2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Master of Public Policy (MPP)

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MPP 400  Policy Design and Analysis  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will learn to analyze issues to determine if there is a role for government intervention, to evaluate public policy options that could address the identified problem, and to design programs that would target the specific issues. The role of political factors in affecting these decisions is also covered.
MPP 401  Analytical Tools in Public Policy  (3 Credit Hours)  
This class covers diverse modeling tools in public policy, drawing from fields such as economics, geography, demography, spatial analysis, risk analysis. decision theory. The emphasis is on applied analysis to address current public policy issues.
MPP 402  Cost Benefit Analysis  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course cover the basics of the CBA technique with applications in several policy areas. CBA is grounded in the policy evaluation framework, including discussion of ethical issues and the use of CBA information in policy and program decisions.
Ability to conduct CBA analysis, understand its use in the policy process, including ethical issues


Ability to conduct CBA analysis, understand its use in the policy process, including ethical issues
MPP 403  Public Budget and Finance  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides students with practical knowledge about the budget process and the tools to construct and analyze a public budget. General theories of public finance and the role of the budget as a political document are covered. Assignments will provide practice in the budgeting approaches covered in the readings.
MPP 404  Public Policy Process  (3 Credit Hours)  
This class provides an introduction to the major theories of the public policy process. We consider issues of problem definition, social construction, agenda setting, the role of government institutions and interest groups in determining policy outcomes.
Students will understand how political considerations, institutions, and rules of government affect public policy outcomes


Students will understand how political considerations, institutions, and rules of government affect public policy outcomes
MPP 405  Statistical Methods & Analysis for Public Policy I  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is an introduction to statistical modeling, and hypothesis testing for applied problems in urban affairs and public policy. This class will provide the foundation for thinking about casual relationships, determining differences among groups, and what might account for those differences.
Students will learn to conduct basis statistical analysis and write literate data analysis reports


Students will learn to conduct basis statistical analysis and write literate data analysis reports
MPP 406  Statistical Methods & Analysis Public Policy II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: MPP 405  
This class develops the multiple linear regression model and extensions of it that are commonly used in the study of public policy. We investigate the relationships between the type of data available and the quantitative models to use, including logistic analysis and use of simultaneous equations.
Students will learn to use the tools necessary to understand, critique, and conduct advanced statistics


Students will learn to use the tools necessary to understand, critique, and conduct advanced statistics
MPP 407  Local Economic Development  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will learn the current theories of local economic development, including the role of infrastructure, access to markets, workforce quality (human capital), technology development, the role of universities, and the value of networks among business actors. Students will use these theories to create a metropolitan benchmarking report and strategic plan.
MPP 408  Political Feasibility Analysis  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Graduate Students Only  
Students will analyze strategies for assessing the political feasibility of enacting and implementing public policies. Crafting a message, use of media to communicate that message, identification of allies and opponents, and how to navigate legislative and bureaucratic processes will be covered.
Ability to craft and implement a comprehensive political strategy to change public policy outcomes; Includes: creating messages, use of media, development of grassroots campaign, work within legislatures and government agencies


Ability to craft and implement a comprehensive political strategy to change public policy outcomes; Includes: creating messages, use of media, development of grassroots campaign, work within legislatures and government agencies
MPP 409  Education Policy and Politics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Graduate Students Only  
This seminar focuses on K-12 policy in the U.S. using a policy analysis framework. We evaluate alternative policy proposals related to different theories of equality and school quality. We examine market-driven, standards-based, human capital, fiscal, and community-based models of reform. The course concludes by examining the political context for reform.
Develop analytical ability to identify the contemporary problems with education, what causes them, and what policy reforms could be used to address those problems


Develop analytical ability to identify the contemporary problems with education, what causes them, and what policy reforms could be used to address those problems
MPP 410  Special Topics in Public Policy  (3 Credit Hours)  
This seminar course will cover specialized topics in public policy in greater detail.
Students will learn about current issues related to the topic, relevant theoretical approaches, and application of theories to the specific issue in order to develop policy solutions


Students will learn about current issues related to the topic, relevant theoretical approaches, and application of theories to the specific issue in order to develop policy solutions
MPP 411  Environmental Governance  (3 Credit Hours)  
Environmental governance examines the institutions used to manage the environment and natural resources. The class pulls from political, economic, sociological and ecological frameworks to develop an interdisciplinary examination of the management of resources, both in the US and abroad.
MPP 412  Urban Politics and Policy  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course examines sources of power in the city and their impact on city policies, including the role of economic power, federalism, government structures, neighborhood groups, and voting. The focus is on any systematic bias in city policies and how likely that the bias could be overcome.
Understand the major theories of urban politics and use them to analyze potential policy outcomes in cities


Understand the major theories of urban politics and use them to analyze potential policy outcomes in cities
MPP 413  Intergovernmental Relations  (3 Credit Hours)  
This class looks at what determines the allocation of responsibility and power across U.S. levels of government, how do the different levels interact with each other, and how does this system affect why some policy problems appear to receive a lot of attention and others do not. Department consent required.
Understand how principles of federalism shape policy subsystems, which then affects who addresses policy problems and how outcomes are shaped by the various governments


Understand how principles of federalism shape policy subsystems, which then affects who addresses policy problems and how outcomes are shaped by the various governments
MPP 414  Affordable Housing Finance and Policy  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course focuses on how affordable housing programs work - the policy side, the development side, the investment side, and the legal side. This requires an understanding of the legal principles underlying real estate finance, the principles of investment, impact of tax laws, and demographic and economic factors that affect the supply and demand for housing. Department Consent Required.
Gain knowledge of affordable housing criteria, needs assessments, financial and investment factors that affect supply, structure of common affordable housing policies


Gain knowledge of affordable housing criteria, needs assessments, financial and investment factors that affect supply, structure of common affordable housing policies
MPP 461  Education Law & Policy  (3 Credit Hours)  
This seminar explores legal, political and practical issues confronting American education. The course begins with analysis of fundamental political and philosophical principles underlying the educational system. Students then apply these principles to areas of education law - such as school finance, governance, the balance between federal and state roles in curriculum. Department consent required for enrollment.
Course equivalencies: MPP 461/LAW 461  
Students will be able to: understand fundamental legal doctrines governing US education law, research legal and political issues in education policy; analyze education problems and develop policy options


Students will be able to: understand fundamental legal doctrines governing US education law, research legal and political issues in education policy; analyze education problems and develop policy options
MPP 499  Directed Readings  (3 Credit Hours)  
An independent study course provides the opportunity for a student to develop knowledge regarding a particular topic of interest, beyond that available in traditional courses. The student will develop a contract with the faculty member who supervises the independent study to specify the topics covered, the tasks to be performed, and the grading criteria. Students are expected to participate in development of a reading list. Regular meetings of the student and the faculty supervisor will occur throughout the semester.
MPP 500  Public Policy Evaluation  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: PLSC 476 or SOCL 414  
This class covers basic methods of evaluating the impact of public policies. We will read examples of each type of evaluation and discuss the difficulties each case illustrates in doing applied research - including statistical problems, ethical issues, and the potential impact of the evaluation on policy change.
MPP 501  Public Policy Internship  (3 Credit Hours)  
Enrollment is restricted to students in MUAPP program. Students will work with an organization in the public sector (typically nonprofit or government) to apply concepts and skills from the first-year MUAPP curriculum. They will develop a portfolio of work products to demonstrate their competencies and interests to future employers. Students will gain relevant work experience; apply concepts and skills developed in other courses in the MUAPP curriculum; create a portfolio of work products to demonstrate abilities to future employers.
MPP 502  Professional Development Skills  (1 Credit Hour)  
Requirement for MPP graduate students. The class develops professional skills for students to identify and pursue internship and career options. Policy practitioners discuss their experiences, illustrating different work in the policy field. Job search strategies, resume writing, and informational interviews are covered.
MPP 503  Public Policy Practicum  (3 Credit Hours)  
Enrollment is restricted to students in MUAPP program. This is a capstone course for the masters degree in public policy or urban affairs. The goal is to gain experience working as a team conducting a policy analysis or program evaluation project. Faculty will determine the topic for the course, often based on a real world client's interests.
Students apply concepts and skills developed in the MUAPP curriculum to a real world problem; work with a client and stakeholders; create a research report appropriate to an applied environment


Students apply concepts and skills developed in the MUAPP curriculum to a real world problem; work with a client and stakeholders; create a research report appropriate to an applied environment
MPP 606  Childlaw Legislation and Policy Clinic  (3 Credit Hours)  
Permission of instructor is required prior to registration. Students work on a legislative project under faculty supervision that involves: developing an advocacy and coalition building strategy, drafting bills, developing fact sheets and summaries for pending legislative in Springfield, visiting the state legislature to observe and participate in the process of policy advocacy regarding a child or family law issue.
Develop skills necessary in policy advocacy: critiquing legislation, assessing a legislative problem, researching the problem, proposing solutions, and drafting materials and presenting information orally


Develop skills necessary in policy advocacy: critiquing legislation, assessing a legislative problem, researching the problem, proposing solutions, and drafting materials and presenting information orally