2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Healthcare Administration (MHA)

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MHA 405  U.S. Health Systems Management  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides a foundation for understanding the contribution of formal US healthcare services to the nation's health. Content includes how the structure of healthcare in the US healthcare impacts operational management of provider systems focus on how care is organized, delivered, financed and regulated. Major challenges that impact healthcare cost, quality and access are examined with underpinnings of social justice and impact on communities served. Emphasis is placed on management of quality, patient safety and information technology as centerpieces of the modern health care environment.
Distinguish roles, functions and responsibilities of healthcare system components; Analyze the interaction of social, political and economic forces shaping healthcare delivery and impact on cost, quality and access


Distinguish roles, functions and responsibilities of healthcare system components; Analyze the interaction of social, political and economic forces shaping healthcare delivery and impact on cost, quality and access
MHA 415  Culture of Quality & Safety in Health Care  (3 Credit Hours)  
Developing, managing healthcare safety and quality programs by demonstrating strategic importance of concepts inside healthcare organizations and clients. Discussion of safety science, high reliability organizations, trends in patient safety, healthcare quality, practices in different healthcare environments, development of organizational cultures, safety & quality, tools for monitoring performance improvement will be examined.
Students will explain forces driving safety and quality in healthcare, evaluate strategies for improving safety/quality in healthcare, describe influence of systems on outcomes; Analyze role of various systems, factors in creating safe environments of care; Explain "just culture" thinking on safety, quality improvement; Develop plan for improvement of safety/quality


Students will explain forces driving safety and quality in healthcare, evaluate strategies for improving safety/quality in healthcare, describe influence of systems on outcomes; Analyze role of various systems, factors in creating safe environments of care; Explain "just culture" thinking on safety, quality improvement; Develop plan for improvement of safety/quality
MHA 430  Managerial Epidemiology  (3 Credit Hours)  
Introduces epidemiological principles, tools pertinent to population health management, delivery of healthcare services, fundamentals of epidemiologic inquiry, population health, community health needs assessment introduced. Methods to effective planning, monitoring, and evaluation of healthcare services. Emphasis given to practical applications, decision-making in healthcare administration, planning, management, financing, outcome evaluation, within healthcare organizations.
Students will distill the central role of population health management in healthcare administration, epidemiology in evidence-based management, basic principles/methods of descriptive epidemiology to healthcare, administration functions


Students will distill the central role of population health management in healthcare administration, epidemiology in evidence-based management, basic principles/methods of descriptive epidemiology to healthcare, administration functions
MHA 440  Healthcare Management and Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course deepens insights into profession of healthcare administration, presents key principles, practices of management within healthcare organizations. Emphasis given to knowledge, skills necessary to effectively manage healthcare organizations. The interplay between management and the larger environment of internal/external stakeholders explored, ethical issues common to healthcare management examined. Provides foundation for developing effective management.
Students will differentiate key principles of management, articulate the governance and management structure of healthcare organizations, synthesize core functions of healthcare manager; Identify/frame/evaluate healthcare management challenges, define strategies for addressing challenges


Students will differentiate key principles of management, articulate the governance and management structure of healthcare organizations, synthesize core functions of healthcare manager; Identify/frame/evaluate healthcare management challenges, define strategies for addressing challenges
MHA 450  Research Literacy for Health Decision Makers  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores the research process and the regulatory requirements in health sciences research. The fundamentals of research design, methodology, interpretation, and critical appraisal are introduced. The course requires critical thinking and analysis to determine the relevance of novel research. Emphasis is given to practical applications to decision-making in healthcare administration including planning, management, assessment, and outcome evaluation, within healthcare organizations. Students will present a critical analysis of multiple types of research studies. 2) Describe research governance, ethical doctrine and regulations impacting human participant protection. 3) Assess study design and describe appropriate measures and data collection techniques. 4) Discuss regulatory and policy factors that impact health-related research. 5) Critically evaluate health-related research, including analysis and conclusions. 6) Evaluate the relevance and implementation challenges of novel research. 7) Determine how ethical healthcare leaders impact innovation and research.
1) Explain the scientific method as it relates to research


1) Explain the scientific method as it relates to research
MHA 451  Healthcare Finance I  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides a basic understanding of financial management principles with emphasis on the not-for-profit entity. Foundational accounting concepts are explored with a focus on risk, financial statements, capital investments, debt and equity financing.
Students will be able to recognize the three main corporate financial statements and explain in lay terms the information contained therein


Students will be able to recognize the three main corporate financial statements and explain in lay terms the information contained therein
MHA 452  Healthcare Finance II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: MHA 451  
Building on the foundational learning from Healthcare Finance I, this course focuses on for-profit entities within the health care sector and reimbursement methods. Financial concepts, discounted cash flow analysis, risk, financial performance evaluation, capital investments, capital budgeting, debt, equity financing will be explored. Description, assessments of reimbursement methodologies, strategies will be explored.
Engage in long-term financial forecasting and planning;  Differentiate various reimbursement strategies/ methodologies; Complete comprehensive financial forecast for a healthcare organization


Engage in long-term financial forecasting and planning;  Differentiate various reimbursement strategies/ methodologies; Complete comprehensive financial forecast for a healthcare organization
MHA 460  Strategy & Leadership in Healthcare Organizations  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines competitive strategy, leadership in current healthcare environment. Content emphasizes formulation, execution & management, critical evaluation of organizational strategy. Key challenges faced by U.S. healthcare organizations and strategic responses are introduced. The relationship between strategic outcomes and leadership is explored emphasizing values-based leadership and individual qualities that define effective leaders. 2) Evaluate strategic options for a healthcare organization. 3) Formulate a strategy for a healthcare organization. 4) Manage the execution of a defined strategy. 5) Evaluate the performance of a strategic plan. 6) Compare theoretical concepts of leadership.
1) Analyze the internal and external environment to which a strategy must respond


1) Analyze the internal and external environment to which a strategy must respond
MHA 468  Healthcare Data Analytics & Business Intelligence  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores the use of data analytics, mining, visualization, tools to support data-driven decisions in healthcare organizations. Students develop a comprehensive view of data, use data to drive outcomes and efficiencies in healthcare. Commonly used methods/challenges in data analytics discussed. Multiple sources are explored including patient-generated data, electronic health records, administrative databases.
Students will discuss the role of data analytics in health care organizations, demonstrate conceptual and practical knowledge, share structuring of health and healthcare data, retrieve data, perform descriptive analyses on healthcare datasets


Students will discuss the role of data analytics in health care organizations, demonstrate conceptual and practical knowledge, share structuring of health and healthcare data, retrieve data, perform descriptive analyses on healthcare datasets
MHA 480  Topics in Post-Acute Care  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course acquaints students with services delivered following traditional acute-care episodes or stays, providing comprehensive overview of programs, policies, services specific to post-acute care providers, facilities. The operating environment is examined with emphasis on regulations, reimbursement, care delivery, alternative delivery systems. Timely issues, challenges, dilemmas confronting long term care management explored.
Demonstrate understanding of the basic operations of the continuum of post-acute care services, including delivery systems, consumers, providers, competitors; Discuss legal, regulatory environment surrounding post-acute care; Delineate role of financing/reimbursement


Demonstrate understanding of the basic operations of the continuum of post-acute care services, including delivery systems, consumers, providers, competitors; Discuss legal, regulatory environment surrounding post-acute care; Delineate role of financing/reimbursement
MHA 484  Capstone I-Healthcare Decision Support  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Instructor Permission required  
The course focuses on understanding decision support systems and how they are used to inform leadership decision-making across healthcare organizations. 2) Evaluate strategic options for a healthcare organization. 3) Formulate a strategy for a healthcare organization. 4) Manage the execution of a defined strategy. 5) Evaluate the performance of a strategic plan. 6) Compare theoretical concepts of leadership.
1) Analyze the internal and external environment to which a strategy must respond


1) Analyze the internal and external environment to which a strategy must respond
MHA 489  Human Resources and Professionalism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Human Resources and Professionalism is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills to effectively manage human resources in the dynamic healthcare industry. Students will explore the role of human resources in healthcare, understanding the success of any healthcare organization is heavily dependent on workforce planning, recruitment, selection and retention. This course introduces the technical and legal aspects of human resources management (HRM) from a strategic business perspective and examines how HRM best practices can be applied to health services organizations (HSO s). The course examines how to manage human resources effectively in the dynamic legal, social, and economic environment currently constraining health care organizations. 2) Develop talent management processes including; recruitment plans, selection, engagement, and retention, and performance appraisal of employees. 3) Identify laws and policies affecting and protecting healthcare workers. 4) Determine effective strategies for conflict identification and management. 5) Discuss ethical leadership, codes of conduct and professional responsibilities. 6) Develop a plan for continued professional development, network expansion, and service to the profession.
1) Evaluate HR management practices


1) Evaluate HR management practices
MHA 490  Research and Innovation in Healthcare Administration  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course explores the research process and the regulatory requirements in drug, device, and biological product development. The fundamentals of research design, methodology, interpretation, and critical appraisal are introduced. The course requires critical thinking and analysis to determine the relevance of novel research. Emphasis is given to practical applications to decision-making in healthcare administration including planning, management, assessment, and outcome evaluation, within healthcare organizations.
1) Outline the research and drug, device, and biologic development processes; 2) Discuss regulatory and policy factors that impact health-related research; 3) Critically evaluate health-related research; 4) Evaluate academic and industry contributions to innovation; 5) Evaluate the relevance and implementation challenges of novel research; 6) Determine how ethical healthcare leaders impact innovation and research


1) Outline the research and drug, device, and biologic development processes; 2) Discuss regulatory and policy factors that impact health-related research; 3) Critically evaluate health-related research; 4) Evaluate academic and industry contributions to innovation; 5) Evaluate the relevance and implementation challenges of novel research; 6) Determine how ethical healthcare leaders impact innovation and research
MHA 491  Systems Thinking for Healthcare Leaders  (1 Credit Hour)  
This two-day immersion will serve as an introductory course for the MHA program. Students will explore the concepts of systems thinking and develop practical skills for its application in healthcare settings. Students will be provided with supplemental reading materials and participate in simulations and exercises to hone their skills in this critical leadership competency.
Students will define systems thinking as a leadership model and Apply relevant components of systems thinking in real-world healthcare setting


Students will define systems thinking as a leadership model and Apply relevant components of systems thinking in real-world healthcare setting
MHA 492  Policy in Health Systems  (1 Credit Hour)  
This Immersion provides students with policy, economic, and governance framework for understanding healthcare delivery systems. Selected theoretical models will be used to analyze existing and proposed health policies from the perspective of relevant stakeholders. Critical appraisal of selected national and global programs including their underlying values, socio-political, and economic issues, is a focus. This critical appraisal,based on the political, economic, legal, social, and ethical forces which impact the health policy-making process will be examined against the backdrop of US healthcare delivery systems. Implications for research and practice aimed at improving health outcomes of a student's target population will be a focus of this course. 2) Define various governance models and their relationships to governing regulatory bodies. 3) Use selected theoretical models to critically analyze health policies and related .issues from multiple stakeholder perspectives, including underrepresented populations.
1) Describe the policy development and implementation processes in the United States


1) Describe the policy development and implementation processes in the United States
MHA 493  Healthcare Performance Management  (1 Credit Hour)  
This two-day immersion helps students build practical skills for ongoing performance management and monitoring of strategically aligned key performance indicators. Students will explore use of scorecards, dashboards as tool for ongoing outcomes monitoring, management within health systems. Students will be provided with supplemental reading, guest lecturers, participate in simulations, exercises.
Students will build outcome monitoring scorecards and dashboards, effectively communicate outcomes and performance metrics


Students will build outcome monitoring scorecards and dashboards, effectively communicate outcomes and performance metrics
MHA 494  Multi-disciplinary Teams in Healthcare  (1 Credit Hour)  
Two-day immersion provides students with practical lessons, recognizing and optimizing the multi-disciplinary nature of healthcare workforces. Focus on building cross-functional teams, recognizing potential strengths/weaknesses of team members from different educational/practice backgrounds. Team building exercises, small group theories will be incorporated to demonstrate practical value of multi-disciplinary teams. Course includes supplemental reading materials, guest lecturers, simulations, exercises to hone skills in critical leadership competency.
Students will identify opportunities, challenges facing healthcare workforce; will effectively build multi-disciplinary teams of health care workers from a variety of specialties and fields


Students will identify opportunities, challenges facing healthcare workforce; will effectively build multi-disciplinary teams of health care workers from a variety of specialties and fields
MHA 495  Capstone II  (3-6 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: MHA 484 *Students without work experience or looking to gain more confidence and skill may take a 2nd capstone course, either concurrently or after the first capstone  
This course provides students with the direction and support to complete an independent capstone project relative to an area of professional interest. Students develop a 1) workable problem statement; 2) a precise and targeted literature review on the topic of interest; and 3) propose an interventional capstone project to address the identified need/problem using the principles of Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Implement, and Control). Students identify a community-based partner organization and secure commitment from the organization and individual preceptor willing to facilitate the project. A written plan of execution is submitted in the form of the Capstone Project Plan. Upon faculty approval, students may begin the implementation of the project. The second capstone provides more experiential learning opportunities and allow for greater interaction with the partner organization and problem-solving methodology. 2) Demonstrate analytic, critical thinking, and problem-solving capabilities by proposing an administrative solution to a healthcare problem.
1) Examine a relevant healthcare problem or knowledge gap by executing and synthesizing a professional research and literature review


1) Examine a relevant healthcare problem or knowledge gap by executing and synthesizing a professional research and literature review
MHA 499  Independent Study in Healthcare Administration  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Course open to MHA students; Permission of the Program Director  
This is a directed study course in healthcare administration for approved students, supervised by a member of the MHA faculty. Students must have assigned professor, written objectives, planned outcomes and timelines.
Students will be able to articulate a general understanding of the selected topic


Students will be able to articulate a general understanding of the selected topic