuss ethics considerations
INDN 440  Applications of Human Centered Design Principles  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre- or co-requisites: CIEP 470 Principles of Instructional Design  
Human-centered design places humans and their needs at the center of the design, compels us to take a holistic/thoughtful approach to our designs. This course uses these principles to examine the design process to create learning experiences that are inclusive and responsive. Learners will also craft their own design philosophy.
Describe principles of human-centered design; Create a space for learning that incorporates principles of human-centered design; Critique the application and use of these principles; Formulate your own philosophy of design


Describe principles of human-centered design; Create a space for learning that incorporates principles of human-centered design; Critique the application and use of these principles; Formulate your own philosophy of design
INDN 490  Instructional Design Capstone  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: CIEP 470 Principles of Instructional Design, last semester of the program, program director approval; Corequisite: 8W1 remaining course requirements must be completed  
Students will apply program outcomes to real-world settings in preparation for an ID career. The course combines research and service learning towards the creation of a project, portfolio and professional artifact. Students will partner with a SME to build a module tailored to their course or institution.
Conduct a needs assessment, compose learning goals/outcomes, and create an evaluation plan by partnering with a subject matter expert; Create a training module incorporating SME content; Develop a professional portfolio


Conduct a needs assessment, compose learning goals/outcomes, and create an evaluation plan by partnering with a subject matter expert; Create a training module incorporating SME content; Develop a professional portfolio