2024-2025 CATALOG

The Academic Catalog is the official listing of courses, programs of study, academic policies and degree requirements for Loyola University Chicago. It is published every year in advance of the next academic year.

Theology (THEO)

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THEO 100  Christian Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is an introduction to reflection on and analysis of the Christian theological tradition.
Knowledge Area: Foundational Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, European Studies  
Course equivalencies: ACTHE 101 / THEO 100  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the tasks of Christian theology in its efforts to understand the human situation from the perspective of faith, various challenges to theology in the contemporary world, and will focus on one or more current theological issues


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the tasks of Christian theology in its efforts to understand the human situation from the perspective of faith, various challenges to theology in the contemporary world, and will focus on one or more current theological issues
THEO 107  Introduction to Religious Studies  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is an introduction to the contemporary field of religious studies, focusing on both the theoretical investigations of religious traditions, as well as on the study of selected religious texts and practices (such as creation stories, sacred biographies, sacred scriptures of a religious tradition(s) rituals, ritual taboos, religiously motivated behaviors.
Knowledge Area: Foundational Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Interreligious and Interfaith Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO170 / THEO270 / ACTHE 107  
Students will be able to analyze and interpret various ways in which religious traditions intersect with contemporary issues


Students will be able to analyze and interpret various ways in which religious traditions intersect with contemporary issues
THEO 114  Introduction to the Qur'an  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course provides an introduction to the central Islamic scripture, the Qur'an in terms of its main features and themes, and as a basis for the theological and ethical teachings of Islam, employing both classical interpretive traditions and contemporary academic approaches. Outcome: Students will be able to demonstrate and understanding of the nature of the main Islamic scripture, the Qur'an, and its influence on Muslim beliefs, ethical understandings, and social and religious practices.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: African Studies and the African Diaspora, Black World Studies, Global Studies, Islamic World Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO114INTS114BWS114IWS114  
THEO 167  Religions in China  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course is a survey of various religions in China that may include, not only Confucianism and Taoism, but also Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Manicheism and popular or "folk" religion. The course will consider the function of these various religions in the development of Chinese society and their significance in Chinese civilization from ancient mythology to contemporary practices and developments."
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO167/ASIA167/INTS167  
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the beliefs, practices, and institutions in varied contexts and historical periods in China, of various religions, both indigenous and "foreign


Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the beliefs, practices, and institutions in varied contexts and historical periods in China, of various religions, both indigenous and "foreign
THEO 168  Sacred Texts of China  (3 Credit Hours)  
Through the study of primary sacred texts of China (in translation), this class will provide a basic understanding of Chinese thought and its historical development. Interconnections among the various periods and different schools of Chinese philosophy such as Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and Neo-Confucianism will be demonstrated and discussed from ancient through the medieval and modern periods.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO168/ASIA168/INTS168  
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the major Chinese sacred texts and teachings of various religious and philosophical traditions, and how they developed and interacted historically


Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the major Chinese sacred texts and teachings of various religious and philosophical traditions, and how they developed and interacted historically
THEO 169  Taoism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students will study the history and main ideas and practices of Taoism, meet the sages who wrote the Taoist texts, be introduced to the various schools of Taoist philosophy, and get a feel for what it means to practice Taoism today. The course will illustrate how religious Taoism established a relationship with Confucian thought and practice as well as how at each stage of its historical development, Taoism exerted a profound influence on Chinese politics, economy, culture, art, natural sciences, and social life.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Chinese Language & Culture, Global Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO169/ASIA169/INTS169  
Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of philosophical and religious Taoist beliefs, practices, and institutions in varied contexts and historical periods


Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of philosophical and religious Taoist beliefs, practices, and institutions in varied contexts and historical periods
THEO 185  Christian Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Introduction to Christian Ethics is a core course that explores the major sources, methods, and insights of Christian social and theological ethics. Particular attention is given to Roman Catholic thought. The course will concentrate on the foundational sources in Christian ethics and examine the moral significance of major theological themes and affirmations.
Knowledge Area: Ethics  
Students will identify the major sources of Christian ethics (Scripture, Church tradition, philosophy, the social and human sciences, and human experience), and gain practice in identifying how different thinkers use, interpret, and prioritize these sources


Students will identify the major sources of Christian ethics (Scripture, Church tradition, philosophy, the social and human sciences, and human experience), and gain practice in identifying how different thinkers use, interpret, and prioritize these sources
THEO 186  Global Religious Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Religious Ethics explores fundamental moral sources and methods in Christian ethics in dialogue with the ethical understandings of at least one other religious tradition, and with special attention to Roman Catholic thought. In doing so, it explores moral issues faced by individuals and communities from theological perspectives, particularly mindful of how the economic, political and cultural structures in a religiously plural world affect those issues.
Knowledge Area: Ethics  
Interdisciplinary Option: Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies  
In this course, students will explore and compare the ethical understandings of Christianity and at least one other religious tradition; With respect to each tradition, students will learn about the foundational sources, doctrines and questions that guide its ethical thinking


In this course, students will explore and compare the ethical understandings of Christianity and at least one other religious tradition; With respect to each tradition, students will learn about the foundational sources, doctrines and questions that guide its ethical thinking
THEO 190  Loyola's Mission: Ignatian Traditions  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course introduces students to LUC's mission through theological reflection on the main themes of the Transformative Education mission-statement: spirituality and faith, interlinked human knowing, moral compass, civic and environmental responsibility.
Course equivalencies: THEO190 / THEO290  
Integration into the LUC community, ethos, and vision


Integration into the LUC community, ethos, and vision
THEO 192  Topics in Moral Problems  (3 Credit Hours)  
A critical examination of one or more areas of moral concern from the viewpoint of Christian ethics. May include: medical ethics, professional ethics, social justice issues, racism, environmental concerns, and war and peace studies.
Course equivalencies: THEO192 / THEO292  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions
THEO 203  Social Justice and Injustice  (3 Credit Hours)  
The Dept. recommends that students take THEO 100 or 107 before taking 2nd tier Theology Core. The course introduces students to Catholic and Protestant approaches to social justice. Students will also study theories and analyses of social injustice. Students will study specific instances of social injustice (gender, race, and class). It will increase student awareness of diversity, in the United States and globally.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Bioethics, Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies, Race and Ethnicity  
Summarize relevant social, economic, policy history/context that related to current sites of injustice related to racial-ethnic inequalities, economic inequality, immigration status, healthcare, and sex/gender inequality; Distinguish among distinct theories of justice in both theological and philosophical thought; Describe the moral challenges posed by injustice; Relate key ideas, traditions, & practices in Christian theological, philosophical, and other religious thought that may help individuals and societies move closer to approximating justice in society/world


Summarize relevant social, economic, policy history/context that related to current sites of injustice related to racial-ethnic inequalities, economic inequality, immigration status, healthcare, and sex/gender inequality; Distinguish among distinct theories of justice in both theological and philosophical thought; Describe the moral challenges posed by injustice; Relate key ideas, traditions, & practices in Christian theological, philosophical, and other religious thought that may help individuals and societies move closer to approximating justice in society/world
THEO 204  Religious Ethics and the Ecological Crisis  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
Advances in technology and industry confront us with unprecedented abilities for altering long standing climate patterns. These capacities challenge many traditional religious and ethical assumptions about humanity and our relationship to the nonhuman world. We will examine the resources that religious traditions of the world offer for promoting ecological responsibility.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Bioethics, Catholic Studies, Peace, Justice, and Conflict Studies  
students will be able to:*Summarize relevant history related to scientific, policy & political data and decisions *Describe central scientific and ethical challenges posed by the climate crisis *Relate key ideas, traditions, & practices in Christian theological, philosophical, and other religious thought that may help address this crisis


students will be able to:*Summarize relevant history related to scientific, policy & political data and decisions *Describe central scientific and ethical challenges posed by the climate crisis *Relate key ideas, traditions, & practices in Christian theological, philosophical, and other religious thought that may help address this crisis
THEO 231  Hebrew Bible/Old Testament  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course provides an introduction to the Old Testament / Tanakh (Hebrew Scriptures).
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Islamic World Studies  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity
THEO 232  New Testament  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100 or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course is an introduction to the historical and theological reading of the various documents of early Christianity known as the New Testament.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO112/CATH112  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the literary genres found in the New Testament and explain why the recognition of genre is essential to the interpretation of the New Testament, as well as the importance of how the New Testament documents have reached their present state


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the literary genres found in the New Testament and explain why the recognition of genre is essential to the interpretation of the New Testament, as well as the importance of how the New Testament documents have reached their present state
THEO 265  Sacraments and the Christian Imagination  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100 or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course studies the realities of Christian faith life as expressed and celebrated in the concrete rituals of the Christian communities.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO265/CATH106  
Students will be able to demonstrate how a sacramental system of aesthetics is often embedded in cultural artifacts such as poetry, music, painting, literature, and film, and recognize and interpret the impact of history and cultures on the development of Christian doctrine and practices


Students will be able to demonstrate how a sacramental system of aesthetics is often embedded in cultural artifacts such as poetry, music, painting, literature, and film, and recognize and interpret the impact of history and cultures on the development of Christian doctrine and practices
THEO 266  Church & Global Cultures  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course provides an introduction to ways in which the Christian churches, and primarily the Roman Catholic Church, understand and enact their identity in relation to the secular world of culture, economics, and politics, both nationally and globally.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, Italian Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO105/CATH105  
Students will be able to analyze and interpret contrasting Christian understandings of the notion of original sin, and demonstrate knowledge, with attention to historical development, of the central texts, beliefs, ethical understandings, and practices of at least one religious tradition


Students will be able to analyze and interpret contrasting Christian understandings of the notion of original sin, and demonstrate knowledge, with attention to historical development, of the central texts, beliefs, ethical understandings, and practices of at least one religious tradition
THEO 267  Jesus Christ  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100 or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course examines the life of Jesus Christ, utilizing the Gospels, the writings of Paul and other biblical authors, the early ecumenical councils, and the history of church doctrine, including contemporary scholarship.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO104/CATH104  
This course examines the life of Jesus Christ, utilizing the Gospels, the writings of Paul and other biblical authors, the early ecumenical councils, and the history of church doctrine, including contemporary scholarship


This course examines the life of Jesus Christ, utilizing the Gospels, the writings of Paul and other biblical authors, the early ecumenical councils, and the history of church doctrine, including contemporary scholarship
THEO 272  Judaism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course provides an introduction to Judaism.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Global Studies, Islamic World Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO172/THEO272/INTS172  
Students will be able to name and discuss some of the most important Jewish scriptures, articulate the general outline of the historical evolution of Judaism, and define and discuss key concepts, terms, values, and religious practices foundational to Judaism


Students will be able to name and discuss some of the most important Jewish scriptures, articulate the general outline of the historical evolution of Judaism, and define and discuss key concepts, terms, values, and religious practices foundational to Judaism
THEO 276  Black World Religion  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course explores the revelatory manner in which the divine comes to unique presence and expression among African peoples throughout human history. It will examine the religious experiences and traditions of: Africa's ancient Nile valley civilizations, long recognized as cradling the world's spiritual and philosophical wisdom and as influencing the formative development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Interdisciplinary Option: African Studies and the African Diaspora, Black World Studies, Interreligious and Interfaith Studies, African Studies and the African Diaspora, Black World Studies, Interreligious and Interfaith Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO176 / THEO276/BWS288  
Students will demonstrate their knowledge of African peoples' religious experiences within their various historical and cultural contexts


Students will demonstrate their knowledge of African peoples' religious experiences within their various historical and cultural contexts
THEO 278  Religion & Gender  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course will study the role of women in at least one (if not more) of the major world religious traditions.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Women & Gender Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO178/THEO278/WSGS278  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the influence of religion on gender roles, and how women in the contemporary world are reinterpreting their religious traditions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the influence of religion on gender roles, and how women in the contemporary world are reinterpreting their religious traditions
THEO 279  Roman Catholicism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100 or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course provides an introduction to Roman Catholicism.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, Italian Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO179/THEO279/CATH179  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Roman Catholic beliefs, the historical evolution of Roman Catholicism, the key Roman Catholic concepts, terms, values, and religious practices, and the main lines of current Roman Catholic identity in today's world


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Roman Catholic beliefs, the historical evolution of Roman Catholicism, the key Roman Catholic concepts, terms, values, and religious practices, and the main lines of current Roman Catholic identity in today's world
THEO 280  Religion & Interdisciplinary Studies  (3 Credit Hours)  
Course topics will rotate to incorporate the study of religion in a variety of other disciplines. Focus will be on the influence or application of religious teachings and traditions in the fields of healthcare, politics, education, etc.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Course equivalencies: THEO180 / THEO280  
Describe the ethical implications of the religious beliefs and traditions of at least one religion for the primary field of study


Describe the ethical implications of the religious beliefs and traditions of at least one religion for the primary field of study
THEO 281  Christianity Through Time  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
The course is a survey course in the history of Christian thought. Not a course in Church history, this is a course whose primary goal is to investigate the major interactions between Christian thought and practice and the cultures that it has been a part of in its two thousand year history.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, German Studies, Medieval Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO181/ THEO281/CATH181  
Students will learn to analyze and interpret religious texts, beliefs and practices using standard scholarly methods and tools


Students will learn to analyze and interpret religious texts, beliefs and practices using standard scholarly methods and tools
THEO 282  Hinduism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course provides an introduction to Hinduism.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO196/ASIA196/INTS294  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Hindu scriptures, the general outline of the historical evolution of Hinduism, the key Hindu concepts, terms, values, and religious practices, and the basic narratives and imagery of Hinduism


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Hindu scriptures, the general outline of the historical evolution of Hinduism, the key Hindu concepts, terms, values, and religious practices, and the basic narratives and imagery of Hinduism
THEO 293  Christian Marriage  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course examines the Christian understanding of marriage.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO193/THEO293/CATH193  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of historical & ethical principles used to evaluate particular issues relevant to the understanding of the Christian tradition of marriage


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of historical & ethical principles used to evaluate particular issues relevant to the understanding of the Christian tradition of marriage
THEO 295  Islam  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course will provide an introduction to Islam.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Arabic Language and Culture, Asian Studies, Global Studies, Islamic World Studies, Arabic Language and Culture, Asian Studies, Global Studies, Islamic World Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO195/ASIA195/INTS295/IWS195  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Muslim scriptures, the general outline of the historical evolution of Islam, the key Islamic concepts, terms, values, and religious practices, and the diversity within Islam


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Muslim scriptures, the general outline of the historical evolution of Islam, the key Islamic concepts, terms, values, and religious practices, and the diversity within Islam
THEO 297  Buddhism  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
This course provides an introduction to Buddhism.
Knowledge Area: Tier 2 Theological Knowledge  
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies, Japanese Language and Culture  
Course equivalencies: THEO197/ASIA197/INTS297  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Buddhist scriptures, the general outline of the historical evolution of Buddhism, including its different major branches, and the key Buddhist concepts, terms, values, and religious practices


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the most important Buddhist scriptures, the general outline of the historical evolution of Buddhism, including its different major branches, and the key Buddhist concepts, terms, values, and religious practices
THEO 299  Religions of Asia  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 100, THEO 107, or equivalent; please check requirements for declared majors/minors for exceptions  
An introductory survey of selected teachings, institutions, and practices of the great religious traditions of South Asia and East Asia placed in historical context.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies  
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO199/ASIA199/INTS199  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the central texts, beliefs, ethical understandings, and practices of at least three Asian religions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the central texts, beliefs, ethical understandings, and practices of at least three Asian religions
THEO 302  Wisdom Literature and Psalms  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 111  
A study of the wisdom literature of the Old Testament, attention to the nature of the wisdom tradition in Israel; study of the Psalms as the prayer of Israel.
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity
THEO 303  Pentateuch  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 111  
The literary structure of the first five books of the Bible.
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity
THEO 304  Israel Conquest to Exile  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 111  
A study of the so-called historical books of the Bible (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings) with attention to the history of Israel from conquest to exile.
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of central texts, beliefs, ethical understanding, and practices of Judaism and Christianity
THEO 308  Biblical Hebrew I  (3 Credit Hours)  
The sound, forms and grammar of biblical language. Selected readings from the Old Testament.
Course equivalencies: X-THEO308/CLST101  
Students will demonstrate an understanding of Biblical Hebrew


Students will demonstrate an understanding of Biblical Hebrew
THEO 309  Biblical Hebrew II  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 308  
Further study of biblical language. Selected readings from the Old Testament.
Course equivalencies: X-THEO309/CLST102  
Students will demonstrate an understanding of Biblical Hebrew


Students will demonstrate an understanding of Biblical Hebrew
THEO 311  The Meaning of Jesus Christ  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 104  
Interpretations of the person and work of Jesus.
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the nature of Jesus Christ as both human and divine, what this might mean, how this formulation was derived, and the varieties of understanding of Christ within the Scriptures, the church, and modern scholarship


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the nature of Jesus Christ as both human and divine, what this might mean, how this formulation was derived, and the varieties of understanding of Christ within the Scriptures, the church, and modern scholarship
THEO 313  Gospels of Matthew, Mark & Luke  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: THEO 112  
An analysis of the development of the synoptic tradition (the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke).
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the various literary elements found in these particular gospels


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the various literary elements found in these particular gospels
THEO 317  Christian Thought: Ancient-Medieval  (3 Credit Hours)  
The development of various Christian doctrines in light of their historical milieu during the first fourteen centuries of Christian thought.
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, European Studies, Medieval Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO317/CATH317/MSTU360  
Students will be able to assess how various configurations of theological perspectives can both expand and foreshorten the way human thinking has gone on


Students will be able to assess how various configurations of theological perspectives can both expand and foreshorten the way human thinking has gone on
THEO 318  Christian Thought: Reformation to Modern  (3 Credit Hours)  
The development of various Christian doctrines in light of their historical milieu during the last six centuries of Christian thought.
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, European Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO318/CATH318  
Students will be able to assess how various configurations of theological perspectives can both expand and foreshorten the way human thinking has gone on


Students will be able to assess how various configurations of theological perspectives can both expand and foreshorten the way human thinking has gone on
THEO 330  Liberation Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
An introduction to the contemporary theologies of liberation emerging in Latin American, African, and Asian Christian.
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies, Global Studies, Latin American Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO/INTS/LASP330/PAX332  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions
THEO 331  Theology of Secularization  (3 Credit Hours)  
An exploration of the history of secularization and the context it establishes for American Christianity. Focus on practical issues of Christian living.
Students will be able to analyze and interpret various ways in which religious traditions intersect with contemporary issues


Students will be able to analyze and interpret various ways in which religious traditions intersect with contemporary issues
THEO 340  Foundations of Christian Morality  (3 Credit Hours)  
A survey of theological and philosophical issues which shape the articulation of specific moral principles.
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions
THEO 342  Perspectives on Life and Death  (3 Credit Hours)  
Examination of the exploration of our perception of the life range for possible reevaluation and rearticulation, in view of modern scientific developments.
Interdisciplinary Option: Bioethics  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO342/BIET342  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions
THEO 343  Contemporary Christian Sexuality  (3 Credit Hours)  
Examination of inter-religious perspectives in contemporary sexual ethics.
Interdisciplinary Option: Bioethics  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO343/BIET343  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions
THEO 344  Theology and Ecology  (3 Credit Hours)  
Examination of the ecological, ethical and theological analyses of humanity's relationship to the natural world.
Interdisciplinary Option: Bioethics  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO344/ESP 344/BIET344  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of ethical comprehension, analysis, and decision-making within the context of select theological and religious traditions
THEO 348  Supervised Ministry  (3 Credit Hours)  
Placement in a ministerial position, on-site supervision, and biweekly individual or group meetings with the course director is required.
This course satisfies the Engaged Learning requirement.  
Students will be able to demonstrate how a sacramental system of aesthetics is often embedded in cultural artifacts


Students will be able to demonstrate how a sacramental system of aesthetics is often embedded in cultural artifacts
THEO 349  Theological Topics for the Bioethics Capstone  (3 Credit Hours)  
Pre-requisites: Two Science courses and two Ethics courses  
The interdisciplinary team-taught Bioethics capstone course examines a topic in bioethics from both scientific and ethical points of view. Topics may include bio-technologies, concepts of race and gender, the environment, reproduction, and others. This course number provides an elective for Theology students when the Bioethics capstone's topic is theological.
Interdisciplinary Option: Bioethics  
Students will understand the connection between ethical and scientific issues with regard to the special topic in theology


Students will understand the connection between ethical and scientific issues with regard to the special topic in theology
THEO 350  Topics in Islam  (3 Credit Hours)  
A deeper and more focused study of significant aspects of the religion of Islam.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies, Islamic World Studies  
Course equivalencies: XTHEO350INTS387ASIA350IWS350  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of Islam


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of Islam
THEO 352  Topics in Buddhism  (3 Credit Hours)  
A deeper and more focused study of significant aspects of Buddhism.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies, Japanese Language and Culture  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO352/INTS352/ASIA352  
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of Buddhism


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of Buddhism
THEO 353  Religious Traditions  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course investigates the historical, social, ritual and reflective positions of one or more religious traditions. It likewise develops the student's abilities to use contemporary methods of historical, theological, and social scientific analysis of religious traditions.
THEO 356  Topics in Judaism  (3 Credit Hours)  
A deeper and more focused study of significant aspects of Judaism.
Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of Judaism


Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of Judaism
THEO 365  Women, Gender and Embodiment in Islam  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will consider gender both as articulated in normative Islamic religious and legal systems and as embodied during various historical periods in a range of Muslim societies. Students will read a number of the most important academic studies in this field and consider anthropological and cultural materials including films and short stories that disclose Muslim practices and concepts of maleness, femaleness, and gender relations.
Interdisciplinary Option: Arabic Language and Culture, Asian Studies, Global Studies, Islamic World Studies, Women & Gender Studies  
Course equivalencies: THEO/ASIA/INTS/WSGS/IWS365  
THEO 366  Contemporary Islamic Thought and Movements  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will consider contemporary Islamic thought and movements world-wide. After a brief introduction to Islam and the historical development of the tradition up to the present, students will learn about a range of contemporary Muslim intellectual and activist movements and thinkers through the study of original writings and secondary analysis. Some major figures to be considered include: Syed Maududi, Sayyid Qutb, Fazlur Rahman, and other Muslim intellectuals representing movements such as Jama'at-i Islami, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Islamic liberalism. We will focus on the 20th century up to the most current trends. Some of the theological and social issues that will be discussed are gender, the ideal political order, Islamic law and its role in society, and pluralism.
Interdisciplinary Option: Asian Studies, Global Studies, Islamic World Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO/ASIA/IWS366/INTS366A  
THEO 373  Theology Capstone  (3 Credit Hours)  
Students enrolling in this course must have junior status and be Theology majors. This 3 credit capstone course gives students an opportunity to integrate various aspects of their theological education, drawing upon the major sources of Christian and Catholic tradition, including Scripture, History, Systematic Theology, and Ethics.
Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the varied sources within Christian theological traditions and how to make reasoned theological arguments


Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the varied sources within Christian theological traditions and how to make reasoned theological arguments
THEO 376  Language and Faith  (3 Credit Hours)  
A cultural approach to the study of religious faith through the framework of language.
THEO 378  Theology and Culture  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course can count as an elective for the major or minor. The course will be divided into three parts: (1) an exploration of the interaction between theological reflection & culture; (2) a look at some theological texts that compare Christian and non-Christian practices and practices in the U.S. where different cultural understandings interact; (3) a study of postmodernism.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 382  Readings-Liturgy  (3 Credit Hours)  
Examination of the readings, prayers, songs, rites of contemporary liturgies. Comparison of these materials with those of traditional liturgies and evaluation of the underlying principles.
Students will be able to demonstrate how a sacramental system of aesthetics is often embedded in cultural artifacts


Students will be able to demonstrate how a sacramental system of aesthetics is often embedded in cultural artifacts
THEO 383  Theology Arts & Literature  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
Study of theological and religious symbols and themes in modern literature and/or in the arts.
Interdisciplinary Option: Catholic Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO383/ENGL383/CATH383  
The student who successfully completes this course will be able to demonstrate knowledge about religion and its intersections with selected contemporary ethical, social, political, economic, or cultural issues


The student who successfully completes this course will be able to demonstrate knowledge about religion and its intersections with selected contemporary ethical, social, political, economic, or cultural issues
THEO 392  Readings in Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
A reading course with variable content in the area of theology. Open to major and non-majors with permission of instructor.
THEO 393  Seminar  (3 Credit Hours)  
An undergraduate seminar course for majors and minors in the Theology department; variable content, addressing topical issues that are not covered by the regular offerings at the 300 level.
Students will gain an in-depth understanding of a selected topic


Students will gain an in-depth understanding of a selected topic
THEO 395  Theology Tutorial  (3 Credit Hours)  
Tutorials for seniors on selected topics in biblical, systematic, historical or moral theology.
Students will gain an in-depth understanding of a selected topic


Students will gain an in-depth understanding of a selected topic
THEO 401  Tutorial in Biblical Studies  (3 Credit Hours)  
A reading course with variable content and readings in the area of biblical studies.
THEO 403  Topics in Rabbinic & Medieval Literature  (3 Credit Hours)  
Topics in post-biblical Jewish literature and thought, covering texts from approximately 200 to 1600.
THEO 404  History of Israel  (3 Credit Hours)  
A study of the history of ancient Israel, with particular attention to the principal features of its religion and its historical evolution, in the context of the ancient Near East.
Course equivalencies: IPS 440/THEO 404  
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 405  Formation of The Pentateuch  (3 Credit Hours)  
An in-depth examination of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible and the Christian Old Testament, in their unity and discreetness, with a view to articulating the principal themes of the Pentateuch and the history of its composition.
Course equivalencies: IPS441/THEO 405  
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 406  Basic Hebrew Grammar  (3 Credit Hours)  
Study of the fundamental elements of classical Hebrew.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 407  Hebrew Exegesis  (3 Credit Hours)  
Introduction to the fundamentals of classical Hebrew, including the Hebrew alphabet, basic syntax, and the basic grammatical forms of the language, designed to advance reading knowledge of the Old Testament.
THEO 418  Theological Prophets-Ancient Israel  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines the prophetic literature of ancient Israel, in its ancient historical context and as it can be illuminated by contemporary sociological and anthropological perspectives. Standard historical-critical methods will be used throughout.
Course equivalencies: IPS 442/THEO 418  
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 420  Seminar  (3 Credit Hours)  
No course description is available
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 421  Directed Reading in Bible Studies  (1-3 Credit Hours)  
No course description is available
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 422  Directed Reading in Bible Studies  (3 Credit Hours)  
Independent research in topics in bible studies according to program developed jointly by the student & faculty director.
THEO 424  The Synoptic Gospels  (3 Credit Hours)  
Study of the diversity of early Christianity as represented in the Synoptic Gospels, particularly the commonalities and contrasts in the worldviews operative in Mark, Luke, and Matthew.
Course equivalencies: IPS 445/THEO 424  
THEO 425  Luke-Acts & New Testament Church  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines the material on the early church in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles from a historical and critical point of view.
Course equivalencies: IPS 446/THEO 425  
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 427  St Paul's Contribution to Christianity  (3 Credit Hours)  
Examination of Paul's thought through exacting analysis of Pauline passages; an attempt to formulate what is uniquely Pauline in the New Testament witnesses; and an awareness of how deeply Paul affected the formation of Christianity.
Course equivalencies: IPS 448/THEO 427  
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 429  Person of Jesus in New Testament  (3 Credit Hours)  
In this course, attention will be given to the presentation of the meaning of Jesus Christ within the earliest Christian communities.
Course equivalencies: IPS 449/THEO 429  
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 436  Christology  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will study the speculations and formulations concerning the person of Christ and the redemptive incarnation from the early fathers and councils up to and including modern times.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 437  Mystery of God in Christian Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
The Christian church has insisted, from the beginning, that Jesus Christ is decisive in humanity's access to, and understanding of, God. This realization was expressed in the doctrine of the Trinity.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 440  Seminar in Systematic Theology  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
No course description is available
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 441  Directed Reading in Systematic Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
Independent research in topics in systematic theology according to program developed jointly by the student & faculty director.
THEO 447  Philosophical Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
A study of the ways in which philosophical assumptions, systems, and methodologies shape theological reflection.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 449  Phenomenology of Religion  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will examine religion from a phenomenological point of view, allowing the methods and texts of phenomenology to shape our understanding of religious phenomena, such as revelation, givenness, metaphysics, incarnation, etc.. Topics may also include investigations of the borders between phenomenology and theology.
THEO 459  Contemporary Theology  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
Advanced study of readings and themes in contemporary theology, in conversation with a variety of disciplines.
THEO 460  Seminar in History of Theology  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
A consideration of the organizing models characteristic of theology in particular periods. The seminar is organized around a specific doctrinal theme determined, in part, by the specialized interests of the students.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 461  Directed Readings in History of Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
Independent research in topics in history of theology according to program developed jointly by the student and faculty director.
THEO 464  Religion & Politics in Christian History  (3 Credit Hours)  
Exploration of the intersections of religious and political thought in Christian history from the 19th century to today.
THEO 470  Foundations Crititical Issues Theological Ethics  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
Devoted to a critical analysis of theological ethics firmly rooted in the historical method, studying the various methodologies, critical issues and the personalities.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 475  Natural Law & Theological Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Some of the many theological interpretations of natural law developed in Western Christian thought will be examined. The issue of a specific Christian ethic vis-à-vis a universal humanistic ethic will be investigated.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 477  Feminist Issues in Theology and Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Designed around current issues in feminist theology and ethics. Issues include the role of the Bible in feminist theology, hermeneutics, theological education, church and sacraments, as well as normative theory, sexuality and reproduction, and ecology.
Interdisciplinary Option: Women & Gender Studies  
Course equivalencies: X-THEO477/WOST468/WSGS468  
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 478  Issues in Medical Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course will deal with the problems of abortion, genetic engineering, technological reproduction, sterilization of the handicapped, prolonging life, etc.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 480  Seminar in Christian Ethics  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
In-depth study of select topics in contemporary Christian ethics. Topics vary from faith and morality, religion and politics, church-state relations, and work to ecology, sexuality, and eschatology.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 481  Directed Readings Christian Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
Independent research in topics in Christian ethics according to program developed jointly by the student and faculty director.
THEO 515  Gospels in Early Christianity  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will focus on the study of one or the other of the four gospels.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 517  Early Christian Letters  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
This course studies letters from Christian leaders of the first two centuries A.D. in their original Greek language.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 519  Latr Nt-Subapost Writ  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course studies New Testament and non-canonical Christian writings in their original Greek language from the late first and early second century A.D.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 523  Cultural-Religious Environment Early Christianity  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course examines specific aspects of the cultural and religious environment of the Mediterranean world between 200 B.C. and A.D. 300 relevant to early Christianity. Outcomes A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course.
THEO 527  Various Community Early Christianity  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course will examine the identity, cohesion, and institutions of various communal groups in early Christianity.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 530  Seminar - Variable Titles  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
Extensive and in-depth study of selected topic.
THEO 536  Christian Doctrine-Catholic Theology  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will examine the dialectical relationships between Christian doctrine and theological learning.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 560  Contemporary Authors  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
This course will examine the methods, concerns, major issues, achievements, and lasting influence of twentieth century writers whose work has significantly shaped theology today.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 570  Fundamental Issues in Christian Ethics  (1-12 Credit Hours)  
Fundamental issues raised in defining Christian ethics, delineating its sources and methods, developing normative theories, and analyzing processes of moral decision-making.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 573  Roman Catholic Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course will concentrate on one or more classic topics in Roman Catholic ethics.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 575  Religious Ethics and Social Theory  (3 Credit Hours)  
This course investigates what religious ethics gains from and contributes to basic concerns.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 580  Christian Social Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
The course will examine the sources, transformation, problematics, and potential directions in developing the middle principles which articulate the interaction of theological ethics and social questions.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 585  Issues Applied Theology Ethics  (3 Credit Hours)  
An examination in depth one or more areas which have traditionally engaged religious ethicists.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 590  Directed Readings and Research  (3 Credit Hours)  
No course description is available
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 592  Directed Readings  (3 Credit Hours)  
Independent research according to program developed jointly by the student and faculty director.
THEO 593  Directed Readings  (3 Credit Hours)  
Independent research according to program developed jointly by the student and faculty director.
THEO 600  Dissertation Supervision  (0 Credit Hours)  
Students who have filed the dissertation paperwork and are currently writing, should be enrolled in this course. You must be enrolled in some course every semester.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 605  Master's Study  (0 Credit Hours)  
Students who have completed their Master's level course work and are preparing for the comprehensive exams should enroll in this course, unless they plan to take the exam while taking courses. You must be enrolled in some course every semester.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course
THEO 610  Doctoral Study  (0 Credit Hours)  
Students who have completed their doctoral level course work and are studying for the written and oral comprehensive exams should be enrolled in this course. You must be enrolled in some course every semester.
A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course


A deep level of understanding and of critical thinking with respect to the subject matter of the course