2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Military Science (MLSC)

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MLSC 101  Leadership and Personal Development  (1 Credit Hour)  
This course is open to all students. MLSC 101 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 101 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 101 examines the personal challenges and competencies that are critical for effective leadership and communication. The primary focus is on leadership and leadership development. Additionally a framework is established to understand and utilize time management, stress and stress management, personal development, nutrition and goal setting.
Students will develop basic knowledge and comprehension of leadership dimensions, attributes and core leader competencies while enhancing their personal development skills


Students will develop basic knowledge and comprehension of leadership dimensions, attributes and core leader competencies while enhancing their personal development skills
MLSC 102  Introduction to Leadership  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 101 or Departmental Consent is required to enroll in this course. MLSC 102 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 102 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 102 overviews leadership fundamentals such as problem-solving, listening skills, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and effective writing skills. Leadership models learned in MLSC 101 are analyzed more in-depth. Students will explore dimensions of leadership attributes and core leader competencies in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive tactical exercises.
Students will explore, in more detail, leadership philosophies; Students will learn to develop their leadership character and presence, while developing critical communication skills and learning fundamental military concepts and tactics


Students will explore, in more detail, leadership philosophies; Students will learn to develop their leadership character and presence, while developing critical communication skills and learning fundamental military concepts and tactics
MLSC 132  Leadership Development II  (1 Credit Hour)  
This course overviews leadership fundamentals such as problem-solving, listening skills, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and effective writing skills. Leadership models learned in MLSC 101 are analyzed more in-depth. Students will explore dimensions of leadership attributes and core leader competencies in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive tactical exercises.
MLSC 133  Leadership Development III  (2 Credit Hours)  
This course overviews leadership fundamentals such as problem-solving, listening skills, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and effective writing skills. Leadership models learned in MLSC 101 are analyzed more in-depth. Students will explore dimensions of leadership attributes and core leader competencies in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive tactical exercises.
MLSC 134  Leadership Development IV  (2 Credit Hours)  
This course overviews leadership fundamentals such as problem-solving, listening skills, presenting briefs, providing feedback, and effective writing skills. Leadership models learned in MLSC 101 are analyzed more in-depth. Students will explore dimensions of leadership attributes and core leader competencies in the context of practical, hands-on, and interactive tactical exercises.
MLSC 151  Physical Training I  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: This course is open to all students. ROTC students must take MLSC 151 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 151 section 002. MLSC 151 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Introduced to the basics of military fitness in order to develop muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility


Introduced to the basics of military fitness in order to develop muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility
MLSC 152  Physical Training II  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 151 or Departmental Consent is required to enroll in this course. ROTC students must take MLSC 152 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 152 section 002. MLSC 152 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Introduced to the basics of military fitness in order to develop muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility


Introduced to the basics of military fitness in order to develop muscular strength, cardiovascular endurance, and flexibility
MLSC 201  Foundations of Leadership  (2 Credit Hours)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 102 or Departmental Consent is required to enroll in this course. MLSC 201 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 201 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 201 explores the dimensions of innovative tactical leadership strategies and styles by examining team dynamics. Aspects of personal development such as the importance of communication, ability to present information as a briefing and time management as a leader and a member of a group are also discussed. Upon completing this course students will be able to practically apply learned leadership theories and work more effectively as a member of a team.
MLSC 202  Tactical Leadership  (2 Credit Hours)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 201 or Departmental Consent is required to enroll in this course. MLSC 202 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 202 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 202 examines situational, transformational, and adaptive leadership theories and how to assess leadership styles. The course highlights dimensions of terrain analysis, patrolling, and operation orders. Further study of the theoretical basis of the Army Leadership Requirements Model explores the dynamics of adaptive leadership in the context of military operations.
Upon completing this course students will be able to assess and apply leadership skills as both a leader and member of a team


Upon completing this course students will be able to assess and apply leadership skills as both a leader and member of a team
MLSC 251  Physical Training III  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 152 or Departmental Consent is required to enroll in this course. ROTC students must take MLSC 251 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 251 section 002. MLSC 251 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Effectively execute a physical fitness plan presented to them using proper leadership techniques


Effectively execute a physical fitness plan presented to them using proper leadership techniques
MLSC 252  Physical Training IV  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 251 or Departmental Consent is required to enroll in this course. ROTC students must take MLSC 252 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 252 section 002. MLSC 252 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Effectively execute a physical fitness plan presented to them using proper leadership techniques


Effectively execute a physical fitness plan presented to them using proper leadership techniques
MLSC 301  Adaptive Team Leadership  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: MLSC 202 or Departmental Consent is required  
This course is restricted to ROTC Students only. MLSC 301 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 301 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 301 teaches students analytical problem solving critical to successful leadership. They learn planning processes and leadership skills necessary to organize and direct the completion of tasks in all environments. Students will learn and demonstrate complex military tactics during discussions and practical exercises, and organize and deliver military briefings. Enrollment restricted to ROTC students.
Upon completion, students should be prepared to demonstrate more complex leadership abilities; Students will be evaluated on leadership performance and expected to improve with developmental feedback


Upon completion, students should be prepared to demonstrate more complex leadership abilities; Students will be evaluated on leadership performance and expected to improve with developmental feedback
MLSC 302  Applied Team Leadership  (3 Credit Hours)  
Enrollment Conditions: MLSC 301 is required to enroll in this course. This course is restricted to ROTC students only. MLSC 302 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 302 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 302 applies the fundamentals of Army Leadership, ethics, personal development, and tactics to the team and squad level. Students will receive specific feedback on your leader attributes and core leader competencies as you take on leadership roles in the ROTC program to develop into a capable and dynamic leader.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, and leading a squad in a tactical mission during practical instructions in a field environment


At the conclusion of this course, you will be capable of planning, coordinating, and leading a squad in a tactical mission during practical instructions in a field environment
MLSC 311  Advanced Leadership  (3 Credit Hours)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 302 is required to enroll in this course. This course is restricted to ROTC students only. MLSC 311 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 311 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 311 focuses on learning how to train and develop subordinates. Students learn the responsibilities of an Army officer and apply the Military Decision Making Process, and the Army's Training Management processes during Training Meetings to plan, execute and assess ROTC training events. Upon completion students will be prepared for the Basic Officer Leader Course. Students have developed leadership capabilities, applied critical thinking skills, and capable of leading soldiers in full spectrum operations.
MLSC 312  Leadership in a Complex World  (3 Credit Hours)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 312 is required to enroll in this course. This course is restricted to ROTC students only. MLSC 312 section 001 is taken concurrently with MLSC 312 section 002, the laboratory component. MLSC 312 explores the dynamics of leading in the complex situations of current military operations. Students will examine differences in customs, military law, principles of war, and rules of engagement in the face of international terrorism. Students explore aspects of interacting with non-government organizations, civilians, and host nations.
Upon completion students are able to effectively communicate and exhibit the ability to deal with the complex ethical demands of leading soldiers as a commissioned officer in the US Army


Upon completion students are able to effectively communicate and exhibit the ability to deal with the complex ethical demands of leading soldiers as a commissioned officer in the US Army
MLSC 351  Physical Training V  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 252 is required to enroll in this course. This course is open to all students. ROTC students must take MLSC 351 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 351 section 002. MLSC 351 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Effectively develop and execute physical training plan through proper leadership, clear examples and directions, presented with a command presence


Effectively develop and execute physical training plan through proper leadership, clear examples and directions, presented with a command presence
MLSC 352  Physical Training VI  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 351 is required to enroll in this course. This course is open to all students. ROTC students must take MLSC 352 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 352 section 002. MLSC 352 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Effectively develop and execute physical training plan through proper leadership, clear examples and directions, presented with a command presence


Effectively develop and execute physical training plan through proper leadership, clear examples and directions, presented with a command presence
MLSC 361  Physical Training VII  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 352 is required to enroll in this course. This course is open to all students. ROTC students must take MLSC 361 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 361 section 002 MLSC 361 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Provide direct guidance and supervision to the creation of PT Plans; evaluate a physical fitness programs developed and executed by subordinates


Provide direct guidance and supervision to the creation of PT Plans; evaluate a physical fitness programs developed and executed by subordinates
MLSC 362  Physical Training VIII  (1 Credit Hour)  
Enrollment Requirements: MLSC 361 is required to enroll in this course. This course is open to all students. ROTC students must take MLSC 362 section 001. Non-ROTC students must take MLSC 362 section 002. MLSC 362 is designed to develop fitness capabilities. The course implements stretching, strength building and cardiovascular exercises from the Army Physical Readiness Training Program to develop students physically and mentally by building muscular strength and cardiovascular endurance.
Provide direct guidance and supervision to the creation of PT Plans; evaluate a physical fitness programs developed and executed by subordinates


Provide direct guidance and supervision to the creation of PT Plans; evaluate a physical fitness programs developed and executed by subordinates
MLSC 399  Military History - Independent Study  (3 Credit Hours)  
This is an online, independent study course and is open to all students. This course provides students with a historical perspective into decisions made by American military leaders; challenges encountered as an Army officer - battlefield complexity, resource limitations, teamwork deficiencies - circumstances that are faced on the contemporary operational environment and are required to make an informed decision.
Upon completing this course students will understand the history of the United States military, the decisions that have accompanied its changes and inevitably be a stronger and more decisive leader


Upon completing this course students will understand the history of the United States military, the decisions that have accompanied its changes and inevitably be a stronger and more decisive leader