2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Italian (ITAL)

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ITAL 101  Italian I  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides an introduction to the basic grammatical elements of Italian, promoting the development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills while examining the geography and culture of Italy.
Students will be able to understand and write basic Italian sentences and to produce orally and in writing short sentences providing basic personal information about themselves, their activities and plans in Italian


Students will be able to understand and write basic Italian sentences and to produce orally and in writing short sentences providing basic personal information about themselves, their activities and plans in Italian
ITAL 102  Italian II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 101  
This course continues the introduction to the basic grammatical elements of Italian, promoting the further development of listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills while examining the geography and culture of Italy.
Students will be able to understand and write basic Italian sentences and to produce orally and in writing short sentences providing basic personal information about themselves, their activities and plans in Italian


Students will be able to understand and write basic Italian sentences and to produce orally and in writing short sentences providing basic personal information about themselves, their activities and plans in Italian
ITAL 103  Italian III  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 102  
This course examines more complex grammatical elements of Italian, and promotes the development of intermediate listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills.
Students will be able to understand and write more complex Italian sentences and paragraphs, and to produce orally and in writing paragraphs and longer pieces providing accounts of their present past and future activities, and oral and written reactions to Italian cultural products


Students will be able to understand and write more complex Italian sentences and paragraphs, and to produce orally and in writing paragraphs and longer pieces providing accounts of their present past and future activities, and oral and written reactions to Italian cultural products
ITAL 104  Italian IV  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 103  
This course is a comprehensive review of the basic grammatical elements of Italian, while continuing to promote all language skills with particular emphasis on reading and writing proficiency in areas of cultural and societal investigation.
Students will be able to understand and write increasingly complex Italian sentences and paragraphs and to produce orally and in writing utterances and texts about Italy, its cultural distinctness and its differences from the United States


Students will be able to understand and write increasingly complex Italian sentences and paragraphs and to produce orally and in writing utterances and texts about Italy, its cultural distinctness and its differences from the United States
ITAL 250  Composition & Conversation I  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 104  
This advanced conversation and composition course emphasizes the development of advanced Italian speaking and writing skills and examines advanced grammar and vocabulary in relation to advanced skill development.
Students will further develop their Italian language skill acquired in previous courses and through experience and will strive for functional conversational fluency and the ability to write with clarity, precision and control of grammatical elements


Students will further develop their Italian language skill acquired in previous courses and through experience and will strive for functional conversational fluency and the ability to write with clarity, precision and control of grammatical elements
ITAL 251  Composition & Conversation II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 104  
This advanced conversation and composition course can either be taken as a continuation of ITAL 250 or independently. It also emphasizes the development of advanced Italian speaking and writing skills and examines advanced grammar and vocabulary in relation to advanced skill development.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian Studies  
Students will further develop their Italian language skill acquired in previous courses and through experience and will strive for functional conversational fluency and the ability to write with clarity, precision and control of grammatical elements


Students will further develop their Italian language skill acquired in previous courses and through experience and will strive for functional conversational fluency and the ability to write with clarity, precision and control of grammatical elements
ITAL 270  Main Currents of Italian Literature I  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, is an introduction to Italian literary texts of the Middle Ages and early Renaissance in relation to the cultural and social and political history of Italy during its most noteworthy period of development.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of how medieval and Renaissance Italian literary text reflect in a profound way Italy's cultural, artistic and political history in a systematic manner


Students will demonstrate knowledge of how medieval and Renaissance Italian literary text reflect in a profound way Italy's cultural, artistic and political history in a systematic manner
ITAL 271  Main Currents of Italian Literature II  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, is an introduction to Italian literary texts and films in relation to the cultural and political history of Italy from 1700 to the present.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Global Studies, Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of how Italian literary texts and film reflect in a profound way Italy's social, cultural, economic and political history in a systematic manner


Students will demonstrate knowledge of how Italian literary texts and film reflect in a profound way Italy's social, cultural, economic and political history in a systematic manner
ITAL 280  Masterpieces of Italian Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 250 and ITAL 251, with C or better; If either 250 or 251 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
This course is dedicated to the study of selected literary masterpieces written in Italian. Canonical and non-canonical works may be included, alongside essays that reflect on the definition and the history of Italian literature and its canon.
By the end of the course, students will be able to describe, discuss, and present works of literature in expository writing; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low


By the end of the course, students will be able to describe, discuss, and present works of literature in expository writing; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low
ITAL 282  Studies in a Theme  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 250 and ITAL 251, with C or better; If either 250 or 251 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
This course explores a theme chosen by the instructor on any social, artistic, and intellectual currents in the cultural history of Italy. The course may include cultural expressions such as the visual arts, music, theatre, performance, and film. It may consider different communication platforms such as - but not limited to - social media and pop culture. It may examine different genres and periods.
By the end of the course, students will be able to identify the historical and social roots of Italian cultural phenomena and differentiate traditions and cultural perspectives in expository writing; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low


By the end of the course, students will be able to identify the historical and social roots of Italian cultural phenomena and differentiate traditions and cultural perspectives in expository writing; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low
ITAL 283  Studies in Italian Authors  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 250 and ITAL 251, with C or better; If either 250 or 251 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
This course is dedicated to the study of selected Italian authors. Canonical and non-canonical writers may be included, alongside authors of the Italian diaspora.
Course equivalencies: X-ITAL283/MSTU376  
By the end of the course, students will be able to describe, discuss, and present the works of Italian authors in expository writing; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low


By the end of the course, students will be able to describe, discuss, and present the works of Italian authors in expository writing; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low
ITAL 284  Studies in Italian Film  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 250 and ITAL 251, with C or better; If either 250 or 251 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
This course will focus on one or more aspects of Italian films and may concentrate on narrative structure, genre, authorship, cinematography, casting, setting, and so on. The course may include a diverse selection of Italian high-brow and popular films, alongside readings that highlight their societal and cultural roots.
Interdisciplinary Option: Global Studies  
By the end of the course, students will be able to describe, discuss, and present on various aspects of Italian cinema and the work of Italian filmmakers; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low


By the end of the course, students will be able to describe, discuss, and present on various aspects of Italian cinema and the work of Italian filmmakers; Students will demonstrate adequate reading and writing skills at level through oral presentations and term papers; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low
ITAL 290  The Italians  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 250 and ITAL 251, with C or better; If either 250 or 251 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
This course aims at the acquisition of the Italian language for professional purposes in conducting business in Italy or with Italian companies. It will provide students with professional opportunities in an international and global environment.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian American Studies  
By the end of the course, students will be familiar with business etiquette and the organization of Italian companies and corporations; Students will demonstrate use of appropriate written professional language in business letters and CV writing, and in oral communication; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low


By the end of the course, students will be familiar with business etiquette and the organization of Italian companies and corporations; Students will demonstrate use of appropriate written professional language in business letters and CV writing, and in oral communication; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Intermediate High to Advanced Low
ITAL 300  Tutorial for Credit  (1-6 Credit Hours)  
Students will cover a specially designed program of study through regular meeting with Italian faculty.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of literature and culture and will improve their language skills


Students will demonstrate knowledge of literature and culture and will improve their language skills
ITAL 301  Stylistics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 270 and ITAL 271, with C or better; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
This course helps students develop writing skills in expository prose. Based on intensive study of advanced grammar and syntax, the course enhances students' vocabulary through prose, poetry, and essay readings.
By the end of the course, students will demonstrate a firm and comprehensive command of the complexities of written and spoken Italian in expository writing and oral presentations; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low


By the end of the course, students will demonstrate a firm and comprehensive command of the complexities of written and spoken Italian in expository writing and oral presentations; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low
ITAL 305  Advanced Grammar  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, is a study of advanced Italian composition and rhetoric, with advanced study of Italian grammar.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian Studies  
Students will further develop their Italian language skills acquired in previous courses and through experience and will strive to achieve as high a proficiency level as personally possible in their advanced Italian reading and writing ability


Students will further develop their Italian language skills acquired in previous courses and through experience and will strive to achieve as high a proficiency level as personally possible in their advanced Italian reading and writing ability
ITAL 308  Literary Criticism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 270 and ITAL 271, with C or better; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
Students will study major schools and themes in literary theory, both historical and contemporary. Rhetorical, philosophical, and cultural approaches to literature will be studied in conjunction with specific literary texts drawn from several linguistic and cultural traditions.
Course equivalencies: X-FREN/GERM/ITAL/SPAN308  
By the end of the course, students will be able to debate, contextualize, and interpret major critical issues in the study and theory of literature in expository writing and oral presentations; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Advanced Low to Mid


By the end of the course, students will be able to debate, contextualize, and interpret major critical issues in the study and theory of literature in expository writing and oral presentations; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Advanced Low to Mid
ITAL 312  Dante-The Divine Comedy  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, will examine the Vita Nuova and Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri and study Dante's poetic world in the context of Medieval culture.
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, European Studies, Italian Studies, Medieval Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-ITAL312/CATH312/MSTU364  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Dante's Italian and understanding of the historical, cultural, critical and technical vocabulary needed to analyze the Divine Comedy


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Dante's Italian and understanding of the historical, cultural, critical and technical vocabulary needed to analyze the Divine Comedy
ITAL 314  Survey 13th & 14th Century Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, will examine the influential literary works of Francis Petrarch and Giovanni Boccaccio with emphasis on their respective masterpieces: the Canzoniere and the Decameron.
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, Medieval Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-ITAL314/MSTU368  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Petrarch's poetry and Boccaccio's difficult prose and their techniques of composition


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Petrarch's poetry and Boccaccio's difficult prose and their techniques of composition
ITAL 315  Italian Renaissance Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, will examine the influential literary works of Poliziano, Lorenzo dei Medici, Machiavelli and Castiglione.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Renaissance literature in a variety of genres


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Renaissance literature in a variety of genres
ITAL 316  Renaissance Chivalric Poems  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, will examine the Chivalric Romance Epics of Boiardo, Ariosto and Tasso.
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Renaissance literature 's greatest works


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Renaissance literature 's greatest works
ITAL 317  Survey Early 19th Century Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will examine the influential literary works of Ugo Foscolo, Giacomo Leopardi, Alessandro Manzoni and other authors in a crucial period in the formation of modern Italian cultural identity.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Foscolo and Leopardi poetry and Manzoni's prose and their literary style


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Foscolo and Leopardi poetry and Manzoni's prose and their literary style
ITAL 318  Survey Late 19th Cent Lit  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will examine the influential literary works of Giovanni Verga and the school of Verismo and the "romanzi di formazione" of Edmondo De' Amicis, Carlo Collodi, and other significant Italian authors.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Verga and verismo and of the works of other major late-19th century authors


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Verga and verismo and of the works of other major late-19th century authors
ITAL 319  Survey of 20th Century Prose  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course, taught in Italian, will examine representative Italian novels of the 20th century by authors such as Svevo, Silone, Calvino, Bassani, P. Levi, and Ginzburg.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Global Studies, Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian novelists and their prose and their literary style; Students will improve their Italian reading and writing skills


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian novelists and their prose and their literary style; Students will improve their Italian reading and writing skills
ITAL 320  Survey of 20th Century Poetry  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will examine the major Italian poets of the twentieth century with emphasis on Ungaretti, Quasimodo, Montale, Pasolini, Zanzotto and Luzi. Students will demonstrate the ability to interpret Italian poetry and will write their own Italian poetry.
Interdisciplinary Option: Global Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian poetry and major 20th century poets


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian poetry and major 20th century poets
ITAL 331  Survey of Italian Theater  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will examine representative works of Italian theater from the Renaissance to the present. Featured authors will include Machiavelli, Goldoni, Pirandello and Dario Fo.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian theater in its historical development; Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze Italian plays and act out famous scenes


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian theater in its historical development; Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze Italian plays and act out famous scenes
ITAL 340  Italian Short Story  (3 Credit Hours)  
This survey course will examine representative works of the Italian short story tradition from the 13th century Novellino to the present.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Italian Studies  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian short story in its historical development; Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze Italian short stories and will create their own


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian short story in its historical development; Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze Italian short stories and will create their own
ITAL 390  Culture & Civilization  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course taught in Italian studies the Italy that has emerged since the World War II. examines contemporary Italian culture and society and the problems Italy faces through study of a variety written texts (literary, historical, journalistic) and media.
Interdisciplinary Option: European Studies, Global Studies, Italian American Studies, Italian Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-ITAL390/INTS394  
Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian society as it has been transformed over the past 60 years and will be able to under the role of representative political and cultural figures and forces in promoting change


Students will demonstrate knowledge of Italian society as it has been transformed over the past 60 years and will be able to under the role of representative political and cultural figures and forces in promoting change
ITAL 395  Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
The internship will enable students to gain practical experience in working in Italian government institutions in Chicago (such as the Italian Cultural Institute) or working in businesses or education.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian Studies  
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Students will work 4-8 per week and reflect on their experience in conversations with supervising professor and other interns


Students will work 4-8 per week and reflect on their experience in conversations with supervising professor and other interns
ITAL 397  Topics in Italian Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: ITAL 270 and ITAL 271, with C or better; If either 270 or 271 have been completed, the other may be taken simultaneously with this course  
This course explores a topic chosen by the instructor on any genre, tradition, and form in the literary history of Italy. The course may include literary expressions such as poetry, the short story, the novel, theatre, travel literature, etc., and may also consider different genres and periods.
By the end of the course, students will be able to debate, contextualize, and interpret major critical issues in the study of Italian literature in expository writing and oral presentations; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low to Advanced Medium


By the end of the course, students will be able to debate, contextualize, and interpret major critical issues in the study of Italian literature in expository writing and oral presentations; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low to Advanced Medium
ITAL 399  Italian Honors Tutorial  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Instructor's consent, restricted to students in Italian BA  
Eligible students majoring in Italian and with departmental honors may elect tutorial for credit; topic chosen in consultation with faculty member.
Interdisciplinary Option: Italian Studies  
Course equivalencies: ITAL399H / ITAL399  
Students will explore a topic of their choice guided by a faculty member, and will conduct a research project that will result in a final paper; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low to Advanced-Mid


Students will explore a topic of their choice guided by a faculty member, and will conduct a research project that will result in a final paper; Achievement level desired: ACTFL* Advanced Low to Advanced-Mid
ITAL 401  Italian Language and Culture  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course offers advanced students the opportunity to undertake an in-depth study of cultural debates that have emerged in Italy over the centuries. It examines transformations in Italian culture, and the challenges Italy has confronted in the face of societal changes through the study of a variety of written and visual texts. The course may examine other sources and media.
By the end of the course, students will formulate their own hypotheses on the transformative periods and the role played by cultural figures and forces in promoting change; Students will explore a topic of their choice guided by the faculty member and will conduct a research project that will result in a final paper; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Advanced Mid to High


By the end of the course, students will formulate their own hypotheses on the transformative periods and the role played by cultural figures and forces in promoting change; Students will explore a topic of their choice guided by the faculty member and will conduct a research project that will result in a final paper; ACTFL* achievement level desired: Advanced Mid to High